

09 Jan


Originally posted by Velvetcakes1

How does the buff work at bosses with multiple drops : Kerapac/Croesus? Do all loot piles roll for uniques 3 times or just a single one?

It works slightly differently under the hood but it's balanced to work out as the same benefit overall.

06 Jan


Originally posted by Capital-Return-3730

Any update on this

Sorry no. I've raised it but it's more medium term than a quick fix.

04 Jan


Originally posted by Leaking_Soup

I'm surprised the solution isn't a new currency that's worth 1k gold. 1000x cash limit and looks a lot cleaner than all of the gear being worth "billions"

At this point, runescape coins are the equivalent of pennies. Maybe even 1/10th of a penny.

That's basically how it works behind the scenes, but the new coin is worth 1B rather than 1K. (This new "coin" isn't a player accessible item though.)

07 Dec


Originally posted by Imissyelps

Its good that you do a stream like that and i personally enjoy them. But i think we players actually want a stream where you announce exactly whats coming next and when rather then some vague answers.(like new skill next year,new boss etc.)

Yeah I agree we should definitely do something like that.


I'll be doing a design Q&A on Twitch this afternoon at 5pm game time.

It's design focused though (since that's my area) rather than business or production stuff.

17 Nov


Originally posted by manray12

I cant decide if I like this type of communication where there is alot of one way delivery. (it is better than nothing I suppose). The danger is that without player feedback/input some fantastic ideas for the game will never be heard.

Yeah player feedback is why I'm doing the streams in the first place. I think I'm trying to cover too much each week though, which isn't leaving enough time for chat and Q&A. I'll try to do smaller topics so it's not just a rush of me saying stuff.


Originally posted by bunnamun

While that's true it's still factually incorrect to have on the slide without some kind of mention of an exception to the rule on the same slide. I do agree that it's a small oversight but it still hurts the integrity of the presentation - Especially in a format like streaming on Twitch where people might not be there from the start.

If you don't see how that's an issue beyond this one example I'm more than happy to elaborate.

It is on the same slide, and clipping just that line, then titling your thread with the implication that I didn't know Nastroth exists is just dishonest.

16 Nov


I literally mentioned Nastroth on the same slide.

15 Nov


Originally posted by BoltonCavalry

I appreciate you taking the time to have your say!

As you say, it seems that something was lost in translation when it came to setting out what this intermediary plot is supposed to be.

I like the idea you have of the Infernal Puzzlebox actually being a part of the story, rather than just something that has bonuses magically put on it as you complete content. The Enriched Shadow Ring, for example, changed as it got more unlocks, whether it be by crafting it through archaeology or enriching it with energy from Erebus. Here, perhaps, completing the requirements for a tier unlocks a new face of the box and, by extension, the relevant tier perk. Then, the “completed” puzzle box has something of relevance to the quest finale (I’m not sure what that would be).

Yes exactly. We realised this structure would work better pretty much immediately, but the quest was already deep in development by that point and it would have been too disruptive to go back and rejig everything. (We did retroactively put a miniquest in the reborn update.)


Originally posted by yuei2

When I first heard of the civil war story, I truly expected it to be an entirely new story-arch that would span multiple quests.

I think maybe going in your expectations were not really...considering the reality of things? When it was announced we knew from the start it was only a 6 month story, and that of the 6 months the first update would be an epilogue to the EGW narrative in ED4/Aftermath and that it would be the month after that which starts the new storyline proper.

So it's really a 5 month story and with that in mind you were never getting more than 3 quests at its best case scenario, and even 3 quests would be a new quest almost every month which wasn't happening with how much more time consuming quests are to create. We're talking like a 3-4 month turn around now so 2 quests were pretty much all we were getting, the civil war narrative wrapper miniquests were essentially just a bonus.

We'd go on adventures for/with the Zamorakians 'an...

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Like basically you were focusing on the backdrop rather than what the game was saying was the actual plot.

Yeah this is pretty much spot on. I think we do bear some responsibility for that because if players are more interested in the backdrop, it suggests we missold it somewhere. It's hard to get right though.


Yeah I think this is fair.

I don't think this is so much a storytelling issue as a messaging issue. There's confusion about whether it's "the new storyline" or not, and confusion about the scope, and we haven't figured out internally how to tell you about upcoming stories in a way that sets expectations correctly. Stories are hard to talk about because you generally can't talk about the structure or what purpose this particular chapter serves without spoiling it. We don't really have a model to work from, because in the past there hasn't really been any sort of intentional structure.

In terms of self-contained scope, think of Legacy of Zamorak as something analogous to the Void Knight trilogy. That said it's a bit more confusing than that as part of the point of LOZ is to nudge the world into the position we want it to be for next year's storyline.

In Revenge of the Sith, there's a weird 20 minute section at the end where all the characters quickly sort them...

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10 Nov


Originally posted by Zeryth

Hey Jack, loved to watch the stream. I have a few thoughts myself which have to do with the core design identity of the game, the infamous tick system; The general consensus in the community currently is that it's not in a good place, some people want to get rid of it altogether, others love it.

It's a relic from the past, from runescapes origins and has been with us since then. The game has clearly evolved to function in a more interactive way with EOC etc. and the tick system has not been able to keep up.

I personally think that this problem is too big to solve and too many systems rely on it in such a fundamental way that getting rid of it is just wishful thinking. Instead I think we should as a community embrace it, and the development to play into that. Make the tick system not something to be fought and be puzzled about but something to rely on.

This can be done via many ways, but to me the 2 most important ones are:

  • Improving clarity ...
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Yes this is exactly along the lines of my thinking. Rather than pretend it isn't true, or wishing that it wasn't the case, we need to be honest about what is and isn't going to happen, and how our game actually does work, and build with that in mind. I'll probably be talking about this in more detail next week.


Originally posted by Californ1a

Definitely interesting seeing internal slides - the level of transparency is nice, being able to see what the devs are going off of.

Are there any plans to be able to do longer livestreams? It almost always feels like there's still a lot more to cover once the 1hr "hard limit" is reached but Spear is leaving the stream room. It feels as if someone else is needing to use the stream room or everything there has to be shut down very soon for some reason and he's getting rushed out. Idk what all goes into planning the streams, but maybe start an hour earlier so the stream room can be used longer?

(side-note, I'd love for Spear to picture-in-picture his gameplay in a small window on these streams, just so there's a little something extra to watch when you're just answering questions, possibly with the world # so we can come hang out during; bringing more in-game interaction into the streams would be really nice)

During lockdown there was a pretty strict rule that he had to be out at 6. That no longer applies, so we can overrun a bit, but I do need to get out and on with my evening as it's dinnertime for the kids by that point. Starting the streams earlier isn't really practical, as I just have a really busy day most of the time. Yesterday my previous meeting finished 5 minutes before the stream (and I was writing the slides while I was in it).


Originally posted by Borgmestersnegl

"We prefer to fix underlying issues.."

Then can we fix aurascape please? :) A rebalance to relic style buffs you choose to activate, for free or with vis wax for example, until you change would be ideal. Then rebalance bosses to fit, although something tells me an accuracy rework is coming at the end of FSW.

Auras is on my list. No quick fix for auras unfortunately.


Originally posted by JustASunbro

I'm not sure if "RS3 should be RS2 like you remember it" is all that true or realistic. When I remember RS2 back in 2007/2008, I remember the game being fairly basic, yet fun. RS3 is still fun, but it's far from basic. Embracing the change and progression whilst still respecting the original source material seems like a more accurate statement

Yeah this might be a better way to put it.

09 Nov


Originally posted by Snapish

PR department got some new hires huh?

Underrated comment.


Originally posted by xBHx

My biggest gripe with the exp scaling currently (as an Ironmeme having to engage with all sorts of odd content from release)

Theres just simply no reason for everything to be better. Rewards get people to go there, the exp rates should be a reason to stay there for a while longer.

There would absolutely be no difference in ed3 engagement (full clears) if you literally x0.1 the exp rates. By having newer content offer insane exp rewards (we're talking 1 kill = 1 hour over in osrs) it just nukes any other content with some cool rewards.

Hunter got an integrity change for being too busted when it was a high input method that made those rates achievable, now we have full AFK methods that blow that out of the water.

Why did you guys go from 100k exp/hour to 200k to 500k to 1m+/hr instead of just going with 100k -> 120k -> 150k etc etc. This also frees up plenty of reward space in TH as it doesnt have to compete with absurd exp rates to warrant the purchas...

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Yeah I pretty much agree. This is partly an example of escalating methods without new goals and partly an example of what I meant by making radical changes by accident.


Originally posted by Kilsaa

My worry is that your design vison is not good for helping the game grow going forward, but rather aims solely at retaining current players.

Runescape at its core is phenomenal, but things like poor UI & confusing in game systems are huge barriers to new players and often serve as deterrents.

Your vision for the future should absolutely include addressing these huge problems.

Yeah I get where you're coming from. I think the danger we've seen in the past is that in chasing new players, we've sometimes rejected what RS is in favour of more widely appealing trends.

That said the issues you raise aren't just new audience issues, they affect everyone. I wouldn't consider "bad UX" to be part of RuneScape's identity that we need to preserve.


Originally posted by zenyl

I really appreciate the transparency of these streams, it's super interesting to hear about the thought process that goes into the making of RS, and what the arguments for and against various things are.

Looking forward to, hopefully, many more streams like this in the future. It's proper sit-under-a-blanket-with-a-cup-of-coffee content. :)

That's good. FDR is my streaming role model.


Originally posted by TheDrunkSemaphore

I feel like I just read a sprint planning overview.

Lets do more of this. I like it.

Let's get professional.