

15 Jun


Further update on this as of 10:45 Game Time: We have a fix that appears to resolve this in our testing environment. We're moving this into our release testing environment now - and if it proves to be successful, we should be able to release this shortly after. We'll keep you updated on how it progresses.


Originally posted by KeshHere

Also if possible can u do this update messages in the main post above ? Cause it gets buried easily

Another possible solution will be pinning the JMOD Bloodhound bot to the top but i am not sure if it is possible or not.

Good shout. Adding that now.


Quick check in to provide a small update:

Our teams have identified the root cause and are working on a fix. No further news to share just yet, but we hope to have everything back online relatively soon. We'll share an ETA as we get one.


Originally posted by rsplayer123

So your saying the fix did not actually resolve the problem?

It did briefly and all looked good, but the problem reared it's head again about 5 minutes after. We're working on another fix at the moment.


EDIT: We deployed a fix that appeared to rectify the problem, but we're seeing it continue in some instances. The team are working to fully fix this asap. We'll keep you updated as best we can.


Originally posted by Kenzie_Fam

how long will this take i cant even open the client

It could be pretty quick. We have a first fix in flight now.


Hi all,

Just a heads up that we're aware of an issue with RuneScape Logins and the availability of RuneScape.com. We're working on it and we'll keep you updated here with any developments. Thanks for bearing with us while we work to get you playing again.

Latest Update - 11:00 Game Time

We now believe this issue is fully resolved. We will continue monitoring for any chances. Thanks ever so much for your patience!

10:52 Game Time

We've deployed a new fix to hopefully resolve the issue. We'll be monitoring to check the results before confirming this is fully fixed.


Read more External link →

14 Jun


Originally posted by EchidnaOwn5035

Please tell me this cubemaps thing is not make the fps lag even worse. My pc is legit going to fly off

We've got a fix inbound for the reported FPS issues that we're looking to deploy as soon as we can. This could potentially be as soon as today but too early to confirm a date just yet.

In the meantime, we recommend avoiding running multiple clients and wait for the cache validation to complete. This should reduce the instances of this happening. Apologies for the disruption while we get it sorted.

11 Jun


Originally posted by Bazzaminxer

So here is my comment.

CPU has usage has basically doubled since that update. My computer can handle it but yeh thats kinda excessive.

Memory was a bit wonky prior - Still kinda the same. Sometimes it shoots up. Most of the time it is fine.

Since update - sometimes have a rare issues where cpu goes to 99% randomly at certain places, leaving fixes it.

I presume this is the new normal. So I will just learn to live with it. Thankyou.

We've seen some reports of this from others also. We'll pass it to the team to check out.


Originally posted by Notsomebeans

confused about this. is this gwd3 on june 21st?

Just to confirm, it's not a dungeon - it's a quest. However, it is the last quest before the war..


Originally posted by rasijaniaz

So city of senntisten doesn't require temple of senntisten?

It doesn't require it. All the requirements are based on the EGW storyline only.


Originally posted by eqtrans

Wait so part 4 isn't on Monday but the following Monday, the same day as the quest?

Please be typo 😭

The Miniquest can't be completed till the 21st. There's a 5th epilogue like part releasing that morning alongside City of Senntisten.


Hi everyone!

We're going live shortly with our stream to reveal the next piece of content in the Elder God Wars saga! We've partnered with KillerFishy, an amazing RuneScape community artist, to stream a time-lapse of a special alternate take on the key art for this new content drop.

If you're interested, head on over to the stream now to see the title and keyart revealed live! https://www.twitch.tv/runescape

External link →

Hi everyone,

We've just deployed an engine update that addresses a number of issues across Desktop and Mobile, including the black/invisible textures issue as well as the root cause of some UI based issues like the action bar icons bug. (Note: The update to fix this earlier in the week was a temporary workaround fix while we addressed the root cause).

This update is currently only available on Desktop, with Mobile to follow shortly after!

  • Fixed an issue on Intel GPUs where players were seeing black or invisible textures in compatibility mode.
  • Fixed an issue with action bar icons not updating properly when switching between pages or removing abilities.
  • Fixed an issue with sliding block puzzles where the empty space was not showing properly.
  • Fixed a rare crash when placing walk markers.
  • Fixed a crash occurring on snapdragon 865 devices.
  • Fixed a number of issues with on-screen keyboard input on iOS d...
Read more External link →

10 Jun

08 Jun


Originally posted by JagexRamen

Any recommendations for our next stream?


Only if you coach me!


Hey everyone. We're really sorry to say we won't be bossing on stream as planned tonight - Mod Spear has unfortunately had to call off the rest of the day sick and we've not been able to secure a guest to keep this going on super short notice with Mobile on the horizon. We were both very excited for this one, so we'll look to fit it in somewhere asap again so you can school us on PvM.

We will be back as planned tomorrow for Tea Time with Mod Bolton, which you won't want to miss if you're interested in creating around RuneScape - be it art, video, streaming or anything else!

For those of you following our JvM journey, we were considering taking on Nex as our next boss to learn (so far we've done the four GWD2 generals). Any recommendations for our next stream?

External link →

07 Jun


That's the goal for sure, but this is just a first step - the idea is to evolve it in a collaborative way as we move towards that to make sure we get this right.

This phase was about getting the feature in it's initial form into Mobile. Mobile needs you to have an integrated store for certain things, like Membership, and the Marketplace is how we can do that (while also moving us to the one-shop future we know everyone would prefer!).

01 Jun


Originally posted by BanTheAbusers

When will assassins walk/zombie/plague walks be added to the oddment store following last weeks stream?

There's no date on it yet - probably won't be for a little while. We'll keep you updated once it's been scheduled in.