

04 Mar


Originally posted by kukkelii

Yeah we're aware, the issues are also impacting some other services other than just login servers - the news module being one of them :(

It should be back up soon, in the meantime we're updating this Support PSA: https://support.runescape.com/hc/en-gb/articles/360018273338--04-Mar-Unable-to-access-the-game-UPDATE-


Update: We're hoping to bring our login servers back up within the hour.

Upon login, it's possible that some players may find they have lost up to 15 minutes of progress.

Apologies for the inconvenience, and we'd like to thank you for your patience.

Edit @ 18:40 GMT: We're investigating renewed reports of login issues.

As earlier, we'd recommend avoiding dangerous activities, and world hopping until further notice.

We're sorry for the inconvenience, and we'll update you as soon as we have more to share.


Hey, thanks for raising this. I mentioned it to the team and it's something they're aware of and will be resolving in a future update of the Steam client!

03 Mar


Originally posted by TNoStone

Turning off quest helper and optimal quest guide fixed it for me. Any idea what’s causing this problem?

I'm not sure sorry! I know Runelite are looking into it though, I imagine they'll have it resolved soon enough!


Originally posted by TheOneJat

Same problem here. Turning quest helper off didn't make a difference but vanilla client works fine.

I've heard reports that deleting the plugin entirely has helped when disabling it did not.

Not to shill the Steam client but don't forget to use it for the extra FPS and interface scaling in the meantime!


If you're using Runelite can you please try disabling the Quest Helper plugin or use the Vanilla client and see if you're still experiencing the lag spikes?


Originally posted by MR_ARZ

you're right, I went through each one and its the "optimal quest guide" plugin. Thanks!

Dam RL

Glad to hear it's resolved it for you for now! I believe Runelite are working on a fix :)


Originally posted by Rslur

The 10 second lag spikes are an integrity change.

If you're using Runelite please disable the Quest Helper plugin or use the Vanilla client and see if you're still experiencing the lag spikes please!

26 Feb


Excited for the Equipment Rebalancing changes yet?


Welcome to Gielinor :)

Take your time, explore both games and decide for yourself! They're very different in how they play but both are great games when you get into them.


Originally posted by abyssswolf1

What are those rank insignias, i can't even tell what they are?

They're just placeholder graphics at the moment, I believe Mod Ash put them together in paint :D


Originally posted by abyssswolf1

How many players can be in a single clan?

500 is the cap at the moment :)

25 Feb


Coming to a weekly Q&A near you soon!

Seriously amazing work as always. Love your style!


Originally posted by Raznek

This is off topic but I figured I would ask one of the most poggers mods. Before Trailblazers released, a different Jmod confirmed the music track from the trailer would hit Spotify, could you possibly ask around about that? If it's a pain to check then no worries! But it was a banger for sure.

Sure thing, I'll ask in the morning!


Originally posted by shabbadranks

Yes bois, can't wait to assemble my skilling clan and roll 50 man deep on Seers Village yews

Those trees won't know what's hit them


Originally posted by AnnieTopGG

Any chance we will be able to name our own ranks? Or will there only be presets?

Only presets at the moment sorry!


Originally posted by HaluanUskoa

Can we have an option for each player to toggle whether or not the rank icons appear next to someone's name in the chat box?

I know some players enjoy seeing ranks next to names in the chat, but personally, I would rather have it turned off since it can be distracting.

That seems like a fair request. I'll pass it on to the team :)


Originally posted by glory_poster

Can you be in your own clan chat and also in a guest clan chat simultaneously? If so, there should probably be another tab for the chat in addition to the "channel" and "clan" chat tabs. If not, then the triple slash "///" to type in guest chat could just be the same as double slash "//" because you can't be in more than one at once.

Yes you can be in your own Clan chat whilst simultaneously being a guest in another Clan chat. You'll also have access to the current Friends chat too btw!