

06 May


Originally posted by BlueEyesWhiteShark

Ayiza just leaked the "big content" reveal for summer just now on the Q&A stream, it's a new league - not even anything PvM or raids related.

The summer reveal will announce more than what was already mentioned back in December 2020 :D I didn't leak anything that wasn't already known!


Originally posted by [deleted]


Technically this was actually a bug fix, which is something we don't usually poll. It just unfortunately had a much larger impact on existing methods than we intended, so we reverted it whilst we look into a better solution to fix the bug.


I don't think Zac made it past probation (they've been banned).


For those that cannot load Twitter:

After reviewing your feedback, we've reverted the changes made to Tempoross once its energy is below 10%.

While these changes brought the encounter closer to our originally intended design, we appreciate that this unintentionally impacted established methods.

05 May



04 May


Originally posted by hav0cbl00d

What if the nightmare or only phosani's dropped some untradeable teleport scrolls instead? With the medal it just makes the 1 million gp boat added before not that useful

Definitely open to feedback changes on all aspects of the blog. I've seen similar suggestions around the untradeable teleport scrolls.

What do you think about having something like that drop, but if you gather a certain amount you can unlock a permanent teleport option instead? All still untradeable ofc!


Originally posted by fourgiveness_

When's CM Inferno coming out?

When the demand for it is high enough to warrant a blog that we have time to deliver on I suppose :D


Originally posted by IAmAGermanShepherd

I understand that. But the people farming this 24/7 atm, either through bots or regular goldfarmers, will just move onto farming the hard version, with a direct 20% increase in uniques, not a problem for them.

And I'd be fine with this, I understand a harder version of the same content might be enticing to some people. But the inclusion of, what is essentially a boss teleport just rubs me the wrong way. That was one of this bosses "features", not every boss needs to be easily accessible, putting some time/effort to reach a boss is fine.

I know Jagex is already doing something similar with God wars as well, introducing items/perks with the new PVM achievement diaries to make it easier to farm bosses, but it's honestly just easyscape hiding behind a mask of "qol improvements".

We've purposefully split the question offering a teleport so if it's something that isn't wanted, it can be voted against.

We will also be making changes based on feedback, as we do with all poll blogs :)


Originally posted by luk0as

make tablet dropping only from Phosani’s Nightmare

The teleport was originally tied to Phosani's Nightmare but we changed it before the blog went live. Definitely open to changing it back again though!


Originally posted by IAmAGermanShepherd

Hmmm yes, better loot, faster kills, teleport to boss...

Another disappointing proposal. Can't wait for this to get voted in, and make the boss even more farm-able.

This fight in particular will feel quite different than regular Nightmare, so it's not like you're just killing the same boss. It's faster because the fight is going to hopefully be more engaging, but that comes at the cost of it being more difficult too!

29 Apr


Originally posted by Poopypeepeepooo

I hope this doesn’t count for construction exp??

It's just combat related XP. I've edited my comment now!


Originally posted by RollRollParry

Does this affect offering bones?

It's just combat experience, I've edited my comment!


Hey, this is intentional but only temporary.

Last night we released a hotfix that reduces combat experience gained within the PoH by 90% whilst we look into current methods being used to gain accelerated amounts of combat experience.

The newspost has been updated and it'll be posted on our socials in the next few minutes.


Hey, this is intentional but only temporary.

Last night we released a hotfix that reduces experience gained within the PoH by 90% whilst we look into current methods being used to gain accelerated amounts of combat experience.

The newspost has been updated and it'll be posted on our socials in the next few minutes.


Hey, this is intentional but only temporary.

Last night we released a hotfix that reduces combat experience gained within the PoH by 90% whilst we look into current methods being used to gain accelerated amounts of combat experience.

The newspost has been updated and it'll be posted on our socials in the next few minutes.

16 Apr


Originally posted by koen_C

What discord account will you be contacting the clan leaders on? My clan and many others will have open discords. This leaves many clan leaders open to phishing attacks from people pretending to be jmods.

We'll be contacting from various JMod accounts but we'll verify who we are. We don't actually need any information other than a suitable time to meet up in-game, so just remember to not give your details to anyone! Us JMods don't need it unless we ask for it, and when we do, it'll be via your accounts message centre :)


Originally posted by aphshdkf

Oh that makes sense, thanks

Yeah exactly that. Chambers of Xeric will continue to run from the friends chat system rather than the new Clan system.


Originally posted by RNGeebs

awesome ty ayiza. also enjoyed your work in the tanzoo/virtoso challenge vid way back :)

Wow, that video is a complete throwback! I've done a few more Barrows runs since then lmao