

13 Nov


Hi all! We're working on a design for Combat Achievements (once known as PvM Achievement Diaries) and we want your input into the design!

Yesterday we asked you about task difficulty. Today we're talking rewards!

When you hear Combat Achievements, what kind of rewards do you think of?

Looking foward to seeing what you all suggest!

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Originally posted by Oats_Bruthur_

Thank you so much, Seems to be working properly now! :D

No worries at all. Good luck with the drops!


Hey /u/Oats_Bruthur_ I believe this should be fixed now, let me know if you still have any issues getting to the chest and thank you for the reports regarding it :)

12 Nov


Hi all! We recently mentioned an upcoming blog and poll for Combat Achievements in September's Gielinor Gazette.

The design is progressing well and we'll have more info to share with you soon!

I'm curious to know when you first heard of Combat Achievements, what were the hardest tasks you were thinking of? Anything insane that came to mind? Let me know by replying here :)

And as always thank you for being so engaged with providing feedback, it's very much appreciated!

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11 Nov


Originally posted by Aron_b

As someone who picked treasure hunter exclusively because it made juggling clues easier, thinking juggling would be the only reliable way to complete hard, elite and master clues. The answer to your questions:

- I juggle medium clues and above. It's not necessary for medium clues, but it helps alot with the completion rate. Hard tier and above, it's pretty much necessary.

- I don't think it should've been designed the way it is, which makes juggling clues necessary for consistent completion of high tier clues. But the only reason I picked this relic is because Jagex has said very clearly that this was how clues were going to work and that they did not want to make any changes that weren't bug fixes (such as the Zeah steps).

- I feel like it has added an interesting and challenging dynamic. It makes clues take alot more effort to complete, which is partly compensated by the very high rate at which clue uniques drop.

If the proposed changes are implem...

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Thank you for the reply, I really appreciate it!


Originally posted by YellowSucks

Just wanna take a moment to appreciate you and the rest of the team working to make these choices and communicate everything. It'd be impossible to please everyone I assume, but leagues has been an amazing experience. Hope you guys are finding time to enjoy it as well.

Thank you! This was never going to be an easy one to bring forward but it has to be done :) I'm thoroughly enjoying the league, most fun I've had in-game for a long long time!


Originally posted by Atalantic

With Last Recall, stackable clues are not a huge time save as you can just recall back to the area where you're farming clues. 1/20 vs 1/25 is not a big difference, especially with unnatural selection's ability to spam clue dropping superiors.

The major draw for Treasure Seeker for most of us is that it increased the odds for us to finish a clue scroll. Removing the variety of clues will already make clues more grindy and less interesting.

Clues outside of masters ARE DOABLE for unnatural selection pickers. Please don't debuff another less popular relic because people who chose the other relic are getting buyer's remorse.

Oh I know it's not a huge time save, I was just pointing out there are still differences between the two rather than saying one is better than the other. Out of interest are you having to juggle a lot of clues? Do you think having to juggle them should be the only way to complete them? How do you feel about that if so? Asking because I just want to understand a little more from your perspective vs someone who doesn't currently do clues.


Originally posted by Slimeria

  1. I believe it was Mod Flippy who suggested that, if you want to complete clues, you should take regions with good clue completion chances. I know several people who did this. My best friend picked exploding attacks because he thought farming clues late game with it would be his ace in the hole. This is unfair to people who chose regions based around completions, people who took clue relic, people who opened cashed in banked clues already, and people who took exploding attacks to farm clues anticipating a scenario where it would take many many stacked clues to do endgame clue tasks.
  2. The stackable feature of clues is only really very beneficial for the juggling benefit. Right now you get a massive time save with task picker, but juggling clues is a hassle, and master tasks are more or less dead. After the proposal the only difference really is a 1/25 chance vs a 1 in 20 chance. Treasure Seekers will not be able to reliably farm slayer bosses and are at several disad...

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We're completely open to hearing any other suggestions that are brought forward, that's the reason we do this kind of post so we can gather your feedback and alter things appropriately. There is no intention to be disingenuous here, we're just trying to put forward suggestions that would benefit everyone. It's a definite buff to both Relic choices and I'm not trying to convince players that Treasure Seeker is outright the better option, sorry if it comes across that way.

In regards to the previous comments from JMods, we've had a really hard time trying to come forward with any potential change now the League is live. It's not something we really want to be doing, hence the suggestions about how the Relics have their merit in the right conditions. At the end of the day we're just trying to make the game as enjoyable for everyone, so as a team we have to be open to making some changes if they're the right thing to do. Getting it right is what is important and that's why we'r...

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Originally posted by CanterFr

Why is this change being applied to everyone though? Shouldn't this be a straight buff to the clue relic only? This would keep the integrity of the task system, we chose treasure seeker for the 4k points in tasks, now the entire relic will be useless compared to unnatural selection. All this is doing is nerfing treasure seeker mechanics.

We're really trying to avoid changing the actual Relics. We definitely haven't been perfect in doing that as we've had to make some really tough decisions recently. It's also down to the fact that a lot of players are unhappy with clues in general, regardless of their relic choice, but this proposal at leasts benefits everyone playing whilst still giving the Relic choices their strengths, even if they don't appear to be as effective.


I'm not sure if this will be seen in the vast sea of comments, but I just wanted to point out that it's unlikely we'll be able to give people the option to repick relics they've already unlocked as part of this proposal. We wanted to put this out there to get a general feel for how players felt and won't make any changes if there isn't a clear decision to be made. We'll use the time between now and next week's game update to figure out what the best thing to do is based on your overall feedback.

EDIT: Hi-jacking my own post for visibility sake. I just wanted to say a massive thank you to each and every one of you for giving your feedback. I tried to keep up at the start with replying but I have no chance now. Please rest assured even though I don't reply to every comment, I am reading them all <3


Originally posted by Bizarrmenian

and making the requirement (at least for non-treasure hunter folks) to unlock all 3 regions first before, it will make both sides fair. u/JagexAyiza

We did discuss this when going through the proposal but for whatever reason I can't recall why it wasn't added to the newspost. I'll chase it up tomorrow and see if we need to make an edit.


Originally posted by Sarasun

You're just super far off here. Unnatural benefits from this a LOT, LOT more than clue relic does.

This is like if you increased the amount of slayer points from tasks to 50 from 15, then claimed "it still helps out unnatural selection players because they can buy the rewards faster" or something. You're not wrong, but you're also ignoring how insanely strong of a buff it is for the other relic.

Please heavily reconsider this change (or allowing repick of relic 4). If you have to go through with it, buff clue relic in a way that benefits slayer like a change to slayer points earned. Seriously, it's super awful trying to get tasks like kraken, hellhounds or abby demons for boss slayer :(

I'm not intentionally ignoring that its a buff for Unnatural Selection, I fully agree that it is, I was just stating the difference between the two which I think is still valid even if it's not strong enough to warrant Treasure Seeker being better. Maybe I should have worded it a bit better sorry!


Originally posted by NotThingRs

Are you making sure the items required are also attainable in the unlocked areas?

That is the intention with this yeah


Originally posted by King_Clogged

"knowing you can complete every one" Am i wrong here isn't this change going to make every clue possible to complete, and 2-3 steps in a limited pool of steps saves 1 minute a clue xD

Yes every clue would be technically possible to complete, but remember some clue steps might require certain skills or items still. Treasure Seeker would save some time in the long run compared to Unnatural Selection as you would have less steps and not have to leave each time you get a clue drop.


Originally posted by Bleeding_Irish

Honestly should allow people to re-pick T4. This is just a straight major buff to Unnatural Selection.

I understand it benefits clue relic, but now slayer relic gets access to superior tasks, slayer boss tasks, easy slayer points, and access to tackling clue point tasks.

Clue Relic lost most of its incentive if this change happens.


Realistically if you want to promote fun, just give everyone access to both relics since we can't repick.

Clue people get a head start in hoarding clues, while slayer people got their headstart from all the early slayer they got done. It sucks but it's honestly so much better than the current proposal and some of these suggestions.

Just chalk it as a lesson learned for the next league.

It's a definite buff for both sides, and I do agree that Unnatural Selection benefits from this proposal a considerable amount. That being said, Treasure Seeker users should still have the upper hand in regards to points from clues as you'll be able to stack them all knowing you can complete every one and you'll complete them faster with the lower step count.


We've resolved a bug that was causing Ice Barrage to cast faster than intended for players with the Double Cast Relic when using an Ahrim's staff.

The newspost has been updated to reflect these changes:


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We've resolved a bug that was causing Ice Barrage to cast faster than intended for players with the Double Cast Relic when using an Ahrim's staff.

The newspost has been updated to reflect these changes:


10 Nov


There definitely should have been an easter egg for doing this, justified dev time tbh

09 Nov


Next week we'll be releasing a dedicated Trailblazer blog that aims to cover many of the questions you've been raising regarding the current League.

Have something in mind you'd like us to cover? Let us know by replying here!

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