

04 Apr


Originally posted by RS_Horrors

I think 4k enrage Telos should be insane requirement. Even though I don't think I'll ever accomplish that feat, it'd be cool to see something really prestigious

Whilst i definitely see where you're coming from, we think there should be an upper limit to even T3. Essentially 4k would be an imaginary "T4" achievement despite not being recognised here. It is of course currently recognised by the title


Originally posted by ImRubic

I remember when Minigames used to be called Minigames, then it was renamed to Activities, then Jagex forgot they did that so they defaulted back to Minigames.

So my question is, are we going back to the Activities name for good now or is this a general category name for things beyond just minigames and D&Ds (things that don't fall into other categories)?

Some things did not fit into the definition of a minigame, so it needed to be adjusted to allow for things such as DnD's and whatnot


Originally posted by PrimalMoose

I like the idea of splitting up the group bosses and the "normal" bosses, but concerned about how you would then deal with the inevitable comp cape stats debate. You'd almost have to have an increment above current max cape for the t1 comp, followed by another small bump once the group bosses are completed?

I believe the intent is that if group bosses were on T2, then stats would be split or follow T2 in this case


Originally posted by Ik_oClock

I have some suggestions for quest achievements that are not in the current system (SE replay outfit), but:

Why is Nomad replay in the combat and not lore section?

Feel free to give us your suggestions, as a reminder that spreadsheet doesn't contain every current existing achievement.

Also im unsure about the Nomad one, if it's the purple/gold timed capes then they should probably be on combat. If there's another Nomad achievement that suits Lore more, let us know!


Originally posted by 5-x

Now a matter of deciding on what classifies as "insane" and what doesn't. I suspect this is going to be hotly debated.

Also, shouldn't 120 Slayer, Dg, and Invention be t2 skilling? Wasn't t1 skilling supposed to be effectively max cape?

I still think recognising virtual 120s makes no sense.

Edit: Wait, current trimmed comp will now require warden? That's ridiculous...

120 Slayer/DG/Invention were put there as thats the "entry" to Comp currently (not that it has to be exactly as comp is now) but it made sense to put the actual 120's at Tier 1.

One of the issues is it "cheapens" the current entry since Max and Comp skill reqs are different right now.

The other reason is because we first said we'd remove Max and replace with T1 skilling, then from feedback we said we'd keep max. We felt like this is a good way to preserve both. More feedback welcome on that though!

Edit: others have replied to your comment with good reasons too


Originally posted by Jona_than

"Tier 3 Combat - All combat achievements (including ones that are insane, but nothing harder than 1k enrage Telos)"

Can't be that insane if it can't be harder than 1k enr telos lmao

Curious as to what you think the Telos enrage cap should be here? Remember though that even T3 has to have an upper limit!


Originally posted by Tyki_Mikk

Super minor, but I like exploration over areas, just sounds nicer.

In general, still happy with how this is progressing and the idea nothing should be worse than 1k telos or castle wars. Also keeping skills at 120 all for insane which is an actual level instead of 200m all which only exists because of coding stuff instead being a meaning cutoff. There can still be niche rewards for those players who go farther like golden warden.

I think the three tiers of comp are really nice as well and well defined. Ready to see concept art.

For pvm, as long as group bosses aren't removed entirely (which they don't seem to be going that direction), I'm happy whether it's t1 or t2. I think it should stay t1, but compromising on tier 2 is fine.

Thanks for the feedback! Will relay to the team :)

22 Mar


Originally posted by Chee_RS


true irony

Its an F from me dawg

18 Mar


Originally posted by ll_shadow_ll

How about replying to players concerns on the thread you (jmods) set up instead of this.

Im reading through the comments as they come in. I can’t reply to every single comment in here look at how many there are, regardless it’d be lots of copy/paste comments anyway since so many are similar. The feedback is being collated and reviewed...


Originally posted by Sick_of_RS

I helped my ex gf max out. Then I bought her some buyables, and after she got trim comp, she left me because she became elitist, and i was just a rich skiller. Oh yeah and hated it that im a huge trump supporter ( i love my country more then you im glad u left) Without her by my side, i increased my xp per hour, i retained all of my wealth and i made a lot more because she wasn't always there trying to take it from me. I'm sure she found a guy with a spike trap hair cut to make her happy for a few minutes while they dance at the max guild and pre tend that everyone there wishes they could be them, when in fact they are cringing inside when they read their examine text that says something like xx love my cute pixel pocket kitty, while also noticing that those two gross looking, typical edaters are wearing matching outfits. They thank themselves, and hope they never end up like that.

10/10 comment


Originally posted by I_Kinda_Fail

They're working on smithable salvage. In theory, that'll make the lower level ores like adamant and mithril more useful to the average player, and hopefully make the stone spirits less trashy... Doesn't really help the uselessness of bronze, iron, etc. spirits, though.

I propose we be allowed to trade in stone spirits for salvage, respect, bonus XP or geodes. But who knows what they want to do.

Still, I think they're giving us smithable salvage before they touch stone spirits... They want to fix Invention components before drop tables, I imagine, since it seems like a more important, and faster, fix.

Just wanted to state that the doc i posted was only intended to test the general idea/numbers out. The design was never approved or anything so it's not being worked on.

15 Mar


Originally posted by MaxedPainRS

So this makes Max cape + Comp Passive the best cape then? No need to reget the kiln capes?


Originally posted by Kerse-


It is still not clear from the live design, what kind of benefits having tier 1 comp gives, you just state that tier 2 and 3 comp won't give anything extra. Doesn't sound like you give us extra stats from getting comp tier 1, so what is it?

Currently those capes are just cosmetic, I see where you're coming from with it not being clear and i agree about the wording. I believe currently even T1 Comp will just be cosmetic, with the benefits actually coming from getting all the T1 achievements first, since they are all required for having comp. (please remember none of this is final though :) )


Originally posted by Stormy860

/u/JagexTomb can you please tell us if the stat bonuses will be same as current comp cape? What i mean is, when we have passive boost unlocked and another cape, will we have the same stats as current comp cape (i.e. 43 in mage, rnage or melee)? Also, will there be a hybrid cape that will have at least similiar stats as current comp cape with the boost?

It's not 100% final by any means right now, currently we don't have a definitive answer to this question, but of course we will come to answer this at some point.

I don't know if the passives will be the exact same as current comp or not, or if Max cape keeps its stats/has them reduced. But we'll definitely try and do what is right and what the players lean towards as long as Balancing/Combat councils allow and as long as it leaves the cape slot still open to new additions (we don't want to be blocked from adding new Capes with good stats in the future basically like we are currently.)

13 Mar


Originally posted by --Zer0--

Also, thank you so much for seeing this and trying to fix it, it really means a lot to know that there are people out there trying to fix the little things wrong with the game. Now if only someone could just set Bisdi to follow you at the same range as a legendary pet so she doesn’t clip into you all the time I’d be set 😂

No problem. That just got hotfixed now! Go and get that achievement!


Originally posted by Jasseh1

Just read through the current version of the document, the below answers in the FAQ section contradict each other:

So, we’re getting new capes? What if I want to wear my old cape?

The Quest Cape, Master Quest Cape and Max Cape (and their old appearances) will no longer exist in game.

What about my skillcape perks?

Your skillcape perks will still be tied to their specific skillcapes. So, if you right-click your Runecrafting Skillcape, you’ll still have the option to find out about the Rune Goldberg Machine. If you have a Max Cape, or any of the other capes which allow you to have multiple skillcape perks on them (except Legacy Comp), then you’ll still be allowed to do this.

If you are removing the Max Cape then how would you still have the Max Cape to use the stored skillcape perk benefit?

The max cape essentially becomes the T1 Skilling cape (99 all skills) so it stays the same. Its just the naming/appearance that would be different really