

17 Jan


Hmmm, this is peculiar. I will look into this when I'm back in the office on Monday. Until then I'd recommend not spending your points if you still want the Twisted Horns!


Originally posted by anticommon

The one thing I would like to add to all this is that there should not be relics that make you chose between fun gamePLAY or efficient points (ie xp relics).

To make the xp go by faster still though, I think that they should be built into the relic tiers. Ie. Tier one grants you the base 5x xp, tier 2 adds 2x (total 7x) tier tree adds 3x for 10x total etc.

Relics that change gameplay like harvester and clue hunter and focus etc. Are all great because they let you play the game differently rather than just gain xp faster.

Yeah we have been thinking the same. The xp multiplier could steadily increase every other relic and then we strip the relics down to just cool game changing effects


Originally posted by zuidd

if it is only a 1 month league it runs into a potential problem of that being a bad month for a player to play due to real-life commitments

This is important for the competition tbh. This may be very personal, but if leagues were 1 month I wouldn't have been able to catch up as I did most of it during the winter breaks.

If we had 7 relics in 20k points (so a 10k relic and a 20k relic) that would've done a lot

Do note that only ~1250 people ended up having 20k points after 2 months of league. Hell "only" 6500 players ended with 10k points. Be aware that making the 20k relic too powerful would possibly widen the gap too much discouraging competition for people "stuck" under the 20k points. I agree we should have more relics but 20k is kind of much. I would be fine with 10k but I think even that is perhaps questionable.

Yeah I understand that but just the presence of a 10k relic would make getting a 20k relic easier depending on how powerful it is.

I think the reason only 1250 people got 20k points in the first place was because a good number of players burned out after the first 3-5 weeks, if we had more relics and reasons to push just a little bit more for points then we likely would've seen more than double the amount of people at 20k points


Originally posted by LordGozer2

I believe that in hindsight we should've had more relics to make the league feel like it had a larger amount of gameplay.

Instead of inventing new relics at a very high point threshold that only a tiny minority would ever reach, what about letting you get a 2nd choice of the existing relics once you've "completed" round 1?

Say the last tier relic choice is unlocked after 5k points. Then at 10k points you get a 2nd choice at tier 1 relics, 2nd t2 relic at 15k points, t3 at 25k, t4 at 40k and so on. This way you'll automatically unlock new relics for the whole league duration without having to spend dev time on even more relics where the unlocks just stops at another arbitrarily set point threshold.

I really do believe that will take away from the impact of the choice which the player made. Ideally we want there to be a more even split between the relics than there was in this league and we want people to be proud of their choice.

If everyone has everything then no-one will feel special if that makes sense?


Thanks for writing this up, it was a very interesting read.

A lot of the team have raised similar points to some of these in our discussions about what went well for Twisted League and what would we like to improve for the next one and its nice to see a lot of validation in your post and in the comments that we are mostly in agreement.


  1. I absolutely agree, Zeah was a fantastic choice for the first league and it really brought to attention to a lot of our players that there is a lot more going on there than just the catacombs, raids and blood/soul runecrafting.

  2. Not much to say other than I agree, it's the reason why TL was such a success.


  1. The length of the league is going to be something we discuss on a league to league basis, 2 months felt about right because Zeah has so much content and it takes a while to get "raids-ready" which is the clear end-game for Zeah also if it is only a 1 mon...

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16 Jan


He actually did get the trophy because he had enough points for the Dragon Trophy threshold which is what we were checking.

We lack the capability to check your exact rank from runescript or even the total number of ranked players in the hiscores which would be required to do an exact top 1%.


Originally posted by Pegpeg66

Does the TL teleport function in conjunction with the cow? I.e. when there isn't enough room for cow, the default animation plays, which could be the TL instead

If you don't have space for the cow it still goes back to default instead of the twisted league version


Originally posted by WanderWut

Will we be able to purchase the rewards as soon as TL is over at 9 and the game is back up?

No, the rewards will be available with the game update afterwards

14 Jan


The league ends Thursday 16th at 9am UTC.

I noticed the issue with the login screen saying 1 day left and that has been fixed, sorry for the inconvenience.

09 Jan


Originally posted by StuC92

"An issue which resulted in some players receiving duplicate points for completing certain tasks will be resolved in time for the end of the League."

Is this super obvious if it happened to us?

I got 6k point for the helm exactly then stopped playing twisted leagues and don't want to lose points so close to the end and have to rush and get more.

The league hiscores are correct so if it says 6k points in a league world then you are fine. There is a chance that you have more than 6k points on your main save account which only reflect the rewards you can obtain from the shop. It is the incorrect main-save copy we are fixing not the correct league-world one

17 Dec


Originally posted by JCXtreme

Will leagues be on a rotation?

Let’s just say there’s 5 or 6 different leagues, spread over a year...

Eventually you could return to this one, allowing players to choose different relics or go for other goals, but basically a repeat.

You could then re-earn the trophies, and perhaps “Examining” the trophies in the POH says what league it was from (for example, Twisted League 1, or Twisted League 4).

Obviously there is then an issue of if players would want to do the same one over again.

I think if we did the same league again it would be stale, part of the beauty of it is that players don't know what the metas are.

I'm not opposed to doing a Zeah locked Ironman league at some point in the future but if we did I'd want to change up the tasks and relics substantially. We've learned a lot from this league


Originally posted by BioMasterZap

It might to some extent, but the same would be true even if you changed the trophies. Chances are the trophies wouldn't different drastically league to league so the players who go for Dragon are likely doing it for more than just the trophy. Even if they don't get a separate item in the main game, they'd likely still be interested in going for the top ranks and they would be the type to appreciate more text in a read option on the trophy. The players who would just get Dragon once and stop caring will likely do that regardless of how many variants of trophies you have.

Also, another issue to bring up is how cluttered the game could get if every league does have unique trophies. Five leagues in, they'd either all look rather similar or all try to be unique, which would be worse when you consider how many are now unaccessible to all new players.

The last thing I didn't think to mention in my first post that I'll tack on here is that it really isn't fair to change how...

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That's absolutely fair feedback and when we review all this we will definitely take all of that in to account.

Regarding your other point, I don't see us as changing how the league trophies work because we weren't clear in the original post how they would work, which was an oversight on our part. I've spoken to various people who agreed that after reading it the Trophies would be unobtainable and we were only referring to the trade-able rewards and I've seen other people argue that the not being discontinued applies to everything.

"In the Twisted Leagues reveal blog we stated that League rewards will not be discontinued. However in the rewards section of the Twisted League release post, we specified that the trophies 'can only be claimed by players who attained the specific rank in the League' "

What this blog is trying to do is correct that issue and involve the community with the decision because even as a team we have people on both sides of the debate.

... Read more

Originally posted by Unlikely_Island

if someone just barely missed the mark they can participate next time to get the last few points they need.

This is just rewarding "bad" players.
If they want to get something they should have to grind for it, isn't that the point of OSRS?
It could be cool to see someone wear the tier 3 outfit with the Twisted Slayer Helm because you know they spent a lot of time and played well with a good plan, but after 5 Leagues it's just someone who could have played casually across 5 Leagues.

There's two sides to it.

Firstly if someone earned more points than required. Say, 8000 points. They buy the Slayer helm, banner and teleport and now they have 500 points leftover. We want them to be able to spend those on future leagues. This way this player doesn't feel like he wasted time getting 500 points that are now useless.

On the other hand there's the person who got to 9,500 points and just barely missed out on getting the slayer helm/blueprints so he's going to save his points until he can get the 500 more from the next league. However because there will be more rewards from next league he has to make the choice to sacrifice 500 points from potential rewards in the next one.

We really don't want to have a discontinued tradeable reward system where let's say there are only 5,000 sets of Twisted Horns in the game, they will then have a price that will only go up because some people could get banned, stop playing, or even die with the item and not ma...

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Originally posted by Unlikely_Island

Why do points carry over?
I feel like if you want a reward from another league you should have to grind that league.
Plus I don't think you guys will be able to hit the same difficulty throughout other leagues, so someone with points saved up from an easier league (Like Twisted where you guys have admitted the balancing isn't 100% correct) will instantly have an advantage even though they haven't played the new league.

We want players to be able to buy the tradeable rewards from past leagues so that they are not discontinued and if someone just barely missed the mark they can participate next time to get the last few points they need.

We are aware of the balancing issues and that points/hr could be very drastic from league to league and we will try to address that issue however we can once we know what the next league is and what it's rewards consist of


Originally posted by BioMasterZap

For the trophies, I'd suggest making the same trophies available each league so they fill the same spot in the POH and so you can aim for higher spots next league. But what if they had some option, like an inspect or such that listed what your ranks were for ever league you were in? That way the item itself isn't unique to each league but you still had some way to tell.

How do you feel about that potentially ruining the prestige of having the item in the first place? I feel like that is one of the concerns with having the same trophy each league.

If someone already has it then they may feel compelled not to get it again just for a different inspect option and at that point the top 1% becomes more accessible with each League as more people get it.

04 Dec


Originally posted by Wildest12

To confirm wearying 3/5 pieces + the relic should also result in 0 damage right? (110% reduction?)

No, say you would take 10 damage.

Set reduces ro 4 (60% reduction) (assuming 3/5 is 60% from your comment)

Relic reduces 4 to 2 (50% reduction)

03 Dec


Originally posted by eddietwang

 if (postRelicDamage == 0){

Even simpler. Since I pass all damage checks through a single script for that relic i just exit out my script if the damage passed in is 0


Originally posted by gojlus

Thanks, and no worries! Small issues aside, this league is fantastic.

Thanks! I had a lot of fun designing and implementing it :)


Whoops, definitely an oversight on my part with this one. I'll make sure to get it fixed when I can.

I wanted to make sure the relic never made you take 0 damage when you should've taken some damage (i.e. 1 damage never going to 0) but my logic was slightly off.

Sorry for the inconvenience!

29 Nov


Originally posted by Michael_RS

The scaling on mage level is really nice.

The big problem there is that it should scale with mage prayers too, since some ppl(Me included) have a cb 65 with 99 mage 50att 98 str 70hp 1 pray.

Mage prayers dont increase your mage level though, only mage accuracy which theoretically scales the average damage with the spec because it hits more often I suppose