

03 Feb


Originally posted by kogasapls

Post-nerf blowpipe with dragon darts is weaker than current blowpipe with bronze darts


I killed Vorkath over 4000 times with lance between two accounts for my 54s PBs and that's getting reset because of blowpipe nerf

thank you jagex

edit: Since I posted this comment, they changed the blowpipe stats table from this to this. The in-game strengths of the blowpipe/dart were listed incorrectly. Blowpipe is still nerfed into dirt and I am still upset about my PBs 🦀🦀🦀

Sorry about the wrong image being included when the blog went live, I didn't realise until about 20 minutes later :(

In regards to your concern over PBs being reset, they will still be saved to view. Am I safe in assuming your issue is with not seeing that time anymore on each kill?


Originally posted by SlootRS

Resetting pb’s is actually crazy. People have committed their entire time in rs strictly to going for pb’s and you’re just gonna wipe them with the click of a button. Realistically there’s like 4 bosses whose times are majorly affected: zulrah, grotesque guardians, inferno, and Jad. Everywhere else everyone who cares about pb, these changes have no effect that can’t be overcome. Sad to see so much of my focus in this game get removed from a change with no effect on what I’ve been doing.

Would you mind expanding this feedback a little with the consideration of PB's being stored as we mentioned in the blog - is it safe to assume your concern is over not being able to see it each kill anymore?


Originally posted by henkdefreeze

Can the removal of the defence requirement for blessed chaps and vambraces be repolled now that they're being nerfed?

I think repolling them would have been fair even without these changes. I recall at the time a lot of players were confused as they believed standard Black D'hide chaps/vambraces required 40 Defence to wear.

Not sure when, but I do think it's possible we'll see that question come back in a near miss poll or something.


Originally posted by Dicyano7

It's a shame that the Crystal Armour set effect couldn't be tweaked a little bit more. Hopefully the possible item to make the set better is released sooner rather than later - the set has been dead content for long enough.

I'd love to share more regarding potential future changes with Crystal Armour but there's nothing more I'm able to say at the moment. I do think we'll see it getting buffed further at some point though.


Originally posted by bootygulp1

"Ironmen, I hope you enjoy farming vorkath for darts since there's no other way to get them reliably"

"Mains, just buy them from bots and theres very little dps decrease"

We are aware this could be an issue and we touched on it in the blog. It's very likely change will be made but not until we're comfortable on what change is right without ruining the already established economy of Rune/Dragon darts (emphasis on Dragon).

Not an ideal answer I know, but it's not something we'd want to rush given the impact it could have.


Originally posted by OshSwash

The Dihns Bulwark nerf still remains completely unacceptable. I genuinely want to know what that shield is supposed to be used for in their eyes? Its already impossible to attack with it, why does it need more nerfs

With the increased Ranged defence of the Bulwark, and its current Melee defences, it's still the best defensive shield in the game and it'll likely still have use in PvP.

Yes you'll be more susceptible to Magic damage, but using Protect from Melee will negate a lot of non-Magic damage - you'll just have to be more aware of when Magic switches happen.


Originally posted by ConnerKid

Has anything been changed since the last update? I don't see any changes due to player feedback.

I added a changelog of sorts to try and better identify the changes since the last two blogs were posted. Sorry that wasn't included to begin with, I thought it would be too clunky and people would want to read through the whole blog given a lot of the wording changed, but I realise that was a mistake now.


Originally posted by Ironjim69

“Dinh’s Bulwark has incredibly high Defence bonuses with zero negative effects to offset them”? It’s literally a two handed shield, it’s supposed to have high defence bonuses! That’s the whole point! Isn’t the fact that you can’t use a weapon a negative effect? I’m sorry, but I have to wonder if you guys even play your own game.

With the increased Ranged defence of the Bulwark, and its current Melee defences, it's still the best defensive shield in the game and it'll likely still have use in PvP.

Yes you'll be more susceptible to Magic damage, but using Protect from Melee will negate a lot of non-Magic damage and you'll just have to be more aware of when Magic switches happen.


Originally posted by Edgelordofedgeville

Bro I get it.. I know your eating the pitchforks and insults to Shield the team.. can you at least see why people are up in arms.. at the risk of getting roasted I’m personally for the BP nerf I think it promotes future playability through weapon and tier changes and keeps the meta from stagnating.. but to quote step brothers to you.. we got a stomach full of white dog shit and you’re dumping this on us?.. I mean at least drop a hint here brother is this to support something that’s in the works?? Is there a specific content addition that the devs are looking at that these changes help? I’m not asking for specifics I just think a vague nod or acknowledgment will go a long way.. as community managers go you’re terrific and even with all of the heat you’re getting now your credibility carries you far here ayiza.. is this worth doing because of content already in the works or are we eating these nerfs with no planned available alternative

Edit.. horrible formatting brevity and ...

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I'd love to give you more information, believe me, but I can't. It's no secret there will be new content in the future though, and we've talked about Raids 3 a fair few times as a possibility in the future, but that's about all I can say.


Originally posted by newquestidewa

also im curious, have you done inferno?

I haven't no, my PvM experience goes as far as the Corrupted Gauntlet but that's why I rely on others that are experienced with doing it - same goes for Skilling and PvP updates.


Originally posted by MrGooseOnline

I can only do so much when it comes to advising on further change. I don't really make the decisions here.

You're the only one who works at Jagex right now responding to people so we have no other choice than to respond to you. It's not a good response to say "well I don't make the changes." You work at Jagex. You (Jagex) do make the changes.

Yes I know, and that's absolutely fine. My reply was to inform the OP that it's not necessarily a reflection of my ability as a CM, that's all


Originally posted by newquestidewa

Can you stop ignoring all the worries about making inferno harder?

The Inferno is going to be slightly harder, but as mentioned on a stream, it shouldn't be the reason you're unable to get your cape.

These changes will likely mean the average run for a competent player is ~2 minutes longer in terms of DPS loss.

For those going for a cape for their very first time, the main sitations that get harder as a result are the Range/Mager when facing VS Zuk which will take ~20 seconds longer to complete, and the healers, which the Sanguinesti Staff is a great alternative to use against them for learning.


Originally posted by [deleted]


I know it must feel like I'm the blocker with all this seeing as I'm out here replying, but I can assure you suitable feedback was sent in and the decision was made by the team working on the project.

I can only do so much when it comes to advising on further change. I don't really make the decisions here.


Originally posted by kinosilent

Why do you need to spell it out for players like that? Nobody has ever said they are confused about weapon strength because of the requirements, weapon strength comes from how hard the content it comes from is and its droprate, not from their requirements. This doesn't benefit anyone at all and seems like a strange idea Jagex had that they think is so great for clarity they must force it on everyone.

The only real thing I can say to you is that we honestly do receive a lot of feedback regarding how confusing the perceived strength of an item is based on its requirements, and that's part of the reason we decided now was the time to make the change. It's more of a problem when it comes to pitching new reward ideas, but it is still common with items that exist in-game too.


Originally posted by tiandefani

so it's not updated at all and you've taken 0 feedback from people testing the nerfs out.

I can fully apprecaite why it seems that way, but we did review the feedback extensively. The most recent changes to the Toxic Blowpipe nerf are about where we expected and the beta helped solidify that for us and is why no further change was made there. We touched on how we're not looking to fill the gap left behind right now, but that's not to say we won't in the future - another point that was raised by many.

The changes to Blessed Dragonhide was in response to feedback following Black Dragonhide also being tested in the beta, but knowing that the Melee defence stats are still a problem we opted for the Magic and Ranged defence stats to remain instead.

For Dinh's Bulwark as much as I am going to get destroyed for saying, it simply is too powerful in PvP so the increased Ranged defence is an attempt to provide it some utility within certain PvP situations, whilst not putting it back into the position it currently is in.

A lot of the further clarifications ...

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Originally posted by Slash_N_Dash

A little disappointed that crystal armour/bow isn't getting buffed slightly more, overall agree with the direction of these changes though.

It's definitely something we're considering. I'd love to be able to share more around how we'd approach that but I can't go into detail until I'm able to :(


Originally posted by flymayfian

Still don't understand the level tier changes lol. "we're genuinely sympathetic to the players who will be impacted". The changes make no difference to the vast majority of players and literally only impacts level restricted accounts. It's like you are purposely spiting these players for making builds against the norm.

I know it seems that way but it really is about providing more clarity when it comes to item strength, especially when we're considering introducing new items in the future.

We did look at many different suggestions on how we could approach this in a way that incorporates limited account builds, but none of them were deemed suitable when compared to what we were trying to achieve.

Not a message I want to have to write honestly. We do genuinely feel for those accounts but we will be looking to introduce new items to replace what was lost where we can.


Originally posted by Rhithik

Is the Bulwark going to be removed from CoX drop table then?

No, it will remain on the CoX drop table as it does currently.


Originally posted by jenniferflowercat

What exactly was changed since the last iteration? Doesn't seem like any of the feedback regarding Dinh's, black dhide, or BP was implemented at all?

We included a section about Blessed Dragonhide, increased the Ranged defence of Dinh's Bulwark and opted to proceed with the Toxic Blowpipe proposal we implemented in the beta.


Originally posted by eocdenier

why do you do blogs in this way? i cant tell whats being updated unless i re-read the entire blog post, which is filled with 90% of the information ive read weeks ago, its the most frustrating thing ive ever seen from a game dev

Normally I would opt to keep any changes in one post, and include a changelog at the start to highlight the main differences. Because we wanted to address some of the key points in a dedicated post, it felt weird going back and updating the original, so I decided to create a new all-encompassing blog that merged everything (and added some info) which we'll refer to going forward.

I know it's not ideal and I don't really like doing it this way either, but I think it's best to avoid any confusion over which post is the most relevant/up-to-date.