Originally posted by DontPretendYourACow
https://www.reddit.com/r/2007scape/comments/taqmol/i_just_have_to_say_i_am_extremely_disappointed_in/ 8 days ago.
https://www.reddit.com/r/2007scape/comments/tdm4tv/jagex_can_you_please_just_change_the_kill_count/ 4 days ago.
TL;DR: Jagex legit does not care and doesn't intend to change it anytime soon, oh look at that:
so based on the current projects that have been going on we haven’t been able to launch it yet.
Damn, launching a reduction in numerical values, that sounds f**king intense. /s
The change to KC will happen as soon as we are able to.
Oh that's transparent as hell, not vague at all. /s
It’s not coming next week as that i...
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It’s clear that you guys need a bit more context about this, so I’m happy to give a bit more insight if you wish. The job requires a developer to look at each task individually and make a judgement call on how much it is reduced. The work itself is changing numbers but more time probably goes into it than you think. There is no flat rate percentage for every task. Some tasks will be reduced considerably and others not so much because it’s not necessary. This is why we couldn’t give specifics in the blog about how much reduction will happen.
It needs time to be QA tested to ensure nothing unexpected happens or to ensure we haven’t missed something. Combat Achievements are quite complex and they will touch various areas of the game. Someone actually has to be testing these changes even if they are just number changes.
Our QA resource has been working on so much, recently they’re focused on GOTR as they have a deadline of 23rd March for scheduled content. It’s not that one is ...
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