

26 Feb


Hi Guys.

Hopefully you all checked out the Developer Q&A which we just hosted where Mod West and I showed off the Hallowed Sepulchre (greybox) which is coming out with the Sins of the Father quest in the city of Darkmeyer. If not, hopefully the VOD will be up soon on youtube!

For those of you who wanted to leave feedback, feel free to leave it below. If you're not sure what type of feedback to give I have a few suggestions below. I'll make sure to read all of these and reply to any questions you have when I come back into the office tomorrow.

  • What are your thoughts on interactive Agility content in general? Do you feel like it has a place in the game?

  • Did you like the mechanics of the three different traps we showed off? (Moving Flame Patterns, Dodging Projectiles and the Rolling Boulder)

  • What do you think of the idea of combination traps to make the later floors more difficult?

  • What are your thoughts...

Read more External link →

24 Feb


Originally posted by JagexOasis




Originally posted by kinkyHamburgler

Or maybe you're looking at it backward. Perhaps the Dye and Acorn (the ones you want) are balanced to take so many marks or marks are sufficiently rare that achieving them requires acquiring the other rewards to enhance your ability to get more Hallowed Marks - hence showing your mastery over agility/sepulchre.

Yeah this is pretty much it. I want you to be able to spend your rewards to enhance your experience in the mini-game itself and if you have completed everything they will directly translate into xp if you want them to


Originally posted by Cynth_ia

Can we have Dark Graceful and Giant squirrel recolors as separated questions? In case you don't wan't more pet recolors, sorry Acorn.

They are separate questions in the blog from what I can see, unless Acorn went and changed it in the last few minutes. We always intended to poll them separately


Originally posted by CaptaineAli

The Hallowed Sepulchre sounds cool; I always thought an agility based version of Pyramid Plunder would fit OSRS well, although I'm not sure about raiding the crypt. It's a cool concept but I think it's just a little too confusing with how most the rewards just increase future runs. I'd rather see coins and other artefacts which can be turned in for coins or even thieving xp rewards.

I like the Dark Dye and Dark Acorn, although I don't think the rest of the rewards are needed. Maybe just allow the player to spend excess Hallowed Marks on Amylase packs instead (lower rate of Marks compared to rooftop so players choose either rooftops for more marks/profit or Hallowed Sepluchre for more XP/hour).

I'd love to find out more about Darkmeyer and what other skilling activities are involved. Cool blog!

Thanks for the feedback!

The idea raiding the crypts is that if you don't get a hallowed mark you roll on a secondarty droptable with treasure fitting to the thematics as you described. The Hallowed mark itself looks more like currency than a mark of grace.

As for converting to amylase, I really don't like that personally, I wouldn't want to make rooftops undesirable and the balance between the two makes for better game design.


Originally posted by hatesranged

Ah, my apologies. Just wondering, the rogues outfit do anything in the mini game?

No, the Rogues outfit only works for pickpocketing NPCs and there won't be any pickpocketable NPCs in the Sepulchre


Originally posted by hatesranged

So let me get this straight, we’re comitting larceny by “raiding” this tomb for “stealable items” “like pyramid plunder” (quotes from the blog), but this won’t give any thieving exp?

Feels like a clear-cut case where joint thieving/agi xp might make more sense.

Otherwise, I like the content suggestions, I hope to see them make it into the game.

EDIT: apparently there will be thieving xp oops

Thieving is only done when you achieve loot (i.e. searching the coffins) and it will give a token amount of experience. The majority focus of the game is on dodging the traps which is why it's an agility activity.

I'll be going over a demo of it on the livestream this week so tune in if you want to see an early prototype of it!

20 Feb


Originally posted by wheresmyspacebar2

Any reason for the quick change? Im sure like 2 days ago, a Jmod (might have been yourself) on twitter said there were no plans to change the drop rate in the near future as you wanted to see the price changes or something along them lines?

Personally i think 1:200 roll is perfect. The upgrade wasnt good enough for a 300 hour grind :P

I wasn't responsible for the changes and I was cautious on twitter of promising exactly when we'd change it.

Turns out Ed agreed and decided to make the change a week later. Sorry for the confusion!


Originally posted by Darkrain273

So onyx became even rarer after today update? 1/200 for drop table and 1/8k when landing on that drop table? So the chance of getting an onyx there is 1/very small, right?

Yeah this is correct. 1/200 chance to land on the "Tool Seed" table and then a 1/8000 for that tool seed to instead be an onyx.

It essentially makes the onyx a 1/1,600,000 drop

07 Feb


Originally posted by GodHandFemto

Can we get multiple Staffs in a kill though? I think people just want to know if Staff is still on the unique table or not.

No, it's still limited to one staff per kill

06 Feb


Originally posted by jesse1412

Can you at least disclose if small teams are worth doing? I.e is unique rate flat per singular kill or does it scale with team size.

I'm afraid not sorry


Originally posted by SvvayEveryday

Do uniques drop rate scale with the number of people in the instance or is it static?

Sorry, not going to reveal how droprates of the uniques work at this time. Perhaps in a few months


I like the idea of the hp orbs changing colour. I'll pass that on on.

There is an indicator on both the boss and the ironman pool as to which phase the boss is on as Smetvrees pointed out. It doesn't tell you whether they are on shield phase or not but it should be enough to tell whether you should keep hopping worlds or stick around


Originally posted by RNGreed

TFW the runespan guy gets more developer comments than genuine suggestions have in a week.

We like to meme sometimes too.

But I did read that design and found it an interesting read and I think I'll read it again when I come to work on my PvP designs/pitches for this month :)

25 Jan


Originally posted by Discord_Show

Hey Mod Husky do you think with group ironman there will be maybe other ways added to prevent this? Groups of 5 trying to kill a boss and trying to avoid other groups of 5 to not touch their boss once might get ugly.

I'm afraid I can't answer how this is going to work for Group Iron as that hasn't been decided yet but we can discuss how it will work with corp during the development of the game mode


Originally posted by TheLotusEyedOne

With all due respect, I don't think it's productive discussing what you CAN'T do. Corp crashing seems to be a highly pervasive issue within the game that goes well beyond the "competing for resources is ok" stance that you guys have taken. It's straight malicious, toxic and bad for the community as a whole.

If you can't change the way instances work without significant engine changes, that's fine. But what CAN you do to fix this issue?

Obviously, you don't need to answer in this thread right away, but I think it's important you and the other devs discuss this as a change that players want.

No offense taken. I was merely just saying that the suggestion wasn't possible. I actually am not sure right now what we could do to fix it without making significant changes to corp or the way instances work but I can definitely raise it with the team to see if anyone knows of anything we can do to help. Any changes which could be made would have to consider any knock-on effects for other players other than Irons and for the uniques themselves.

I'm sorry that I don't have an answer right now which is likely to be satisfactory to you and I am aware how frustrating it is to be crashed and lose the kill.


Originally posted by pakdatyak

I know this might come off as rude, but when did RS3 undergo these “engine changes”? When EOC came out? I play both games, and in RS3 your instance stays open for an hour even with no players in it.

I couldn't say when because it was before I started working with Jagex but both games run on separate engines so just because one game can do it doesn't mean that the other can unfortunately


I know it sounds like a great idea and I wish we could do this but unfortunately without engine work to change how instances work we cannot have an instance remain open if there are no more players inside it

20 Jan


Originally posted by ReCoVuRy

Roger that, thanks for the response!

Hey, If you login you should have the rest of your points now. Sorry for the inconvenience!