Most of this is fine. I don't PvM much anymore so I can't see myself using much of this, but I do have to ask (at the risk of a deluge of downvotes), why are free deaths necessary? The Overloads, double points, yadda yadda are cool, but the purpose of normalized death costs were so that dying wasn't as punishing anymore. So why are free deaths even exciting anymore? I'd personally rather cut out the free deaths and keep most everything else so that bossing still has some kind of risk instead of just another overdone event that can be rolled out constantly to the point that it's exhausting (like DXP).
Reasonable question, The death costs might not be needed but when talking to some folks early on in the idea phase of this I asked for a list of combat buffs from prior events they would like to see again and free deaths was up there and generally its one of the more well liked and not incredibly strong buffs to have its just kinda nice.
We will be looking over this event and talking with players about what world well what didn't etc and hopefully refine this kind of event so that it can pop up every now and then and folks can enjoy some PvM without feeling like they need to wait around for its next installment.