

20 Jul


Originally posted by no-this-iz-patrick

They've said before that the main four bosses will be massable, with a higher tier solo boss before. Not sure if anythings changed since then though

Kerapac isn't massable just to confirm.


Originally posted by Windsofthepast

Does that include hard mode as well?



Originally posted by Innocent_Cuplrit

I've seen the trailer a few times now and I'm 99% sure there'll be 2 new slayer creatures: magic Nodon (yellow wings and head, with staff) and melee Nodon (black wings and red body, with sword).

Edit: Gladly, I was wrong!

There's more than two variants.. 🙂


Originally posted by Voltorn_Elda

Regarding the difficulty of the 'normal' Kerapac fight... how would it be classified? Inbetween what bosses would it be placed?

I still recall that Raksha was 'supposed' to be around Arraxi/Telos regarding difficulty, but at launch this really didn't seem to be the general consensus.
(Also.. will Kerapac have 'one-hit-ko' mechanics used to artificially increase difficulty, or have you moved away from mechanics like that?)

Kerapac is a step up in difficulty from any of the 4 GWD2 Generals.

That's about as far as we want to go in terms of defining the difficulty this time out though.

As you mentioned with Raksha, us saying that set expectations too high or too low depending on who you talked to. We want to make sure to avoid that this time.


Originally posted by MtnDoobie

Awesome looking trailer! Super hyped.

Not that it matters for most players, but will the t95 staff be dyeable?

Oh yes. And personally I think they look SO GOOD.


Originally posted by Avernic

- How many players can take on Kerapac?
- Is killcount required to fight Kerapac?

1-3 for Kerapac, though solo is recommended.

There are no killcount requirements to access the boss. We'll talk about this more on Monday's launch stream, but it's a mechanic the team decided not to bring to this GWD for a variety of reasons.


Originally posted by UnwillingRedditer

Currently hyped for the update; this is more like it.

From a mechanics point of view, I just want to know if normal/hard mode Kerepac will be feasibly soloable.

From a lore point of view, I'd like to know how the dragonkin have gone from "Dragonkin are so dangerous that even the gods fear their power" to "level 92 Slayer". Interesting that this 'essence' type drop upgrades the new ring over time... I wonder if

1: It will be a permanent buff or if you will need to keep feeding it the fragments
2: Other items will be needed if the upgrade is permanent (e.g. an alchemical onyx for the inevitable upgrade to t4 luck).

Kerapac can be fought by 1-3 players, but we recommend solo.


Originally posted by UnkoalafiedKoala

That was great, really missed these types of videos! And getting the literal Staff of Armadyl is incredible.

Glad you enjoyed it! We are looking at potentially making this something we do more often if the feedback is good.

Streams are awesome, but they don't always do the best at presenting the really exciting stuff in an update. Ideally we want to find a better balance between the two (rather than one or the other).


As a PSA, we'll have a few more specific details on some of the rewards discussed in this with our Thursday blog. More to come!


Look for more details on this in the Thursday blog too!

16 Jul


Originally posted by garl12

I was expecting something like the old Behind the Scenes videos. Sad.

We'll have a Developer Diary on Tuesday that's very much in the spirit of that - a blend of gameplay and insight into the content itself.


The Nodon Front opens on July 26th!

We've got plenty of details to share next week ahead of the launch, including a Developer Diary where we'll drop gameplay footage and more on July 20th. Find out everything that's on the horizon here: https://secure.runescape.com/m=news/elder-god-wars-dungeon-the-nodon-front


The Nodon Front Opens July 26th!

We're sure you're really excited to know more so to keep things simple, we wanted to let you know where - and when - you can expect the info drops over the next week as we close in on launch!

Find out more here: https://secure.runescape.com/m=news/elder-god-wars-dungeon-the-nodon-front

09 Jul


Originally posted by zethnon

What scares me is the fact that they're not answering whether there is a boss in the front or not.

I'll be so disappointed if GWD has fronts where no bosses exist. Just.. random mobs to do slayer and catapults to fix.

Without giving too much away, while we're going for a more varied experience across the fronts that make up the Dungeon, a core part of what makes a God Wars Dungeon is mobs and Generals. That's still going to be the case here.


Originally posted by 0nlyRevolutions

Man why is it so vague about what egwd gameplay actually is? There is a boss, right? Slayer for kc, construction for rep? Something like that?

That info is coming closer to release for sure.

We just wanted to get some info out for players to know what some of the requirements are looking like so they have time to train - less a tease, more providing notice of what you might want / need to have going into this.


Originally posted by blzzed

After reading this, it sounds like a wave type format like battle of the monalith. No mention of the boss? Got me worried. Also makes no sense why you have not added the newest quest as a requirement. Don't you need to complete it to get access to the city?

It's very much not a wave based thing, just to confirm.


P.S - Keep an eye on our RuneScape Social channels at ~3pm Game Time for a small teaser of what might be coming in next week's reveal.