

25 Feb


Originally posted by Merdapura

It takes even less seconds to add one line of code that prevents that.

That excuse stopped being valid when more and more powercreep was put in the Wilderness.

People can't opt out of dpick. People can't opt out of MA2 Cape. Chaos altar, black chins, old revs, how can someone afford to opt out of those and still be on the same level as other players?

Whilst I'm not disagreeing with any of the other points you've raised, I really don't see why leaving stars within the Wilderness is a problem. There will always be another location on another world if you're not interesting in going for the Wilderness ones.


Originally posted by fitmedcook

Very good changes! Thanks for listening to feedback, gotta give credit where it's due, recent skilling updates have fit quite nicely into the game :)

The actual mining part seems hard to judge right now, maybe the available dust could be tweaked a bit. Though I like the idea that you get less xp if u want a big chunk of dust, having it scale from 1200 dust to only 15 available dust for the highest tier is a bit extreme.

It's typically better to approach balancing changes after players have had a chance to play the content. We're definitely open to feedback changes/tweaks should it pass and be added to the game.


Originally posted by BasicFail

I still don't get why F2P gets a currency they can't spend.

As they'll have access to the activity anyway it seemed fair to let them store any dust they would have earnt from doing it - it's a nice upsell to membership without impacting anything further for F2P by adding new rewards :)


Originally posted by GrumpyScape

Good changes, in particular the removal of the goblin-like alien thing. Good to see all the feedback being put into practice.

Any chance we can use the observatory telescope too? Would mitigate the fact that Ironmen can't use others' POH. Also, i think putting a dwarf in the observatory as the shop NPC would be better fitting. Ty for listening!

There are no plans to use the observatory for this content at the moment, though it does seem fitting. Ironmen are just going to have to get those Construction levels if they want faster scouting of fallen Stars!


Originally posted by Merdapura

So you extimate xp rates and 2 lines later tell people there will be Wilderness locations which they could opt out.

Can you at least be consistent? Since you still haven't given up on luring people to the wilderness. What's next? Revenant pickaxe?

It takes a few seconds to hop to another world and check the telescope again. If you want to avoid Wilderness locations then doing so shouldn't really impact your XP per hour.


Originally posted by turbobutton

this question has to be asked every time so I guess it's my turn

We expect most players to get no more than 30k Mining experience per hour on average from fallen Stars.

we understand only 30k mining experience worth of stars may fall in an hour, but how much of that hour is actually mining the stars?

for example, if it takes 10 minutes, and a player mines granite at 120k experience per hour for the other 50 minutes (100k), they will have gained 30+100 = 130k experience in that hour

I asked the devs about this scenario and they said the time spent mining will vary massively. They expect 15 to 30 mins to be a common time needed to completely deplete a fallen Star.

24 Feb


Yes there will be a Mac version in the future, though I don't have an ETA to share with you atm sorry!


Originally posted by Sir_Suh_Dude

/u/JagexAyiza your wish has been granted



Heya, check out this link and let me know if you still have issues afterwards



Hey! At the moment the only way you can switch between RS3 and OSRS on steam is by unlinking the account you don't want to play on and then linking the account you do want to play on.

So in your case you'd need to unlink your RS3 account from Steam and link your OSRS account instead. Then you'd have to unlink your OSRS account and relink your RS3 account if you wanted to play on that again.

Check out this page for the links you'll need: https://support.runescape.com/hc/en-gb/articles/360013471957-Steam-Login-FAQ

Unlink an account: ...

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Yep, we'll be adding more over time :)

If you'd like to see anything in particular please do let us know!


Originally posted by souperwill

hey I accidentally click log in with steam and not connect existing rs account and now i cant log into my main. How to fix?

If you check out this link you'll find a load of useful information: https://support.runescape.com/hc/en-gb/articles/360013471957-Steam-Login-FAQ

I think you'll need to unlink your Steam account and link your current account - check this specific link for that: ...

Read more

Hey, you'll need to link your existing account to Steam - check this link for a bunch of useful information: https://support.runescape.com/hc/en-gb/articles/360013471957-Steam-Login-FAQ

In particular I think you'll need this link: https://support.runescape.com...

Read more

If you refresh your Steam client you should be able to download it now :)

There was a slight delay due to some issues on Steam's end but it appears that they're resolved now!


If you refresh your Steam client you should be able to download it now - sorry about that!

There was a slight delay due to some issues on Steam's end, but it appears that they're resolved now!


If you refresh your Steam client you should be able to download it now :)

There was a slight delay due to some issues on Steam's end it appears, but they're resolved now!


Hey! This is something we're aware of! It's to do with the Steam platform though and we're trying to get it resolved with them ASAP.


Yep :) your FPS in the steam client is capped by your refresh rate instead!


Originally posted by JagexSween

200m all?

Fill the entire Collection Log... twice