

27 Feb


Originally posted by DADtheMaggot

I’m really not a fan of investing the Hallowed Marks to increase your efficiency.

Since we haven’t seen any numbers (that I’m aware of) it’s hard to say when it would/wouldn’t be worth it, but it strikes me as an infuriating process (similar to getting the magic watering can for the sole purpose of making tithe farm easier on your way to the farming outfit).

I would love if we could somehow tie it into some other content, or maybe just make the efficiency upgrades something random or level-based (depending on other skills). I don’t have much solution to offer unfortunately, just my two cents :)

Thanks for the feedback!

I agree that we need to make sure we get the numbers right, I have seen more people in favour with the Hallowed Mark system than against it but it's expected that we can't please everyone. When it comes to gauging how effective the upgrades are we can only playtest it ourselves and then listen to post-release feedback hopefully the tools will feel worth it to get without being mandatory to do the content


Originally posted by SlpWlkn

I like everything about this. Skill checks for loot should be non-combat though. It was mentioned that magic platforms or ranging grapples could be used to get to the loot. This would make the zone 100% not profitable for some accounts who want to keep their combat stats at a certain level or for those who don't want to train combat at all. And if you don't play on a main to supply your pure or skiller with gp, then this gp versus xp method would be really useful.

Possible alternatives:

Clear rubble for a mining skill check.

Burn down an obstacle using firemaking.

Puzzle or safe doors that require thieving levels.

Construct a bridge... using construction.

Harvest some kind of overgrown plant wall using farming.

Lay a trap for a large creature blocking your path using hunter.

Thanks for the feedback!

Those are some pretty cool skilling challenges. I didn't want to overload it with using as many different skills as possible but we do have constructing/repairing a bridge using construction as one of them currently!


Originally posted by sophieinthecity

1) definitely. I hope moving forward skilling content in general will have an interactive alternative alongside the usual AFK method.

2) they seem great! I like the idea of timing based mechanics in osrs as they help become more used to the tick system.

3) seems great

4) I think a mix of both decent chunks of damage and time loss are best

5) great compromise, seems consistent with other content in the game

6) I like the idea of choosing before you start the next floor

7) this seems to be a great way to implement "BIS" gear that doesn't make other content irrelevant

8) I like the idea thematically however I think it will get boring after a while. maybe if there was a different theme for each floor while sticking to the holy crypt idea. for example one floor could have plants growing in the cracks of the crypt, while the other could have water, fountains and stuff like that, and to keep it thematic maybe the deeper you go into t...

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Thanks for the feedback and I'm glad you like the design.

We definitely want you to instantly be able to tell which floor you are on. Right now I have a very clear picture of what floor 1 looks like and what floor 5 looks like and I'd want to ensure that we do the same for floors 2-4


Originally posted by rRMTmjrppnj78hFH

Currently watching the youtube video of it.

Up to the point you said you wanted to play with verticality, I think it'd be cool to slide down a slant at least once. /u/JagexHusky

I have faith in Mod Wests ability to make use of the vertical levels of each floor, we could definitely have a sliding slope to move down to some lower levels instead of just a jump down :)


Originally posted by LoyalServantOfBRD

I think interactive agility would be great. As for difficulty and style, I think two things would make the content repeatable and fun:

Randomness - design obstacles that give some prompt that require different responses. Such as: flame wall telegraphs and you have x ticks to jump forward, vs boulder telegraphs and you have x ticks to jump to the side. The obstacles need to always change so you don’t just do the same thing over and over. Using this to push players through different layouts could also affect the speed of a lap, giving an RNG based variability that would encourage repeat attempts. If on a timer, these should not be able to push a player over the threshold if they don’t make too many mistakes.

Timing - to scale difficulty, it should be scaled similar to PVM content - you have fewer ticks to react on more difficult floors. The combo traps in succession would be super fun to learn, such as if you had a 12 tick variable obstacle and it required close to t...

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Thanks for taking the time to write up feedback! I generally agree with what you've said here, we want it to feel random and with each path having different trap combinations we hope to achieve that.

Currently we have a system where each trap is coded to be T1, T2 or T3 in difficulty with speed of the thing you have to dodge increasing with each tier aswell as the amount of warning you have being reduced, lower level floors are predominantly T1/T2 traps and higher level floors are T2/T3 traps.

I've seen more support for the items than against them, the plan isn't to reduce the risk vs reward but instead to make doing the treasure opportunities more consistent... which means you may try to loot 1 or 2 more things in the Crypt which then could make you fail haha. The items shouldn't just make you be able to mess up and still be able to easily claim all the loot


Originally posted by kastevekk163

on interactive agility

Good idea. Agility has effectively been reduced to a "remember where to click on the screen while watching netflix" skill so this really needs to reflect the amount of effort you put in. This type of content should be the meta.

on trap mechanics

Looks good. Maybe a couple more overall?

combination traps

makes sense for the later floors, but I don't think these should be too tight. If you have to get it tick perfect to get it right while dodging multiple traps, that might be too much.

penalty being time loss

Good. This'll encourage learning it properly while weighing risk vs reward. If you have a couple mistakes early on, you'll end at floor 3 instead of potentially 4.

on sacrificing loot for high xp/hour

Sounds good. It should be higher xp/h than agility c...

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Thanks for the feedback! Glad you like the concept.

We currently have plans for the 3 trap types shown on stream aswell as 2 others which have not been developed yet. Hopefully that is enough traps. Once we develop it if we feel like 5 is too stale we may consider developing a 6th

I've replied about XP/hr to a few other comments not but generally I agree with you in premise but not with the exact numbers. We want it to be worth doing for those who want a more click intensive training activity than rooftops and we won't know the exact rates until we playtest it.


Originally posted by Klonoa123

  1. Yes I think it does, interactive content is more engaging, but overall it's the best because it gives a range of options for you to choose from. Currently we have very afk agility training but none that you need to pay attention for, so the choice is nice and will appeal to more players.
  2. All great, would love a couple more, maybe such as a swinging pendulum system (Maybe both along and across the path at higher levels?)
  3. I like this, makes it harder further down, and increases the chances of messing up so you need to concentrate rather than at a place like pyramid plunder where all floors are the same despite level differences.
  4. Good.
  5. Very tough, I think there should be a base level of loot for reaching a certain number of floors but the option of looting increases this drastically. Perhaps the base could be 5-10% of what you would get from the maximum looting potential.
  6. Incredible, don't change this.
  7. Good. Don't think thes...
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Thanks, I'm glad you like the content!

The Sepulchre will definitely be clearable without the Hallowed tools but they will just speed up doing the treasure opportunities and make them less RNG.

We have some ideas to show part of the corruption coming in and then being cleansed by the Hallowed nature of the crypt, keep your eyes peeled!


Originally posted by superfire444

What are your thoughts on interactive Agility content in general? Do you feel like it has a place in the game?

Yes as long as it doesn't make other agility content obsolete.

Did you like the mechanics of the three different traps we showed off? (Moving Flame Patterns, Dodging Projectiles and the Rolling Boulder)

They looked fantastic.

What do you think of the idea of combination traps to make the later floors more difficult?

Good idea! It should still be do-able though.

What are your thoughts on the penalty system where you will lose time from your clock instead of taking large amounts of damage?

Depends how the reward system is set up. You obviously need to be punished for failing an obstacle. I think you guys know best wether that's time or damage. If it's damage it should definitely be balanced for every HP-level an...

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Thanks for the feedback and I'm glad you liked the concept!

"High XP/Hr" is intentionally vague because although I have an idea for how difficult it should be on floor 5 we won't know for sure until we get through it and we want players to feel rewarded for the effort they put in to this activity.

For example, if it is only 10% more XP/Hr but the player is concentrating intently for a full hour then more than likely players will just go back to rooftop courses. If it's 100% more XP/Hr then everyone will do it and leave rooftops regardless, there's a balance there we'd like to hit but I don't want it to be excessive, Agility shouldn't suddenly be an insanely fast skill to train because of this update.

As fishshow221 said the area where Darkmeyer sits used to be land where the Icyene lived, this Crypt is where their people were buried and since it is holy ground the Vampyres haven't been able to go in and raid them, that's where adventurters such as yourself c...

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Originally posted by Retributw

The initial work shown was awesome, but I have some questions/suggestions:

  1. Do these subsidiary challenges grant xp in their respective skill i.e. prayer

  2. Can the items used in the sepulchre be used outside for functions like the hammer for con/Smith and light for FM/lightsource similar to the bruma torcha and dwh at bandos. Additionally, the grapple should be allowed to be used outside as well, maybe even being a requirement to use a possible barrows shortcut from Darkmeyer

  3. (SUGGESTION) Tomb guardians/icylene for the sepulchre maybe on the higher tiers you can combine these mechanics to defeat a small npc that's guarding that treasure room

  4. obviously the art isn't flushed out enough, but since the lower tiers have been raised I'd like to see those parts more ran down, I don't recall if you mentioned that would be the case, you may have.

  5. Pet, while the chance to get a squirrel is higher than other courses...

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Thanks, I'm glad you liked it! As for your questions:

  1. Yeah the idea is that you will receive some XP in those skills for the challenges but over the course of an hour doing the Sepulchre it will add up to be token XP in those skills probably no more than 1-2k XP/hr for them which is fine because all the skills chosen are generally very fast skills to train.

  2. It's not planned to make them work for all of the other skills but I can look into it if we have time. It would be straightforward to make the hammer work for construction training in general for example but not to substitute a hammer everywhere you could use a hammer in-game.

  3. Thanks for the suggestion! Not spoiling anything about mechanics in future floors :)

  4. Yeah we definitely want the colour scheme to be more faded and for the first 2 floors specifically to look like an adventurer has come before you and raided the tombs in the past but the further down you go t...

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Originally posted by sloth-says-what

The concept of using marks to help make future runs easier, is fantastic, and I think future (Skilling) content should try to develop this. The best parallel currently in game is using MLM nuggets to help expand the paysack or getting access to the upper level.

Building efficiency early for future tasks is peak OSRS imo (Like unlocking proper teleports to do farm runs quicker, or completing diaries for the minor QoL buffs).

One thing I might've missed, are these efficiency items tradable? Non-tradable feels more osrs, but I know devs prefer making things tradable for the sake of selling them.

P.S. It'd be pretty interesting to take this concept and apply it to gauntlet to make it more appealing. Just minor QoL updates based on completions (or a point system developed, doesn't matter). Like having more consistency with T3 upgrades, additional time, faster resource gathering by a tick etc.

Thanks! I'm glad you like the concept I am also a big fan of investing in an activity to make it better.

The efficiency items are not going to be tradeable, nothing from that shop is but the Strange Old Lockpick and the Ring of Endurance will be tradeable since they are from a loot table when searching the coffins in the activity itself.

I don't think there are any plans to change the core design of the gauntlet with unlocks but we can certainly keep that in mind for future content if players like the idea!


Originally posted by acoolguy93

My thoughts:

  • What are your thoughts on interactive Agility content in general? Do you feel like it has a place in the game?
    • This would be a welcome addition.
  • Did you like the mechanics of the three different traps we showed off? (Moving Flame Patterns, Dodging Projectiles and the Rolling Boulder)
    • I like them and the combination traps
  • What do you think of the idea of combination traps to make the later floors more difficult?
    • Its great
  • What are your thoughts on the penalty system where you will lose time from your clock instead of taking large amounts of damage?
    • I think this is good idea.
  • What do you think about the balance between going for high XP/hr and choosing to sacrifice that XP for loot?
    • Not a big fan of this change simply because the rewards won't really be worth the loss in XP/hr and I do think it should offer both. My worry is if ...
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Hey, thanks for taking the time to give some feedback!

Regarding XP/hr vs loot, the idea is that you are rolling for a chance at the hallowed marks which unlock Cosmetic rewards and various items which make getting hallowed marks faster. It's certainly not going to live up to the GP/Hr of pvm content but think of it more like doing PP, lots of time you get some loot over time but then you have a chance to get the Ring of Endurance which will hopefully hold some value.

The idea is that the unlocks aren't going to provide more agility XP/Hr than if you ignored the treasure opportunities but if you do want to go for treasure you can pick up the unlocks and over time the gap between the XP lost going for the treasure will become less as you will be able to get access to the treasure more consistently


Originally posted by Just-My-Opinion-Dude

Hi Mod Husky, thanks for showcasing the WIP Hallowed Sepulchre today. To answer your questions:

  1. I love the idea of interactive agility, agility is a pretty bland skill in it's current form so it's great to see some different styles of agility content being worked on. It absolutely has a place in game.

  2. Sure, they seemed pretty cool.

  3. Combining the traps is a cool idea. I think they will have to be synced together well though, I don't like the idea of having to wait for 30 seconds to get three traps to sync up in a certain way before I can even attempt to get across them.

  4. I like the penalty system, I think losing time rather than health thematically fits agility.

  5. I like having to choose between going for max xp and going for loot, although I think the xp gained from choosing not to go for the loot will have to be substantially higher to make it a worthwhile option. I assume the xp/h will increase dependi...

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Thanks for your feedback and I'm glad you like the concept!

Answering your questions: 5. Yeah we want the XP from each floor to be significantly higher than the last one as an incentive to try and push as high as you can and not just repeatedly do floors 1-3. I agree that it should be the best XP/Hr in the game but we specifically haven't given rates because we don't know what will feel right until we play it ourselves. It depends entirely on how click intensive it ends up being and how difficulty the traps are to do. If the XP is only marginally better for a significantly higher amount of effort then no one will do it, if the XP is significantly better but the traps aren't actually all that hard then it's too OP. We have to strike that balance right and we won't be able to until we're playing the content ourselves.

  1. We have two thoughts for the timer and we're not sure which one to go with yet. Either you get a flat say 15 minutes to complete all floors and th...
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Originally posted by 5150-5150

Just wanted to say:

Mod Husky, MVP



Originally posted by the1general

Hello Husky! Jebrim here. Loving what I’m seeing!

I like the traps, although I do think I might miss the fact that there are no actual obstacles to click to interact with. A big thing you did right here was design new types of traps/obstacles that we haven’t had to encounter yet in Agility. Existing courses have just reused the same old obstacles.

You made it so the fires couldn’t be run through by skipping a tile, but did you also do the same for the projectiles? There’s certainly two different philosophies behind this. You could block these so that it’s more realistic or you could allow people to try to time it properly to run through them. A problem I see with the latter is that it’s basically a 50% chance even if someone were to just click to run to the end and hope they get it. It’d be way too easy.

I hope the fires aren’t just going to be easy traps that just require a bunch of sitting still waiting for the next one ahead of you to disappear. Continual...

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Hi Jebrim, thanks for the feedback and I'm glad you are happy with what you are seeing!

There will still be some obstacles to interact with such as the grapples you pointed out aswell as when the player is required to advance up or down a level (vertically) within a floor in the Sepulchre but none of the 5 traps we have planned will involve clicking on obstacles at specific timings at this stage in the design.

Yeah I forgot to show it on stream but the plan is that you won't be able to run through the projectiles either. That one is a bit trickier because the player is teleporting 2 tiles while running and the projectiles are teleporting 2-3 tiles at a time so we need to simulate what we consider to be "fair collision" i.e. if you walk on a tile that the projectile was on before it has finished moving to the next one then you will get hit. Proper collision is next to impossible in our game but we'll do our best so that it at least feels like you don't feel like you ...

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Originally posted by dreadwraith8d

Risk vs Reward is fine, but if it's like PP where you can fail looting Urns 5+ times in a row I won't bother doing this.

edit: I worded this poorly, more so I meant that if it's possible to fail obstacles and be punished by getting no xp because you get unlucky, I think this will be dead content.

Each of the treasure opportunities will have different behaviours for you failing and I don't want to go into details yet but it will scale on your level in the skill required for the challenge and I don't want it to be too high RNG. If you fail 5 times in a row it's going to be very rare.

The purpose of the hallowed tools in the reward shop is to reduce the fail-rate of the obstacles so hopefully as you level your skills and obtain these tools you'll notice a big difference in the amount of times you fail. Hope this makes sense


Originally posted by Thermald

What are your thoughts on interactive Agility content in general? Do you feel like it has a place in the game?

Yes. Anything to mix it up.

What do you think about the balance between going for high XP/hr and choosing to sacrifice that XP for loot?

I think the trade off could be larger

We haven't really decided the trade-off in how much xp you lose by going for treasure compared to completing the course and I don't think we can until we plug some numbers in, playtest it and review it until we feel like it's right. I do agree that you need to notice yourself getting less XP for getting loot in general though


Originally posted by nostealyplease

Here's an abstract suggestion for good agility content:

Use agility training to teach the player how to play better with the tile/tick mechanics in OSRS

Walking/running around in OSRS is weird, and that makes it fun. In any other game, the Sotetseg puzzle would be an absolute joke, but in OSRS it's an interesting challenge. One mechanic you could use to implement something like that would be floor that shows where you're currently standing and where you just left. Something like wet shoes that show footprints that quickly fade after you leave the tile. Because animations are almost a tick behind, it's confusing to a lot of players when they see their dude running towards a tile, and it turns out they've actually been standing on that tile the whole time.

Edit: Speaking of which, you mentioned on the stream how running actually teleports you two tiles, skipping the middle tile, but that's not something a lot of players realize. A lot of them ...

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Thanks for the feedback! I don't think I want to go for a tick perfect pattern until at least floors 4 and 5 and even then I still want every obstacle to give at least 1-2 ticks of warning as to what it's going to do (depending on the floor and difficulty of the trap).

It needs to feel intuitive and the player needs to feel like they can practice it until they get it right. I really want to prevent teleport running for any obstacle which punishes the player by setting them back and reducing their time and I feel like the route I've gone down is a very different route to what you are suggesting where I instead embrace and teach that functionality. I'm not sure how I'd accomplish both goals at the same time.


Originally posted by Sc2_PuGGy

  1. I think interactive agility has a place in the game, but similar to other methods that require more attention (3-ticking, volcanic mine, etc.), I think the xp/hr needs to mirror that. If I have to pay mass attention for little to no benefit, most people will likely rather just run the same course over and over because it's very easy.

  2. Yes, they look good.

  3. As someone who would be able to hit the last floor, I think it the difficulty is most likely fine as long as I can consistently make it to the end once I learn the process.

  4. Nice to not have to carry mass healing items and being ultimately limited by that.

  5. Makes sense as long as the max xp/hr definitely reflects that. If the max xp/hr is only a couple thousand more than ardy (I am speaking about 92+ floors), then I am afraid it would be dead content besides grabbing dark graceful... personally, Id rather it be the meta.

  6. Great idea, as long as ...

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Thanks for the feedback. I think balancing the reward to the effort is the hardest part to be honest. On one hand if it's only 5% better than rooftops but requires an hour or full concentration it's dead content. If it's 100% better then it's overpowered and speeding up a skill to an extent it doesn't need to be sped up. Finding the balance between the two will only really be possible once we have finished developing the content and get to playtest it ourselves and on top of that we have to consider how much exp each treasure encounter is going to cost the player.


Originally posted by madpigeons

What are your thoughts on interactive Agility content in general? Do you feel like it has a place in the game?

I like how you showed how the obstacles are tied together to feel like one long challenge. I think it could be fun if the reward for the difficulty was balanced.

Did you like the mechanics of the three different traps we showed off? (Moving Flame Patterns, Dodging Projectiles and the Rolling Boulder)

I think they are kind of basic but that can be a good thing. It would be cool to see something like the sotetseg maze as a puzzle to give players a way to practice it outside of ToB. Another idea is having a ghost that follows you extremely slowly and insta kills you when it finally reaches you, like the ghost in Spelunky where if you take too long exploring it forces you to move faster, giving you the looming threat feeling so you're less inclined to stand still for long periods of time.

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Thanks for the feedback and I'm glad you like the design! The difficulty vs reward element is definitely going to be the factor that makes this content hit or miss for most players and we won't have a fair judge of either until later on in development. I don't know how difficult my theorized traps are until I implement them and try them myself.

Don't worry, Mod West is working on this project so there'll be plenty of easter eggs, some of which I'm sure won't be found for a while :)

26 Feb