

08 Sep


Originally posted by -Inke

i expected upset stomach to be changed, similarly punishing to mind the gap but more rng yet gives less raid level

Apologies, this was changed and just missed from the newspost. I've fixed the newspost to correctly show it's been increased by 5 levels.


Originally posted by Morphiine

Walk the path invo appears to be only giving +50 instead of +60.
Also, there's an error in the blog where it says that Arterial spray goes from +5 -> +10 where it should be upset stomach.

Hey Morphine, you're a legend. Some of these changes were made or tweaked with the extra day we had to test them and unfortunately got missed by me when writing the newspost. I've amended the newspost

- Walk the path should be +50, not +60
- Arterial Spray was correct but Upset Stomach has been added to reflect the same change


Originally posted by R1ckbr

Does this also fix the disappearing Ambrosia/Adrenaline bug? Because up until yesterday I still had those potions disappearing when using the resupply button.

Hey, this bug should be fixed with this weeks' game update and I'll add it to the newspost. Please let me know if you encounter any further issues though and I'll raise it


Originally posted by gaysaucemage

They only mentioned no deaths on the team for the pet transmogs, so presumably everything else is alright with some deaths.

Edited the newspost to clarify!


Originally posted by nickmiless

For the ornament kit invocation trials - if you were to lose invocation score for not making time, would this void the run and not reward you the kit?

Hey, I've passed this question to Mod Halo. You are correct, this wouldn't qualify if you lost the invocation score. However it's important to know that time invocations aren't necessarily required to get the morphs/kits, just the raid level for the ornament kits & the additional ones for the transmogs.


Originally posted by xHentiny

Ah yes the Egg Scarabs invocation, love that very real invocation.

Apologies! This has been changed to "Lively Larvae" now 😅


Originally posted by ZombieKittyYoutube

Is it still possible to get the cosmetics if I go deathless, but someone else in the raid dies?

Hey, I've just asked Mod Halo and can clarify that any deaths from you or your team aren't allowed, so if someone else dies you won't qualify for this drop. Hope this helps!

07 Sep

05 Sep


Originally posted by trueSEVERY

Speedrunning Tutorial Island 100% needs to be an official category, as this is one of the few categories that actually has a leaderboard and is competed for currently!!!

This is possible in the future if it proves a popular game mode, we discussed this in feedback specifically and we agreed the technology is in place to add things like that if it was highly requested


The changes/feedback points are listed in the changelog at the top of the newspost! Please click on it to expand. :)

02 Sep


Originally posted by Previous-Answer3284

The Mobile UI Blog has been updated to address your feedback.

Has it though or is this just reminding us about the original update?

I've still seen a lot of interest in a legacy UI, and people have been calling out the response that completely missed the point of a legacy UI. You say you need the UI redesigned for new features and can't work said features into the old UI, but again that completely misses the point that people are explicitly asking for an option that doesn't need all that. Ground tile markers and loot indicators surveyed higher than completely re-workong the UI after all; a lot of people are incredibly pleased with the current work that's been done to the UI and really aren't asking for much else.

And I have two questions I haven't been able to find an answer for yet.

1 - Are things like the logout button and chat also going to be movable, customizable, or minimizable? The logout b...

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Ground item markers will hopefully be coming soon but the UI changes are needed for the devs to be able to continue working on new client features. We have a dedicated mobile team and they are being limited by the current UI because it doesn’t have space for all the new features. There is a decent amount of interest in the legacy UI but a toggle between the two won’t be possible I’m afraid.

Mobile can only use one client so a toggle means we would have to fit all of the new features into legacy mode somehow (which we hopefully explained we are struggling to do - hence the need for a new UI).

It’s also really expensive for us to be up keeping two separate UIs as the time spent on work essentially doubles moving forwards. :(

1- I think some elements of the UI will be minimizable but I am not so sure on the moveable element of it. Work is being done at the moment to proceed with the changes and will know more about this when work has begun.

2- The squar...

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01 Sep


Hey - thanks for the in-game report! I've passed this to the team and it looks fixable by next week. I'm sorry that this happened/got missed - mobile updates can be a bit tricky! We apologise for the inconvenience.

31 Aug


Originally posted by brightest_yellow

so was there just no update this week? You had to have a week to prepare for the raid with no update and now a week to recover? Can I assume we won't see a leagues this year even though there should be but the last one got pushed to this year so there technically was one this year but not last year. So a year just gets skipped. Right?

It’s tomorrow


Hey, we just released a quick PSA about this. Sorry for the inconvenience. The team is investigating atm


I can put this forward as a suggestion definitely but I am not sure we'd necessarily get the art time for redesigning the trophy or adding ornament kits (certainly not for launch). How important is it to you?

30 Aug


Originally posted by Edvis64

I like this, but please make rewards untradable.

We can put this to a poll to see if the community generally wants the cosmetics to be tradeable or untradeable.


Originally posted by JagexLight

I'm pretty sure that we decided the cosmetics should be tradeable as we didn't want to upset the majority of the community who probably will not be engaging in speedrunning. We know it's a niche activity and the idea of locking these rewards behind a game mode that might only be played by a small cohort of players could create resentment towards speedrunners. Note that the rewards on launch will be harder to obtain because there will be less reward points available, but I'll see how prevalent this feedback is and we can make changes if players prefer us to

Just an update on this: We can poll whether the cosmetics should be tradeable or untradeable, and we are happy to let the community decide on this if you would prefer.


Originally posted by Less_Form_8520

I don't think any of the rewards should be tradable.

Hi there. I just spoke to Mod Ed and we are happy to poll whether the cosmetics should be tradeable or untradeable - the community can decide this aspect of it. There's pros and cons to it but I am seeing more comments asking for it so I think it's worth asking you.