

24 Jun


Originally posted by Carsian

Why does 3a dhide have the same stats as post nerf black dhide on the table?

Good question.... I'll get that changed tomorrow! Thanks for raising.


Originally posted by xxssimmons

/u/jagexayiza What the f**k are these dogwater changes? Literally nothing changed for multi pkers or clans, which this game has pretty much been built upon being geared towards clans. I think that’s me out (and probably a lot of multi pkers too).

As mentioned in the blog, the bigger content changes will be coming later this year with the Wilderness Bosses rework.


Originally posted by CameHereToRoast

I was abit confused on the part about the Rev Boss. How would it work for iron players then? Since anyone can hit it , Irons won’t be able to get the loot if they do the most damage? Or did I understand it wrong can somebody please clarify

Iron accounts would have to solo the boss in order to obtain loot from it.


Originally posted by KangnaRS

I feel like Ironmen destroying loot needs to be optional (but specifically opt-out), since some irons pick up loot on normal accounts.

Definitely open to changing this one, I've seen similar feedback too.


Originally posted by Merdapura

u/JagexAyiza I'd love to see which uses you've found for tanking with the Bulwark in PvM that aren't as niche as a pvp tanking item. (I have tried it from gorillas to hydra and its mechanics make it unuseable for most of those.)

I'd also love to see why people should not be allowed to play defensive in pvp (soul wars much?)

The most popular use case I can bring to light is tanking General Graardor at GWD when going with a group of friends. It can massively extend the number of kills you get per trip.


Originally posted by RSglaceongirl

Could Ironmen be allowed to pick up loot keys, but only use them on another player to gift the key to them like you can with a bond? That would give more incentive to fight back as an iron without letting their account receive loot themselves.

I really like that idea! I also saw comments about letting Ironmen pick the keys up so they can check the loot value but only have the option to destroy them. I'll feedback to the team to see what is technically possible :)


Originally posted by BlueEyesWhiteShark

So revenant weapons are remaining at the current rates? Good to know that if the revenant spawns aren't changed these are still far too rare to acquire. I like the idea of the boss though, although this is quickly short lived as you say the boss will not only be in multi, but also broadcasted across the whole cave and the drop will go to the player with the most DPS excluding irons. Therefore irons are going to be ragged to oblivion trying to kill this thing, who of which will be trying to kill it the most due to trying to roll the stupidly rare wildy weapons. How have you not even addressed the wilderness bosses?!

The boss itself is considered multi-way combat but you're still in a singles-plus area. Essentially multiple people could attack the boss at once, but you can only be in combat with one other person at a time.


Originally posted by runner5678

So you can cannon and barrage Dusts, Nechs, Jellies, and Abbies?

Can you access this cave when on a non-wilderness Slayer Task? There's a chance that's worth doing on a normal task.

It would be a task-only area


Originally posted by NewAccountXYZ

Ultimate Iron players will not be able to unlock Loot Keys, preventing them entirely from gaining access to the benefits they provide.

What exactly can regular irons do with them?

I removed the mention of Ultimate because all Iron accounts are excluded from purchasing Loot Keys. Just forgot to change that, sorry!


Originally posted by SaintJuniper73

Ultimate Iron players will not be able to unlock Loot Keys, preventing them entirely from gaining access to the benefits they provide.

Feel like all ironman shouldn't be able to use loot keys to loot others, right?

Also - will a second loot key take up a second invent slot, or will it stack up to 5 in one slot?

It applies to all Iron accounts, I've removed the mention of Ultimate from the blog to make it clearer. Sorry about that!

15 Jun


Originally posted by JagexSween

Isn't it!?


14 Jun


Originally posted by Sitdownpro

u/JagexAyiza Can I start to grind for an inactive saeldor now and it be reverted to the seed after the update? Or do I need to wait so I don't have to spend the shards to change it?

You'll be able to convert a blade into the bow at a cost of 500 Crystal Shards in total (250 to convert to the blade into an Enhanced Crystal Weapon Seed, then another 250 to convert that seed into the Bow of Faerdhinen).


Originally posted by CameHereToRoast

Hairline needs the redemption to proc lmao just messing thanks for ur hard work

I liked that one, cheers for the laugh :D


Originally posted by PetyrBaelish94

the change to the bow of Faerdhinen reducing the ranged strength and accuracy. how much worse dps is it than before. people were saying before it was similar dps to a tbow with rune arrows. what would it be similar to now?

The changes to the bow mean approximately 3-4% accuracy loss overall and 1 max hit from it's previous proposal.


Originally posted by HalifaxRoad

Armadyl top and bottom with slayer helm, zenite necklace, archers I, bgloves. Thank you for your response!

DPS numbers are against Vorkath specifically, exact DPS depends on which dragon and the defensive stats of the particular dragon.
If you used Diamond Bolts & Eagle Eye:

54 max-hit in Live and 8.126 DPS
55 max-hit post-changes and 8.274 DPS


If you used Dragon Diamond Bolts with Eagle Eye:

61 max-hit with 9.179 DPS regardless of the changes


Originally posted by TheHoelke

Do we know when these changes will be polled/implemented?

The poll will go live tomorrow - hard to say on implementation until we know what has/hasn't passed!


Originally posted by BestMudkip

So does the Bow of Faerdhinen not work with Armadyl? Or is the DPS just so bad it’s not worth showing on the graphs.

The main benefit of the bow is the damage and accuracy increase of the Crystal armour. It can still be used without it, but it's not going to be as strong.

Given how busy the graphs were we just opted for the best setup to give a general idea.


Originally posted by FL3XASAURUS

Appreciate all your hard work dude!

Thank you so much!


Originally posted by HalifaxRoad

How much is the dhcb dps gonna change when just doing a dragon task but using dragonfireward?

What gear setup would you be using? Do you have Rigour and will you be using Ranging potions?

I can try and find out for you :)