

25 Feb


Originally posted by 130PingLife

Since the clan name will now function on availability what have you guys thought on the prevention of Sniping names from existing CC's? Since the current's CC's would like to keep their name but what if people try to snipe them and then sell it?

We'll be opening a pre-registration window allowing established clans to reserve their names before the full release :)


Originally posted by Speedy2662

So what we call clan chats now will become chat channels, and clans will have its own chat?

So eg. I could stay in my clan, and join the chat channels for things like item delivery cc's or runners, etc?

Yes exactly that! We'll have Clan chat, Clan guest chat, and Friends chat available to use!


Originally posted by xSlysoft

I like the additions to the Grand Exchange, but what would it take to open up the back wall towards the wilderness ditch? Slightly devalues the 21 agility northwest corner tunnel locked ironmen, but I think it would be a nice addition to the area and make it feel less closed off.

We've polled it before and it failed, though that's not to say it couldn't be polled again in the future.


Originally posted by NewAccountXYZ

How many clans can one person be in?

You can be a member of one clan, but you're also able to join another clan as a guest to chat in their clan channel too (if they allow it). You'll also still have access to the existing Friends Chat :)

Plenty of places to be talking!


Originally posted by TheoryPk

Er in the post it says "We think we might have found the perfect spot: the south east corner of the Grand Exchange."

Then shows south west in the example as well as the text under it.

The South-West section is where the Games Corner will be placed (hence you being able to see mapped walls and an entrance) whereas the South-East section shows the empty space we'll use for Clans.

Sorry, it is a bit confusing actually now I've looked at it again!


Originally posted by HighAlchMyself

Just passing on a small typo, just before poll question 5

image showing the full Start Fragment Prospector Outfit.

Good spot, ty!


Originally posted by GentleTractor

Perhaps I'm misunderstanding the blog? As far as I can tell you're getting a consistent amount of stardust per shooting star, and the ring is being offered as a purchasable reward for a fixed price using said dust in a shop. So there isn't any drop mechanic or RNG involved? I don't see how that skilling version proposal would be any different in that regard.

On the wider topic of how you include for that... Well, my dream would certainly be a system where most boss & slayer drops that are traditionally associated with rare RNG hype moments still happen, they just drop parts of weapons, hilts, hides, etc, like a few already do. Then you'd always need an associated skilling action to fully create the finished item. Bonus points if it also requires a unique or rare gathering skill resource only available from said skills.

A proper synergy between combat & non-combat skills in the future I think would go a long way to fixing some of the current imbalances.

Sorry for the confusion, I meant in general rather than specific to Shooting Stars and the ring :)

Lots of good points raised, ty as always!


Originally posted by Merdapura

It's the same BS we've grown tired of listening to over and over again. Content that has no business being in the wilderness that ends up there and Jmod reasoning for so being "Just dont go then".
We're tired of it. It never made the wilderness more active, it only further increased the divide between salad robes and any other player.
Just look at how this content doesn't fit being in the wilderness: -no added benefit from being in a pvp zone
-requires moving out of a teleblock zone to get to the next rock asap for xp rates and some wilderness locations are just better to suicide out
having to bank before and after each wilderness step
-getting pk'd while mining has no benefit to the killer, do know how people love black salamander pkers
It's better to keep them out of the pvp zone completely, there's no upside for it.

Well the upside is that it's likely less people will visit the Wilderness locations, so you'd be able to mine the Star for longer. You'd get more dust and XP from a single Star as a result, but it would take longer than grouping up with a bunch of players and hopping around worlds.

I've always preferred the approach that avoids players feeling forced into the Wilderness where possible. I do not see Shooting Stars as being something you would ever need to force yourself to go into the Wilderness to do though, and there are no plans at the moment to change the locations they will land.


Originally posted by GentleTractor

Good changes across the board.

One thing though. We tend to get a lot of currency & shop type inclusions, yet players consistently complain about the overabundance of shop-scape & the underrepresentation of production skills.

You’ve already added the ability to combine the celestial & signet ring yourself via production skills, so my question, why not add a smithing/crafting level requirement to forge the base celestial ring yourself, out of an amount of stardust (+ some other metal bars)?

The exact same concept & balancing, just let the player make it all themselves rather than trading an NPC. Or simply follow the same approach as the signet upgrade and offer a purchasable one for a slightly higher stardust cost vs making it yourself.

Skills like smithing, crafting, etc will never be useful if you never give them uses when the opportunity arises.

I do really like the thought of being able to craft certain rewards yourself. I guess one thing is that it would take away from the hype of getting a drop, and instead become a pre-determined grind instead where you have to spend X amount of time for Y resources, likely balanced around the expected drop rate. It would however remove some frustrations that arise when going "dry" on an item drop.

Is that a better change than the current system? I think there is definite potential for something like this though for sure.


Originally posted by BaeTier

Was really hoping the star sprite would've stayed in some sense, that was kinda the key character behind the original concept of shooting stars... idk why it had to be outright removed

We'll bring it back in the future don't worry! Though it won't be in a fallen Star :)


Originally posted by WastingEXP

so what you're saying is Star Spite to the moon? :rocket:



Originally posted by DovaKroniid

So, this is a longshot and in no way should be taken into acount when designing these, but I don't like that the only place to turn in these fallen stars is in Falador. There's a decent sized community of restricted accounts, and since this is fairly niche content it would've been largely used by them. Making the stardust only usable in Faldor means that any account that doesn't want to be able to visit Falador cannot turn this stardust in for rewards.

Would it be possible to at least have a few different potention places to turn in Stardust? Possibly such as Lovakengj and Keldagrim, since those are other places inhabited by dwarves?

Before anyone comments about catering to a niche community; Jagex changed F2P XP Rates on the Perils of Ice Mountain, so it's worth a shot asking.

There are no plans to have multiple NPC's acting as the reward store for Shooting Stars at the moment, but I can certainly pass this on and see! No promises though :(


Originally posted by [deleted]


You're seeing a lot of notifications because this week is like no other - we've had 2 very long streams with our 8th Birthday and OSRS being launched on Steam. Many players want to be kept updated with what's going on.

I'm sorry if they're annoying, but it's not very often we use the system as much as we have this week, and I'd like to think it's fair given the news we've wanted to share!


Originally posted by Tom-Pendragon

30k xp

Is there any good reason why I should do this instead of afk MLM? Seems like you just adding content for the sake of content

Variety is the spice of life!

You can also get a cool recolour and a new ring!


Originally posted by RobDaGinger

I like the removal of the star Sprite in favor of a dwarf. Maybe in the future the Sprite could be incorporated into Zanaris or another fairy ring location

Have you been checking our internal notes?

Zanaris is the moon. The Star Sprite could definitely fit there instead.


Originally posted by julysfire

Hit on all the points that were brought up in the last thread that would make it more 'old school feel'. Looks great, I'd love to see this get added to the game!

Happy to hear we covered everything you'd hoped!


Originally posted by Merdapura

It takes even less seconds to add one line of code that prevents that.

That excuse stopped being valid when more and more powercreep was put in the Wilderness.

People can't opt out of dpick. People can't opt out of MA2 Cape. Chaos altar, black chins, old revs, how can someone afford to opt out of those and still be on the same level as other players?

Whilst I'm not disagreeing with any of the other points you've raised, I really don't see why leaving stars within the Wilderness is a problem. There will always be another location on another world if you're not interesting in going for the Wilderness ones.


Originally posted by fitmedcook

Very good changes! Thanks for listening to feedback, gotta give credit where it's due, recent skilling updates have fit quite nicely into the game :)

The actual mining part seems hard to judge right now, maybe the available dust could be tweaked a bit. Though I like the idea that you get less xp if u want a big chunk of dust, having it scale from 1200 dust to only 15 available dust for the highest tier is a bit extreme.

It's typically better to approach balancing changes after players have had a chance to play the content. We're definitely open to feedback changes/tweaks should it pass and be added to the game.


Originally posted by BasicFail

I still don't get why F2P gets a currency they can't spend.

As they'll have access to the activity anyway it seemed fair to let them store any dust they would have earnt from doing it - it's a nice upsell to membership without impacting anything further for F2P by adding new rewards :)