

13 Nov


Originally posted by ossuggestion

Depends how the Achievement reward system is structured. If it's going to dish out rewards in a structure similar to existing diaries for each tier completion and not on a per task basis then I would recommend boss slayer tickets. They would be consumed on use to not make them OP and keeps them limited. It should require having "like a boss" unlocked via a slayer master and by redeeming it would guarantee your next slayer task will be a boss task. The boss task received would still be randomized as to not cause unnecessary crowding by players selecting preferred bosses to farm. At the end of the day rewards for achievements should not be something crazy op or necessary for an account but more a bonus to incentivize people to try out combat achievements and not make it a necessary grind.

What happens when you've done all the achievements, would it be possible to get more tickets or do you work with what you have and enjoy the temporary benefit of them?


Originally posted by runner5678

Spitballing some ideas:


  • Elite Void - Blood red for ToB?
  • BP - Magma and green re-colors. Mutagen for the Magma has been asked for but no way around the BP already being Tanzanite so maybe sacrificing any mutagen unlocks the ability to toggle any of the three colors
  • DHCB - with Vork/KBD Head, maybe add Hydra and Olm too
  • DHL - with Vork/KBD Head, maybe add Hydra and Olm too
  • Barrows - Ability to turn ghostly robes into the classic Barrows pink
  • Gauntlet - Ability to keep the blue color when upgrading the Blade to a corrupted Blade. I just think the classic crystal blue looks way, way better.
  • Gauntlet - Ability to re-color the Crystal Armor/Bow to red for those who disagree with me.
  • Jad - Unlock access to a hard-mode with a Blue/Karuulm skin that gives the option for re-color to that blue. Put triple Jad at the end? Tie the lore into Mount Karuulm somehow. Unlock a mini-quest that explains the ...
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Wow, such a long list! Thank you, some great stuff in here. I'm a big fan of the cosmetics especially, always good to show off with too haha


Originally posted by BlinkL780

the ability to create instances in otherwise non-instanced bosses.

cheaper item retrieval services (maybe free at elite)

noted drops from bosses/monsters in areas you've already completed the elite diary for (like noted drops from obor if you have the elite varrock diary)

greater drop chance for the giant keys and ecumenical keys

a restoration pool near a teleport (like the one in the ferox enclave)

the ability to challenge slayer bosses without a slayer task a number of times per day

the ability to send your butler to retrieve items from an item retrieval service for you?

the ability to make "taunt tablets" that work like normal tele tablets except they reset your aggro timer.

the ability to make "peace tablets" that work like normal tele tablets except they make monsters unaggressive towards you for a duration

the ability to "upgrade" dragonstone jewellery to function as rechargeable versions of other telepo...

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Some interesting suggestions here, thank you for providing so many!


Originally posted by Zanthy1

If its tiered like achievement diaries, I see no issue with xp lamp rewards and maybe some cool teleports/shortcuts, things that when earned can make certain combat related things easier to get to, or like access to a bank somewhere that is normally quite far from one? Or maybe not a bank but a bank deposit box?

Do you have any specific telepoers or shortcuts in mind?


Originally posted by globety1

Hard or Elite reward that deletes the account of people crashing your solo Corp kill.

How often does this happen to you out of interest? Is it more a one time only every now and then thing, or are people following you around the worlds and intentionally greifing you?


Originally posted by BioMasterZap

They probably should be cosmetic unless they are designed to be buffs like diaries. If it has multiple tiers, which it should so it can provide new players a way to get into Bossing, it could have an armor set with each tier giving another piece or a cape that upgrades each tier like with the Raids Capes.

I also do like the ideas I've seen for orn kits for Armors like Bandos or Arma or for often requested boss pet transmogs. It could make such cosmetics a bit more meaningful if it also shows some PvM achievement, like the ones from Challenge Raids.

Also, don't forget about those Dragon Hunter Crossbow recolors; I still want my KBD DHCB... Achievements could be a good place to offer them, even if they still need the boss heads. If each achievement or set (e.g. achievements per boss or group rather than difficulty tier) had a reward, you could get the Vorkath recolor after Vorkath achievements and KBD recolor after KBD achievements.

Speaking of that, it could ...

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I completely forgot about the DHCB recolours!! Thanks for the suggestions, some solid stuff here :)


Originally posted by valarauca14

A few:

  • Void Knight re-colors
  • The ability to use a Vork Head/Dragonic Visage/KBD Head to convert the Player Owned House Combat Dummy into a Dragon Combat Dummy. Which would function the same as the Undead Combat Dummy, but for testing max hits of Dragonbane Weapons. Maybe the elite tier could have an Undead Dragon Dummy b/c everyone does Vork.
  • Marble Floor PoH reskin.
  • ALL Metal Dragons drop noted bars (Bronze for easy, Iron/Steel for med, Mith/Addy for Hard, Rune for Elite).
  • Hespori no longer poisons you.
  • Special Attack restore item 1/2/3/4 times per day (for easy/med/hard/elite tier). Contraversal, likely meta for several things (boss speed running in particular), hard to c...
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Some solid suggestions here, thank you!


Originally posted by TheOneNotNamed

Stealing this from someone on Twitter. But depending on if there will be "tiers" to the difficulty of the achievements. Maybe have some cool gear recolors for the most difficult ones, but have some more practical benefits for the lower tier ones. To maybe get more people interested in pushing their limits with bossing. I know i'm not actually listing anything specific though lol.

I think you raised some good points for us to expand on so thank you (even if you did steal it from Twitter, gotta respect the hustle)


Originally posted by shittycaptcha3333

I think the rewards should be related to the achievement and I don't know any of the achievements so I can't suggest any rewards.

I think it would be a terrible idea if the rewards were skilling resources, as that just continues to reduce how effective skilling is to bring those into the game, farmable PvM drops have done enough damage already.

Fair point, I can see why you'd want to know the achievements first. Are there any general PvM rewards you have in mind that might fit?

And adding skilling resources as a reward for completing them isn't something you need worry about, I agree it would be a bad idea (and not overly rewarding outside of ironman!)


Originally posted by FoxySatyr

Whoa Ayiza what's up. And yeah currently grinding for 3 more armor seeds.

I just need two more seeds now but I'm hopeful I'll get the blade by the time I've got the weapon seeds too. Gl with the rest of your grind :)


Grats on the pets, such insane luck! I love the Grotesque Guardians pet too, it looks awesome!


Damn I am envious of your luck. I'm only on around 30 corrupted KC but would love your luck :D


Congrats!! What's next?


Originally posted by Cat_Marshal

If you are US you only get one clue at a time still, so you could juggle in order to complete a slayer task before going to do the clues. That is the only thing I can think of. If you picked last recall, this is hardly an issue though.

That's what I had in mind when writing the post yeah


Originally posted by snowflakesplz

I chose Treasure Seeker because and only because I saw that a huge number of points were essentially only completable with that relic as it would be far too difficult to complete hard/elite/master clues with Unnatural Selection. Unnatural Selection seems like the clearly more fun relic and is still very powerful but I chose TS thinking about points long term. Now US will be the obviously more fun relic, very powerful, and gets thousands of more points unlocked that were TS only while TS is a minor clue scroll convenience relic.

This change negates the sole reason I and many others took the relic and in this thread you're hearing from the majority with Unnatural Selection being happy with the idea of thousands of points suddenly becoming available to them but for the minority of us who chose TS this is a massive nerf while adding a relatively minor quality of life for us (in my opinion).

While not explicitly changing the relics themselves this has the same effect as...

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I'm sorry you feel so bad about the choice you made. Could you perhaps elaborate on the difference you think this creates that causes such a gap in points? As far as I'm aware, Unnatural Selection users are still juggling clues to complete them and get the points. Does this streamline it too much? Is it something else? Genuinely just trying to understand more :)

What about the other benefits from Treasure Seeker like being able to get clues below Hard much easier, clues from skilling with a much higher rate and the lower number of steps? What happens when Unnatural Selection users are done with combat/Slayer and start skilling for more points where they don't get more clues? I think Treasure Seeker has a lot to offer for clues overall.


Originally posted by multip

First of all, thanks a ton for listening to the minority of players who are TS pickers like myself, rather than just going with the "Utilitarian" argument and buffing clues because fully complete-able clues would be fun for the most people. This new proposal does a lot to help, specifically by making the decreased number of steps from TS actually meaningful in the ability to complete clues. I would not be upset if this proposal went live as opposed to the previous one which I was quite upset about. This solution also avoids punishing those who chose region based on clue completion rates (not me, but I know many did) which I think is great.

That being said, I still would have picked US with this new proposal. This is because it shifts the balance between the slayer QoL improvements from US and the sheer point value of TS. Before, I basically thought "Wow, it would be nice to pick slayer tasks and get more superiors, but so many points are locked behind clues. Seems lik...

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I much prefer putting out proposals vs making changes without informing the community until after, you all help make the game as great as it is.

Im glad you see the benefit to the change. I might get blasted to oblivion for this take but I am honestly so surprised people feel Unnatural Selection is so superior for points from clues. I agree Superiors are a very good source for clues, but that's the only real increased source of them for Unnatural Selection users and its for hard and above. This forces those players into doing Slayer to get them too. I think the strength of that diminishes over time as you get the combat related tasks complete. On the other hand Treasure Seeker benefits from increased rates of clues from all creatures, and for all clue levels. They also get increased rates from skilling too, so you can get tasks completed in other skills along the way. I honestly think in the long run Treasure Seeker is better for clue points but this is just my take on it a...

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Originally posted by The_Void_Reaver

I understand why you don't want to make changes to how the relics work but I think this change would be best if it did what is currenlty being suggested while also taking clues off(or make 1/35 or 1/50) the guaranteed drop table from superiors. While there's still a clear advantage to being able to stack clues and work through them all at once it seems like superiors give too much access to clues when the other relic is wholly dedicated to collecting and opening clues.

It's nice that I don't have to juggle clues anymore but neither do the US players while getting massive advantages relating to what is basically the central skill in the game.

I will happily accept these changes because they're much better at advantaging the Clue Hunter players compared to the previous ones. I don't think clues should be so easily attainable for players who have clearly decided not to focus on clues.

Edit: One idea I had for improving a clue relic while not taking any power fr...

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I agree Superiors are a very good source for clues, but that's the only real increased source of them for Unnatural Selection users and its for hard and above. This forces those players into doing Slayer to get their clues. I think the strength of that diminishes over time as you get the combat related tasks complete. On the other hand Treasure Seeker benefits from increased rates of clues from all creatures, and for all clue levels. They also get increased rates from skilling too, so you can get tasks completed in other skills along the way. I honestly think in the long run Treasure Seeker is much better for clue points, maybe even points overall, but this is just my take on it and I am probably wrong :D


Originally posted by mamberu

Thing is though, I wouldn't have picked clue relic if we didn't need to juggle. The only thing clue relic currently has going for it is an easier time juggling, reducing a couple steps, and not having to leave to do a clue every 20 kills.

Take away the need for juggling and suddenly the amount of steps needed per clue doesn't matter much as it's just a couple more kills for your next clue, leaving clue relics with only getting the benefit of not needing to pause what they're doing every time they get a clue.

I see your point and I'm curious to know why this change would impact your decision? Unnatural Selection users are already juggling clues to get them completed, is it because it streamlines it too much or something else?


Originally posted by HiddenGhost1234

The game auto juggling clues for you?

Now that should have been how it was from the start.

I think that's a nice middle ground. Let's natural selection still give you clues while letting treasure hunter still help out.

People were having so much fun with clues last league. Hopefully this change will help to recreate that fun.

I'm glad you like it, we felt it was the fairest change we could make if any, though I do see why some people preferred the previous proposal too.