

26 Mar


Originally posted by VFT6

Can the fishing barrel be changed to not automatically store stackable fish (karambanji) please :)

This will likely be changed with the next game update we do. Granted it won't be until the 7th April now, but there will be a blog post coming next week to explain all the other minor tweaks we're going to make for that update day :)


Originally posted by O_Toole50

Looks like my memory failed me today ! Thanks for the correction

No worries at all :) Have a great weekend <3


Originally posted by O_Toole50

Why wasnt the hotfixes posted to the osrs website? If u didnt watch the stream or see the reddit thread then you might not even of known it was happening. Not everybody logs in everyday to communicate with players on what is happening on the twitch stream.

It was posted to the OSRS website - it's just included in the most recent game update newspost rather than a separate dedicated post.

Usually we save those for when there are more changes to talk about!


Are you using an iPhone by any chance? We've had similar reports which are all specific to iOS devices. It's something we're aware of and looking into, though it's unlikely it'll be resolved until our next game update which is going to be on the 7th April.

Lowering your framerate might help reduce the amount of crashes.

25 Mar


Happy birthday! I hope the cake tastes as good as it looks and that you have a great day :)


I'd expect that to be the case yes, so you might want to save your rolls until the changes are made :)


Originally posted by Craze393

I wasn't even playing at that time I stopped playing in January/early February then came back on Sunday the 21st of March you can see that from my ip log in


Originally posted by Axel_S

Well if this is the case is there anyway to tell if his account was compromised during that time? He wasn't playing during that time period, the first time he logged in in over a month was sunday 21st march, can you check the ip that logged into the account during that time??

The account was not compromised at the time and the account owner is ultimately responsible for their account, hence the rules regarding Account Sharing as per:


Originally posted by Axel_S

How sure are you that your anti-cheating team has done it's due diligence. Had you said that he was correctly banned for buying gold, then I could understand the mix up, maybe even admit defeat at a scenario we can't prove our way out of. But because you're saying its for selling, i feel like this hasn't been looked into properly at all.

To clarify, the ban on the account was not related to receiving gold from someone who had purchased it via RWT. The ban is a result of repeated direct deposits of gold to a Real World Trading mule account who also operates an illegal off-site gambling website. Having taken a look at the dates pertaining to the ban (6th March - 9th March) we can see 19 separate trades of wealth, totaling 431,642,173 worth of gold. The account was permanently banned for both directly supplying a Real World Trader and illegal Games of Chance activity. These are very much against the rules of RuneScape and the ban will not be lifted as a result.


Originally posted by Axel_S

Are we talking about the account "yaboidobby" because he has 100% never sold gold to a site or anyone for that matter. His friends account i can't vouch for however, if he's sold gold then i can believe that. Is it possible that lending gear/giving money to him as friend, has linked him enough in your eyes to his friends potential RWT activity. Enough to warrant a ban?

How much gp are you saying he's supplied to gold sites? He's just never had that kind of GP.

What warrants a permanent ban vs a temporary ban?

Would appreciate if you looked further into this, get that you probably think i'm lying, but rn im laughing at the idea of My BIL selling gold, because in reality he's a bit of noob thats never had a large amount of wealth in this game that wasn't loaned to him temporarily.

Edit: Just to add: This is such an unexpected reply, because we assumed he was banned for buying?? the only recent activity on his account was him receiving money from his...

Read more

Unfortunately I'm not able to go into further details regarding the ban, but I can assure you I've asked for it to be checked multiple times and the same response was given by the anti-cheating team.


Hi /u/Axel_S, the ban applied to your brother-in-law's account appears to be correct, and it was applied for supplying gold to RWT sites multiple times.

23 Mar


Hey all, understandably there are a lot of questions being raised following the news and some of you would like further clarity to be provided for certain situations. We'll aim to cover as much as possible in this week's Q&A on Thursday at 5pm GMT :)


Originally posted by IDKoksec

Don’t smile at us



Originally posted by ImWhiteTrash

The appeal was denied though, so if OP didn't post this to Reddit then the mute would've never have been undone? What about people who don't post to reddit when stuff like this happens? Do they just have to wait out the 25 hour mute?

Saying that someone doesn't have to hit the front page to get their support concern answered isn't reassuring at all when you still have to post to reddit in the first place. It still shows that even after years of Jagex acknowledging the problems with their support system it's still a trainwreck.

I wasn't trying to offer reassurance that it's a good situation to be in, just responding to the fact that posts don't need to hit the front page to be noticed which is what the OP I replied to was suggesting.

If this post wasn't made then yes, if the appeal was denied at the time they'd likely have to wait out their mute. Thankfully I'm told its not that common though, and with feedback being given (as Steve mentioned) it'll hopefully not happen again.


Originally posted by GoreonVHS

would you of said this if it didnt get 2k upvotes and he only contacted you via the website support?

the answer is probably not

Contrary to popular belief, posts don't need to hit the front page of the subreddit to be noticed. This was picked up quite early into being posted - Sween actually posted it in our internal chat channels around midnight UK time. At that time there are few people in the office so unless it's critical, things usually get picked up in the morning when there are more resources to investigate further.

We don't always reply to the threads, but we see them and pass on what we can :)

22 Mar


I know there's a lot of curious people here eager to learn all about the name.

Here's its journey as it appears OP isn't being entirely truthful about the ownership of it...

It was sold to another player back in 2016. It was stolen from that player in late 2017 and returned to them, following an investigation, in early 2018.

So, the name was in fact returned to its previous owner.

A bit more context, if you're curious. The account which held the name was actually banned from the game earlier this month, following Real-World Trading activity. Which is presumably what led to the OP chancing his luck at getting the name back after originally selling it.

12 Mar


Originally posted by noobtablet9

Is it really an "additional challenge" if it's done to give an advantage in pvp? Stop pretending like they're making the game more difficult for themselves when the actualized goal is that pvp is better for them already.

I said what I said because I know plenty of people that play pure accounts and have never done any PvP in the time their account has existed - I didn't say everyone :P


Well I guess we'll be seeing this again next week in the Q&A :)

Great work as always, really love the way you bring everything together!


Originally posted by luquitacx

I haven't ever found a reason of why pure should exist anymore. In the old days they were made so you could kill noobs with a min maxed account for that combat bracket. But now? Everyone and their f**king grandma is using a pure for pvp. If everyone is a pure, is anyone really a pure?

Some people also just like playing as a pure account for the additional challenge. I guess it's similar to other restricted accounts like Swampletics - it's a different way to play the game.