

08 Nov


Forget the end goal I want to know when your next drawing will be, this is amazing!

07 Nov


I find it extremely difficult to just outright afk skill for some reason, I forget about it and get logged out so many times. If I'm logged in I'm typically playing OSRS and only OSRS, but I will happily bank stand for hours hahaha

06 Nov


OSRS is more popular now than its ever been! So it's definitely not too late to start :) Maybe try give the current league a try and then maybe you'll want to play ironman in the main game where you can go run around and do all the stuff you did back in the day and it be useful for your account :D

Definitely check out the Wiki too! They have a huge amount of information over there and the team do a great job of updating it with new info, guides and more!


Originally posted by Mershiando

Looks like hitpoints is the closest, but that could take some time...

Few barrage Slayer tasks and you'll be there in no time. Good luck with the grind <3


Congrats!!! What's your next 99 going to be? :)


Originally posted by swappinhood

Does this apply to PvP in the wilderness region as well? It's very annoying if you took the melee relic and the mager has 100% freeze/accuracy rate when you're trying to escape.

It only applies to combat with NPC's, it should work with the normal accuracy buffs in PvP but still have a chance to splash.


Originally posted by wtfiswrongwithit

Will you consider adding it for all spellbook spells? Essentially any spell that isn't cast by a powered staff, honestly, even those would be fine but, more on that later. This bug-turned-feature adds a lot of power to the desert for double cast users and region remorse for people who didn't select it, either because they weren't aware or assumed it would be fixed. In a lot of cases the powered staves will still be better than casting Fire Wave or Fire Surge but it would reduce situations where you have to hybrid/tribrid even though both of the other relics don't have to such as DKs, and situations that you're better off using a different attack style than the relic you picked like Vorkath.

In this post /u/jagexhusky cites ice barrage's inability to work with draining strikes as a reason empowered staves are better than ic...

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I understand your frustration, and I'd rather have no players be unhappy with their relic choices, but it's unlikely we'll be making further changes regarding spell accuracy and such now.

In regards to your point about ignoring your T3 relic for certain pieces of content, I personally have to do the same with Zulrah being a melee user for example. It's just something I've accepted as part of my decision making with planning. Granted for me it's not as drastic as you've described, but I do think that's a big part of the league in general.


Originally posted by IUseEllipsis

Hi Ayiza, I know you're getting a lot of comments but could you please comment on this and possibly even discuss it with the team depending on your response to this?

I would still claim that magic is the weakest of the 3 styles with this change reverted back... Even with magic reverted back (I'm actually happy with the accuracy bonus requirement for it to work). There is still the issue of 2 out of 3 of the tier six relics edging on entirely useless for magic. There is also being locked into ice magick.

In particular... It doesn't make sense to force the player to downrank a spell to benefit from something like draining strikes. Is there a limitation in the game that prevents draining strikes from working only on the specific target the player clicked and not on all the others hit by barrage? Perhaps a potential workaround is to give us 4 new ancient magick spells, single-target ones that have the same power as their barrage counterparts?

On top of ...

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I'm not sure on the balancing of the relics, though I do recall a few people saying that with the correct setup it's not actually as weak as you'd think, though this takes some good planning.

I personally feel like not every relic needs to be equally strong. I chose what I did because that's what I thought I would have the most fun with. I think we have a lot to learn for future leagues, and I would rather players not feel like they've made a mistake, but I don't think there will be any major changes to the relics in terms of balancing them out now we're already into the league.

Husky said this about the bind/ice spells, so I'll just copy paste it here. It's unlikely we'll make this change to any of the other spells because that check isn't currently present and it could lead to further issues:

We are essentially going with "We'll keep the bug but with extra steps" to prevent things like Justiciar being the best Mage Armour, theoretically.

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Originally posted by Tequ

Just wondering if you can share the techincal reason why? Seems so strange to me.

Also have you seen the AS bug on fossil island swamp critters?

Husky wrote this on Twitter so I'll just copy paste his reply

We are essentially going with "We'll keep the bug but with extra steps" to prevent things like Justiciar being the best Mage Armour, theoretically.

The bug was only present in "binding spells" because they have a separate acc check for those and that was the only one affected.

We've seen the AS thing on Fossil Island and don't really see it being that big an issue so it'll stay as it is!


Originally posted by Kinda_Trad

Have you guys taken into account what effect the rapid xp and drop rates on Trailblazer will have when these players gets back to the normal game? Are the worries about the potential lost interest exaggerated or warranted?

I think it's going to be interesting to see how players adjust going back to the main game that's for sure. I did an internal playtest yesterday and couldn't get over how slow melee felt in comparison!


Originally posted by Glum_Reaper

Those were fun streams though, using Synq's OP gear to try and rush Hydra.

It was actually PureSpam's gear, I had help from Synq when we were doing duo CoX though! Very fun times indeed, had a blast grinding that out to be honest.


I apologise if you feel I've been intentionally misleading players, I only ever try to say why a change was made, and the reason for this one is because it was a bug that was being abused. The newspost tries to explain how we came to resolving this issue, which does cover instances like attacks from the Giant Mole, but it is vague and I do agree it could have been made even clearer.

I don't think it's something we'd be able to change now because of it being abusable in various different situations, but we've learnt a lot for the next potential league.


Hopefully you saw the recent post about us reverting the silent hotfix from last night. Sorry you didn't hear anything sooner regarding this, it was a decision made quite late in the night.


You achieved what I could not.

The price I paid for rushing 95 Slayer was high. I'm still sad I didn't get 99 RC first.


Originally posted by Brainiac_Outcast

Is that +60 for perfect accuracy on everything or are we basically stuck with just ice being viable? I don't need a buff that huge, I would just like to see the spells all be balanced and the relic effect decent.

It's only for Bind spells and the Ice spells from the Ancient spellbook.


Originally posted by Nhyx3

well if you ad an amulet to it and maybe some higher level mage equipment then I guess you could also add a tank piece without going below 60

I was just about to add that with some small tweaks you could drop other pieces of gear quite easily. Even an Amulet of magic would give an extra +10 Magic accuracy for example


Originally posted by p3tch

face me u/JagexAyiza

I don't think we'll be changing that one back unfortunately as it could be abused in too many areas, I'm sorry (︶︹︶)


Originally posted by Kumagor0

Hello, I've checked your recent comments but didn't find anything regarding reasons behind glassmaking nerf. It's incredibly frustrating to see prod master relic description changed instead of its effect fixed to match description players used to make relic choice.

Could you please reconsider actually fixing prod master relic effect for glassmaking or at least provide some explanation why it's impossible?

We're working on that at the moment and hope to have more information to share next week


Can we get an updated version of this now that we've changed it I feel like this is misleading


Originally posted by Wibbix

Again I'm nothing but impressed with the handling of the league! A perfect middle ground achieved and well communicated to boot.

The only thing that makes me sad is the slightly misleading production master description and no red dragon tasks allowed, that seems a bit funky but small issues. Oh and welcome back Ayiza!

Thank you! It feels so good to be back <3

Also am sad about Production Master, I want my instant glass smelting!!