

08 Jul


Originally posted by KobraTheKing

Here is a screenshot (from a previous thread 2 months ago, more broken since then) showing how the top 25 in the hardcore hiscore compare to their ironman hiscore (Screenshot names but first letter is censored to avoid players getting pms since it seemed like a system issue, I think I can get an uncensored if needed).

There is no reason to be lower runescore on ironman than hardcore ironman, at least not by more than 20-ish points. Please do note they can have accumulated far MORE runescore as a normal ironman than whats possible by the time of their hardcore death, as the player that died as hardcore with 69 total levels shows in the screenshot. Even 2k runescore is unlikely or impossible by that total level.

Here is a previous thread I made, some comments have interesting ...

Read more

Thanks for the great detail! I'll pass this to the team and hopefully we can get this sorted. Really appreciate the effort.


Originally posted by KobraTheKing

Right now the entire hardcore ironman achievement hiscore is broken, being so bad that the entire frontpage is wrong and only one of the top 100 is even correct.

Is there any intent to fix this or acknowledging the issue?

Our Web and Design Team are really eager to look into this. Could you provide us any more information / specifics just to make sure the team have all the context to what is incorrect and how?


Originally posted by 5-x

  • Any update from Mod MIC on the prospect of past promotional items coming back to Marketplace oddment store?

  • What's the reasoning behind releasing Elder GWD in four parts?

  • Will "Behind the Scenes" articles ever come back, or do you intend to keep us in the dark regarding upcoming updates?

  • Is the concept of "hero items" dead, or will we see more of them?

  • What happened to Dagannoth Kings boss pet graphical rework?

  • Will we see more quests this year after the release of Elder GWD? Is the current storyline going to continue?

  • Any chance for a data livestream in the future?

I can answer a few of these that we didn't get to touch on in the Livestream!

  • There's no updates on past promo items coming back to sharej ust yet.
  • Behind The Scenes-like content is something we are very much working to, but not in the Month Ahead format - at least right now - as we try to ensure we only announce content when it's ready. You'll see us trying to bring more of that feel into how we promote this month's big content though. Hope you like it!
  • Data livesteam was on the cards for Spring, Lockout happened and we let this fall completely off our radar - sorry about that!. We'll look at the stream schedule and plot one in.

Originally posted by cheeserules8

When is the log in lockout postmortem information coming out?

We're still very much planning to do this, but with Mobile and the big stuff coming up beginning this month, it's been de-prioritized a little.

It will probably be a few months yet, but it's a story we want to tell somehow.

06 Jul


Hey everyone. Just an update on tonight's stream - we've had to make a call to flip tonight's stream to tomorrow and move the JvM stream to today to make sure we can get the guests we feel can answer your questions best. Schedule surprises reared their head again.

We have a ton of information already pulled together for your questions, so we'll make sure tomorrow is worth it. Sorry for another disrupted stream schedule, but please do keep the questions coming - we'll fire through as many as we possibly can tomorrow!


Thank you for all these questions and for setting this up last night /u/5-x! We've captured everything so far and we'll grab more around 4pm to bring to the team.

Currently we have Mod Osborne and Mod Pi joining us (lots of combat questions to cover!). We'll hopefully get a third guest based on the remaining question topics too.

05 Jul


Just dropping by with some additional news this morning - we've restored World 97 back into existence! To all of you who missed your home world, thanks for the patience you've shown while we got this sorted.

29 Jun


We're dropping a hotfix now to resolve this. If the spellbook swap didn't work for you, give it another try. Sorry you were held up by this!


Hello everyone! Just a heads up, we're dropping a hotfix now to resolve this. If the spellbook swap didn't work for you, give it another try.

19 Jun

18 Jun


Originally posted by JagexDolan

Hey RSDrebin,

Posting your device and your graphical settings would help us determine if there is a problem. Let me know and I will try and suggest something.


Mod Dolan
QA Engineer

On top of this, there's also a power saver mode that may help you while we look into this. Details are here: https://www.reddit.com/r/runescape/comments/o1tnct/runescape\_mobile\_survival\_guide/?sort=new

17 Jun


Originally posted by stumptrumpandisis1

i have been in the beta, i did not get the rewards. did i still need to register even though i already had it?

Hi there! You don't, but you do need to log in on Mobile anytime from 00:00 Game Time on June 17th to get them. Have you done that and checked your wardrobe?


Originally posted by Is_my_work_account

Once activated, do we still get the XP buff when playing on PC also? Or just mobile?

Both! You just need to log in to Mobile and go in game to claim it.


Originally posted by Zarkanthrex

How does this work if you were in the mobile beta but just had normal tutorial island? I never got to go to Davendale. Am I just out on the rewards?

They should be in the same location - Davendale isn't required, it's just when new players can access customization.

Are your rewards not in your Wardrobe? And just to check, you've logged in to Mobile since 00:00 Game Time on June 17th right?


Originally posted by Waldorts43

can we get an official reply on if anything will be done for those of us who helped beta test the mobile client, but now is unable to log in and receive the rewards due to sudden device incompatibility?

We're going to make sure you get your pre-registration cosmetic gifts if this happened to you. We're still working out how and when, but we hear the feedback from all of you in this spot.

Thanks for letting us know about this - bit of an oversight on our part, but one we will get sorted for you.


Thanks for reaching out on this.

Unfortunately we're unable to support any devices for RuneScape that are not on Android 8.0 or higher which is why this will be the case. We'll pass the feedback to the team to consider either way, but this requirement being enforced is likely the reason behind this.


Originally posted by Dagraenion

I just got them now. Thanks for the heads-up, Mod Hooli! πŸ‘ŒπŸ½

Glad to hear it!


We're looking into these reports - thanks for bringing it up.

If you are experiencing this, can you reply with the device you are playing on?


Hello everyone. In case you find this later, we released an update to fix this last night. Give it another try if you could - you should now be able to progress!