

15 Nov


We purposely disable sand crabs and cows after 50 combat because they only existed to help early levels get in to slayer and we didn't want people getting assigned them after a certain point.

This is for the entire slayer task list not just for unnatural selection


Originally posted by RandomlyBroken2

What about dragon weapons from elite clues?

Any planks to unlock them or do we consider them as alchables?

Nope, gotten make do with that rune scim for a while :p


Originally posted by IspamObjection

Is it possible to purchase more than one set of twisted horns?

If you have enough points then yes!


Originally posted by Ghrryuikfffk

Wheres that at? I think they have to be baby dragon and above

Yeah they have to be baby dragon, dragon, lava dragon or superior dragon bones. Only baby and dragon are available in Zeah


It's not a bug, we didn't unlock death plateau.

Go get some rune boots!


We can include it on the relic description for next week if you'd like.

This relic is slightly inconsistent on purpose, Slayer you CAN choose b2b tasks, farming contracts you CANNOT. Here's why:

Slayer was originally chosen to not give b2b tasks for balancing concerns from the devs who wrote it but there is no explanation in game as to why, this is a league so we can ignore that because it's not the main-game.

Farming Contracts however are described in the lore of the guild and why guildmaster Jane wants you to do it purely to rotate the crops as she describes, going against that would go against the reason for the contracts in the first place?

I know it may not make much sense to some people but it does to me at least


You can get noted Dragon Bones from Sarachnis and Hydra/Alchemical Hydra primarily (imps dont count for a legit way to get them imo). We did consider this case in QA and decided we didn't want to fix it.

It's only a medium task, 50 points isn't a huge deal, you'll just have to complete it later on. In essence that relic already gained you that 50 points by getting you to 40 prayer which other people who didn't pick that relic didn't get as quickly as you did.

Some Relics have both positive sides and negative sides, that is on purpose. Auto banking sounds great until you want a log from the tree infront of you, hardcore harvester sounds great until you go to do barbarian fishing specifically where you don't want the fish. The ability to toggle it is something we don't want to implement for this league because it straight up removes the downside to your choice which you should be considering whenever you select a relic.


Originally posted by ThomasonRS

How will the re-colour slayer helm work? If someone wants it but doesn't play twisted leagues can they still get the slayer helm?

The "Twisted Horns" which you attach to a slayer helm to make the item will be tradeable but the slayer helm will not be. So you can just buy it from the GE if you are a non-iron


My guesses before the update were: 65% Endless Endurance 25% Abyssal Accumulator and 10% Dark Altar Devotion

14 Nov


Being in areas which random events take place in (including pillory cells) are not considered leaving the "twisted league area" if that makes sense


Originally posted by EaglesPvM

Hey, a bit off topic but will there be a way to get stamina potions for raiding? I’m mostly playing for the end game of solo raids (will enjoy the journey along the way), but forgot I need staminas for that while choosing my relic and I went with the ammo one. Without amalayse on Zeah is it just impossible for me to raid now?

It's probably still possible with the power of some of the other relics but it might require more complex strategies to preserve energy. Unfortunately we won't allow people to repick their relics. You can technically get staminas from Jekyll randoms if you have torstols but that might not be ideal for you in raids


Originally posted by ItsRadical

Can you also clarify: each relic tier you choose from 3 relics or the path you choose from start is what you get until the end.

Not quite sure what you mean but what I think you're asking is if the relic you choose changes what you are offered in future selections. To which the answer is no


Originally posted by Radingod123

So, the Relics cost points. To clarify, these are the same points used to purchase gear, too? For example, if I buy my second relic for 400 points, do I now have 400 fewer points to spend on rewards? Or is the 400 points only a threshold needed to gain access to the second tier relic?

No. You would unlock the second relic at 400 points and still have 400 points leftover to spend on rewards!


Originally posted by mgriff2k4

If I make a new account for group iron Man and don't leave tutorial island, when I play twisted leauge will I get the rewards still on the account even though it's still in tutorial island?

I don't see why this wouldn't work. Sounds like a cool idea!


Originally posted by [deleted]


Yeah absolutely! No doubt we are going to get tons of feedback from this first league which can help us change/improve systems and features for the next potential league


Originally posted by ShinyPachirisu

I meant its not physically possible, the exp rate is like 35-40k an hour

It is possible but it's still going to take an extraordinary amount of time. There are ways to train agility faster than barb fishing if agility is your only goal.

As I said in another comment, because some 200m skills are possible it doesn't make sense to have 200m firemaking but not 200m agility.


Originally posted by Tsmart

Does that mean we'll be able to hunt Chins without having Eagles Peak completed?

Eagles Peak is now in the quests which we auto-complete for you when you start in the twisted league


Originally posted by Aritche

Cool they worked with you guys :)

Even cooler that they agreed to work to have it ready for the update ahead of time!

13 Nov


Originally posted by Haydn_Seek

Interesting that base 90s gives 250 pts but base 80s will give (100 * 23) + 250 = 2550 pts. That feels a little unbalanced to me, makes me not want to go further than base 80s because of the drop off in points.

You've got to remember that base 90s is also 10 levels of progress in each skill towards 23 elite tasks giving 250 points each


Originally posted by odscrub

It's 8 weeks is it not? Also it probably won't be that hard to max with 5x xp on top of whatever relic upgrades we get down the line. It will be difficult but if your going 20 hours a day you'd probably finish well before the league ends and move onto other tasks. They set the goals to be unreachable so that nobody can "complete" the league, instead it's about time management and accessing what tasks are best to complete. Yes some people will play too much, but that happens in every "league/race" in every game. It's not jagex's job to make you to balance sleep/eat/shit with a video game, it's yours.

This guy gets it!