

23 Mar


Originally posted by sleutelkind

Update looking great!

Do you happen to know if the Abyssal Lantern bonuses are exclusive or cumulative?

They should be exclusive and not cumulative, and also they should only work in the minigame


Originally posted by runescapeanime

I find it pretty strange to name it “true” blood altar when it can just be called blood altar while changing the altar in Arceuus to something else

It probably should just be called the blood altar, I think we just keep referring to it as "true" because many players are used to the other one. We will discuss this, thank you for raising it!


Originally posted by YadEtis

the nature altar seems to be missing from the table about upgrading barriers, is it supposed to say it can make strong barriers.

Thank you Yad, I've amended this!


Originally posted by mister--g

Saika's Shroud Magic attack bonus increased from 8 to 118 and the set bonus now provides 60% Magic accuracy and 5% Magic damage

this should say 11? 118 may be a little to high :)

Thank you and apologies!! <3


Originally posted by JoneZii

I already miss the android beta lol. Here's to hoping it's back soon!

I believe the android beta client accidentally reverted back to Java for a moment, however we're working on getting a new build out to you so that you're able to play it again! Check out our official Twitter for more info, we'll let you know when it's back :)


Originally posted by PavementFan1

I don't see see anything about the runecraft altar delay being removed, is it not coming with this update?

Yes this is coming with this week's update, apologies for missing it from the newspost! I've added it to the "other" section.


Originally posted by hi_top_please

tick delay removal when using zmi altar when? Next week?

This was done as part of this week's update, apologies for missing it! I've added it to the "Other" section now. <3


Originally posted by sleutelkind

The energy is capped at 1,000 units, split between each energy type. For example, you might gain 400 Elemental Energy and 600 Catalytic Energy.

The energy is capped at 1,000 (split between them). For example, you might gain 400 of one and 600 of another.

May I suggest:

The energy is capped at 1,000 total. For example, you might gain 400 Elemental Energy and 600 Catalytic Energy.

Thank you so much 🙏 I'll fix this now!


Originally posted by TheyCallMeBasedGod

For the ring of elements teleports you have west listed twice.

Also, was the delay when crafting runes removed with this update?

This is correct, it's west of two different altars. I've just checked and the Poll 76 change delay when crafting runes was removed with this update - thank you for reminding me. I'll add this to 'other changes' now.


Originally posted by Biggest_Lemon

Are the extra runes fr the outfit going to count for the purpose of diaries? Because that would be wack.

I believe this is the case, however, if this is something that the community wants us to reconsider, please let me know and I'll ensure this is brought up in feedback. The outfit is a pretty decent grind as far as I know and we felt the benefit was worth it.


Originally posted by Iced____0ut

Still no CA kc reduction. Must take engine work.

It's still on our priorities, we had a lot of stuff to QA this week, I apologise for the wait!


Originally posted by 500x700

Ok so if we need pouches for the minigame should we take npc contact too, to fix them?

I've asked Elena about this and she mentioned that there is a bank in the lobby that can NPC contact from there. I hope this helps!

edit: There is a bank outside so you can grab NPC contact runes in between games if you want to.


Originally posted by _Brian-Lefevre_

so we don't use our own ess anymore?

Yes, this was a relatively later change in the design. Husky confirmed this via his Jagex Twitter last week. We know some players have taken time to grind out pure essence so it's not something we really wanted to change but in reality, the pure essence made the minigame feel quite clunky and so much more laborious. I'm hopeful we can make a pure essence sink in the future that feels better. Let us know your feedback though when you get a chance to try it out.


Originally posted by EaglesPvM

The elite clue stack only grows. How many more weeks will it take for Jagex to change some numbers?

It wasn't possible to get this in for this week due to the sheer amount of stuff needing to be QA'd this week, however, we know this is really important to you, and it's high on our priorities. We'll get it to you as soon as we can.


Originally posted by Brandonn861

But what does the pet look like? Why are we only advertising the transmog

We thought it might be fun to keep the new pet a surprise until someone gets it, however, if this is something you guys are not happy with, I'll let the team know and we can probably release this information.

19 Mar


Originally posted by DontPretendYourACow

https://www.reddit.com/r/2007scape/comments/taqmol/i_just_have_to_say_i_am_extremely_disappointed_in/ 8 days ago.

https://www.reddit.com/r/2007scape/comments/tdm4tv/jagex_can_you_please_just_change_the_kill_count/ 4 days ago.

TL;DR: Jagex legit does not care and doesn't intend to change it anytime soon, oh look at that:

so based on the current projects that have been going on we haven’t been able to launch it yet.

Damn, launching a reduction in numerical values, that sounds f**king intense. /s

The change to KC will happen as soon as we are able to.

Oh that's transparent as hell, not vague at all. /s

It’s not coming next week as that i...

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It’s clear that you guys need a bit more context about this, so I’m happy to give a bit more insight if you wish. The job requires a developer to look at each task individually and make a judgement call on how much it is reduced. The work itself is changing numbers but more time probably goes into it than you think. There is no flat rate percentage for every task. Some tasks will be reduced considerably and others not so much because it’s not necessary. This is why we couldn’t give specifics in the blog about how much reduction will happen.

It needs time to be QA tested to ensure nothing unexpected happens or to ensure we haven’t missed something. Combat Achievements are quite complex and they will touch various areas of the game. Someone actually has to be testing these changes even if they are just number changes. Our QA resource has been working on so much, recently they’re focused on GOTR as they have a deadline of 23rd March for scheduled content. It’s not that one is ...

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18 Mar


Hi guys! I asked the developers about this as I know it’s highly anticipated. Polled Game improvement content generally fits outside of our bigger updates, so based on the current projects that have been going on we haven’t been able to launch it yet.

The change to KC will happen as soon as we are able to. It’s not coming next week as that is launching Guardians of the Rift. We will be looking to fit it in as soon as we can.

16 Mar


Hey guys! Thank you for your patience with the downtime of this week's update.

We'll be live on Thursday 17th March on Twitch with a PvP Rewards themed Q&A!

This Q&A will also feature some Content Creators to spice things up!

It's time to get your questions in so reply with them in this post! :)

External link →