

29 Nov


Originally posted by Michael_RS

I showed a 75mage 75hp build that maxes 76 and still trashes all oponents in wildy. So I am wondering what hp lvl they go for.

Hey just hijacking this top comment to say we are going to make it 50hp requirement and have a scaling magic attack based on your magic level early next week I believe.

But thanks for making the video! Feedback like this is very appreciated!

28 Nov


Originally posted by lockersniffer

Remember that if you scale it based on magic level, then the max hit will increase with imbued heart/magic potion. Basing it off magic level is a poor idea. The hp requirement would more than fix this. Say 75 hp/mage requirement and 25 prayer to keep the staff is still 58 combat, a common build at 58 combat is granite maul pure (50 att, 70 str, 31 pray, and 63 hp) - which can hit 29-29-29 with gmaul. So while the staff would 1 hit people at that bracket, the gmaul already can do the same.

Plus at 58 combat some people have smite, so you would definitely be risking the staff if you wanted to pk at that bracket with it and only 25 prayer.

If we were to scale on magic level we'd likely cap it at 99 magic


Originally posted by TrPickelz

Quite possibly mate.. I did tweak gear and try again - managed an 82 with AGS and I don't know PvP metas

If you hit 82 you likely forgot to set your ags to aggressive


Originally posted by DelonWright

I did see that. The negative defensive bonuses mean very little, especially in scenarios like COX and TOB where skill is more important than defence. I also believe that the damage % of 4% is still ultimately destroying the arcane spirit shields usefulness.

The one BIS item from Corp for many scenarios is the arcane. The ely is a niche item, used for tanking and infernal mainly. The spectral is only used at Cerberus. Both of them have passive effects.

I struggle to think of any scenario in which the arcane would be better than the sirens tome under these proposed changes. I think for long zulrah trips possibly, but even then the zulrah meta is tbow now, and those who can’t afford tbow likely won’t be able to afford the sirens tome upgrade.

With all of what I’ve just mentioned I really think the only item from Corp that is used in a variety of situations as a BIS will be destroyed. As Corp is one of the most nostalgic bosses, and should have at least one it...

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That's a fair response and thanks for your reply instead of just saying its op and nothing else like other people haha. We'll probably still poll it but understanding why something might fail is an important thing for mr as a content developer because it infers how I might design future rewards!


Originally posted by DelonWright

Idc about my bank value, I care about making Corp drops useless. I’ll be able to afford any of the new gear I want, but I’d rather not see a mage off hand with as high accuracy as arcane PLUS a % damage boost

I'm curious if you saw that we reduced the damage % to 4% and gave it negative defensive bonuses. But thanks for the feedback anyway it could just be that the learning experience from this is we shouldn't touch adding better versions of corp rewards


Originally posted by thisfornsfwww

Appreciate the response. It’s not specially about arcane, although it does have no mage damage %, and the proposed 10% from the tome blows it out of the water. It would further increase the barrage max from 42, to 46 in pvp. Keep in mind the max on release was 30. Overall, the staffs and tome currently as they are, are overpowered. I’m sorry I don’t agree with the proposed update, but magic should not be hitting 80’s. I guess the poll will speak for itself, and I do agree the boss needs some viable rewards, just don’t feel massively buffing magic damage and adding a ko weapon that maxes over 80 is the way to go. The overall response from pkers so far is not very good. Hard to please crowd I know, but I’d trust their judgement.

That makes sense. Not sure if you saw but we did adjust the tome to 4% and have -10 in all defensive stats.

As for the spec weapon, remember the staves are 3 different weapons. If you dont like the volatile one (magic ags one) but like the harmonised and eldritch ones then vote no to volatile but yes to the others. They will be separate poll questions!


Originally posted by i_have_groot

Hi Husky,

Please consider making the damage scale based on magic level rather than being a static base hit. Currently with the staff as it is in the beta it is hilariously strong for low level accounts.

Consider an account with 70 magic low hp and 25 prayer this will be ~39-45combat with the ability to risk only an occult(600k) and double spec upto 73 damage!

A lot of people are comparing the staff in max gear but that is not when it is powerful - right when you can wield it at level 675 mage which is one of the lower brackets for pvp.

How would you feel if we scaled on magic level and added a hp requirement so you couldn't do it at 75 magic and 10hp?


Originally posted by thisfornsfwww

It’s definitely not fine as it is. The magic damage buff currently provided by it will likely replace arcane in almost all scenarios. Also, stacked with with other damage boosting items, and the new staffs proposed, it will be very game changing for magic, something I believe doesn’t need buffed. If it does need buffed, not to this extent.

I'm always interested in hearing player feedback and I don't fully understand why it is bad because it replaces the Arcane specifically, if we put out a new offhand from a new group boss it definitely has to be better than the arcane otherwise it's not worth adding it at all.

Is your feedback that we instead release an upgrade to magic not in the offhand because you feel like the Arcane should never be replaced under any circumstance? Because that is viable and valid feedback


This picture is on slayer task which isn't a factor in any raid or in pvp.

The max hit with the staff in pvp is 82 with the new Siren's Tome and current max mage.

The max hit with the staff in current max mage (no tome) is 80.

The max hit with just an occult and the god cloak is 73.


Originally posted by [deleted]


No, we are fine leaving that in as a requirement to complete all of the elite clues. We were aware of that when we launched leagues. Sorry but you're going to have to get 95 slayer to farm those elite clue tasks!

26 Nov


Originally posted by LordGozer2

Is the 65 base damage independent of your Magic lvl? If so, that's very different to how KO spec for melee and ranged works. That's easily 80+ max hit with occult which I don't wanna see being possible with only 75 Magic. You hit nowhere near that with either 75 Strength or 75 Ranged.

May I suggest the max hit to be based on your Magic lvl? Could be Magic/2 + 10 for instance, so 50 with 80 Magic and 59 with 99 Magic before damage boosts. This also gives a reason to use stuff like magic potions or even imbued hearts to raise your max hit even further.

I like this a lot actually. Will suggest it to the team tomorrow


Originally posted by Tranquil_Pure

That is good, what will be the best way to give feedback once that is out?

"Discuss this future update on our official forums, the community-led 2007Scape Reddit, or the community-led OSRS Discord in the #gameupdate channel."

That's what it says at the bottom of the blog post. People like JagexAcorn will collect that feedback over the 2 weeks and send it to us devs!


Originally posted by Tranquil_Pure

Personally I think the armor needs to be level 50 defence with the stats it has, and the book should have lower attack but with 5% damage. The armor as is makes obby almost obsolete except for the obsidian weapon niche, while giving rune/zerk accounts too good of dps tools compared to lower builds. Having 30 defence would probably cause a new breed of pure types, which isn't a bad thing. All in all I like the concept of everything, but I think it needs to be balanced more.

That's why we want to open the beta worlds so you guys can test them out and give us a lot more accurate feedback with regards to the balancing!


Originally posted by thisfornsfwww

65 max hit and as someone said with the proper boosting items max is 82.. that’s very op

That's not that far away from an AGS right? We can always lower the damage after you guys have had your hands on it during the beta and you still think its too OP

25 Nov


Originally posted by Grottyzilla

Thanks for confirming :) another quick thing which would be great if you could check tomorrow or something please, I completed the task for getting an addy ore from blast mine which is hard task and should give 100 points but I’m pretty sure it only gave 10 points?

It is hard task on the interface which I means it is impossible for it to have given the wrong amount of points given how the system works.

I'm going to go out on a limb and guess that you saw you got 160 points but got some of the other tasks you claimed wrong in how many they are worth?


Originally posted by Sloan1505

upcoming weeks TL will be almost over

Well, it should either be this week or next week but I don't want to promise it incase more important stuff has to be worked on first.


Originally posted by anticommon

As another task related question, I have 100% hosidious favor but cannot complete the pizza task. Damn near made 50 pizzas and it just won't go.

Anything I could be doing wrong? Do you need to submit 20 at once?

Edit: thank you all for the kind response.

Yeah, the players responding to you are correct. You don't have to hand in 20 at once but every pizza has to be handed in with the appreciation for pizza being at least 30%.

If it's not you can try hopping to find a world that does have high enough appreciation. The task should reflect this now but that wasn't the case on launch


That's my bad. I forgot there were two versions of that shield (despite using one myself). I coded it to only work with the charged one. We'll fix that in the upcoming weeks!

22 Nov


Assuming it gets through QA we should be fixing this next week so you can each spawn your own one :)

21 Nov


Originally posted by JagexGambit

A fair comment. The thought process here is that these are not 'resources' in the same way logs, ores and fish are so it's more of a bugfix.

What Gambit says here is right. I wouldn't count a clue scroll as a resource so in that way it was not doing what the description said it should