I did see that. The negative defensive bonuses mean very little, especially in scenarios like COX and TOB where skill is more important than defence. I also believe that the damage % of 4% is still ultimately destroying the arcane spirit shields usefulness.
The one BIS item from Corp for many scenarios is the arcane. The ely is a niche item, used for tanking and infernal mainly. The spectral is only used at Cerberus. Both of them have passive effects.
I struggle to think of any scenario in which the arcane would be better than the sirens tome under these proposed changes. I think for long zulrah trips possibly, but even then the zulrah meta is tbow now, and those who can’t afford tbow likely won’t be able to afford the sirens tome upgrade.
With all of what I’ve just mentioned I really think the only item from Corp that is used in a variety of situations as a BIS will be destroyed. As Corp is one of the most nostalgic bosses, and should have at least one it...