

24 Mar


Originally posted by Notanevilchicken

Is there any possibility of switching the default option on the deposit box to deposit runes?

We asked this during testing and I believe it was considered a lot more work than it seems. I think also if we were to do that, it would affect other objects using that same functionality. I can ask again but not got a lot of hope as there was a valid concern as to why it wasn't done for launch


Originally posted by mister--g

the expectation that you're getting approximately 8-9 games per hour.

when playing through in testing , was the team going through 7 min rounds? i did like 15 games last night and it defo seems to take longer , really dont see what this estimate is based on unless everyone is just playing the game wrong.

Hmmm. Things in testing will be different in live, so we for sure will review. It might be longer depending on group size and you might find that smaller groups complete the event quicker. Launch day tends to attract more players than you'd usually see


Originally posted by BadAtNamingPlsHelp

The issue is that in the mass of players, guardians, and abyssals, it's hard to identify which of the statues is glowing. The indicators only help once I've memorized portal locations. There's also the issue of similar color portals, like Body/Water, Nature/Earth, etc.

Personally I think open portals should have a symbol floating above them where line of sight won't be an issue. This could fit in with the symbols making up the entrance and barriers.

Ah ok I see. Thank you I'll make sure this is mentioned back to the team when we review next.


Originally posted by ljmt

The section is a bit confusing cause it starts out by saying you've already decided to buff the pearl rate 15%. Has that 15% buff been scrapped?

15% buff is happening, just any further buffs is undecided and we'd rather to 'buff' by reducing the cost in the shop


Originally posted by CustardShot

Lol I f**king laughed at this too.

Like no shit - we see the UI tell us which altar is active, the problem is finding the damn entrance because the change to show it's open is so subtle.

Hi guys! I can certainly mention this in feedback. Could this be a day one launch problem or do you think visual changes are necessary for better and smoother gameplay? Also I'm wondering if it's something that might be fixed over time with various clients like Runelite or our enhanced client.


Originally posted by ljmt

If you don't want to undermine day 1 players effort, then why not just lower the cost of the outfit (and the transmog ffs) and refund those who already bought pieces? Cut the outfit cost in half at the very least

Yes absolutely! We explained that this is something we can look at in the future: " If players want us to revisit the grind for the items in the rewards shop, it can be done by looking at the cost of all items, reducing them, and then refund any potential difference (this would apply to untradeables only)."


Originally posted by Kylekub

as we do not want to undermine the efforts of those who have been playing the minigame since its launch

This seems pretty narrow sighted. 3 weeks from now, whether someone played day one or day 2 is fairly inconsequential. Its been out for barely 24 hours, and not everyone who has played it since launch has redeemed their points (especially once we realized that the Pearls rates are pretty abysmal). I'm having a hard time seeing at the current game setup how to get 8-9 games an hour, when I feel like games were going about 10 minutes each. Looking forward to seeing how the game can be updated based on the mass system that it is. Incredible minigame, just needs some more tweaking from the reward perspective IMO. Thanks for being upfront on the update!

Thank you! I'll make sure we take this on board! :)


Originally posted by modmailtest1

but any further buffs to the pearls would only be a massive fingers up to those who have been grinding it out since launch

You gave a bit more context by... using the exact same argument lol?

I fail to see why you are drawing the line at no more pearl rate changes ever, because you don't want to undermine at most, a handful of nolifers playing a piece of content for less than a day.

You have changed hundreds of pieces of content and "undermined" the previous gameplay before. I do not understand why you think that's a line in the sand that has to be drawn on this specific content. It does not line up with the attitude the game has had for its entire lifespan.

I'll take that on board, thanks!


Originally posted by [deleted]


That's not the case and I'm sorry for the confusion. We'd rather make any week 2 or 3 balancing changes with Abyssal Pearls by reducing the cost of items in the shop than awarding more pearls, because it devalues the effort of those who have gotten them and ultimately we feel they're in an OK place. We will continue monitoring this though if there is a massive expectation of more pearls but right now it may just be the contributing factors of not getting enough games during launch day, causing this feeling of having less pearls than you're expecting. Sorry for the miscommunication!


Originally posted by [deleted]


I explained in this comment a bit more - we will still review what the grind is like for these items, however we'd be more comfortable with the idea of decreasing the price of items in the shop then refunding the price back, than buffing the rates of pearls again, in the future.


Originally posted by modmailtest1

There will be no further changes to Abyssal Pearls after the above point, as we do not want to undermine the efforts of those who have been playing the minigame since its launch.

It has been out for less than 24 hours lol. You're drawing a line at no more pearl rate changes ever because you don't want to "undermine" a few hours of gameplay? That sounds like a joke.

I can give a bit more context on this. The team is pretty happy with where it is based on estimations that you'd get 8-9 games every hour. So the current rate for Abyssal Pearls we think is in a good spot but there's contributing factors (like waiting for games) making it a bit more tedious. We think an initial buff is ultimately a good thing, it only makes the grind slightly shorter, but any further buffs to the pearls would only be a massive fingers up to those who have been grinding it out since launch. If we do want to make the grind for items in the shop shorter, we will still look at decreasing the prices of items. Then we can refund pearls for untradeables.


Originally posted by Louezzi

"By Today" - Do we have an actual time? Are these changes live now?

By the way, I love the minigame. Great Job! The abyssal pearl rates are a grind though!

The hotfixes have been prepared but haven't been pushed live yet. We're still working on the newspost but I imagine the hotfixes will go out before then. I'll try to update the original game update post or use official comms to say exactly when they're live. Thank you for the feedback on the minigame


Originally posted by overgrows

is guardians of the rift out? I haven't played for 4 months for personal reasons.

yep! play now


Hi, everyone! After the Account Security segment of our stream at 16.30 GMT, we'll be live at 17:00 GMT on Twitch with Mods Elena, Husky, West and Creators (Zoepancakes & Alfie!) for a Guardians of the Rift Playthrough. 

We'll be answering your questions during the playthrough and we'd like to invite you to ask any questions for us tonight!

Before you ask something, check this brief summary of what we've discussed so far:

  • Waiting to enter the minigame can be frustrating if the game fills up to 60, or if you've arrived slightly later. Last night, we introduced a "peek" function on the barrier to see the % of the Great Guardian so that you'l...
Read more External link →

23 Mar


Originally posted by FitPlatypus3004

It's a Sara brew, I didn't try other items

Should be intentional then but if it happens with other items that are not supply piles that is not intentional


Originally posted by ch4z1

Cant finish quest. Stuck at rift part 10/10 would recommend...

Who actually did this update? Any QA process? Any clue?

Hi, sorry to hear you're experiencing this. We've seen various reports of players being unable to progress various parts of the Temple of the Eye Quest. We're reviewing the information being sent to us and investigating. We'll update the newspost as soon as we have a fix ready.


Originally posted by Aphra_

Please help, the new quest is bugged for me! I get no dialogue after the abyss is re-opened and the guardian arrives. So I can't do anything, can't complete or go any further. Any ideas?


Hi, sorry to hear you're experiencing this. We've seen various reports of players being unable to progress various parts of the Temple of the Eye Quest. We're reviewing the information being sent to us and investigating. We'll update the newspost as soon as we have a fix ready.


Hi, sorry to hear you're experiencing this. We've seen various reports of players being unable to progress various parts of the Temple of the Eye Quest. We're reviewing the information being sent to us and investigating. We'll update the newspost as soon as we have a fix ready.


Hi, sorry to hear you're experiencing this. We've seen various reports of players being unable to progress various parts of the Temple of the Eye Quest. We're reviewing the information being sent to us and investigating. We'll update the newspost as soon as we have a fix ready.


Hi, sorry to hear you're experiencing this. We've seen various reports of players being unable to progress various parts of the Temple of the Eye Quest. We're reviewing the information being sent to us and investigating. We'll update the newspost as soon as we have a fix ready.