

23 Mar


Originally posted by scarvalh0

I just tripled my bank at the dual area 20 min before the update. I hope I don’t have that progress lost LMAO.

As far as I'm aware, the rollback will bring you to just after the game update at 11.30am. I will update the OP post if this changes.


Originally posted by lowcalredbull

Thanks for taking the time to update us. Any idea how long this will take?

I don't have this information - no ETA yet. Typically they will take a few hours to resolve though so don't hang around if you need to get something sorted. I'll make sure to update the OP post when I have an ETA.


Originally posted by Isthatyouson

ty for wasting my time

I'm extremely sorry for the inconvenience caused.


Hey everyone, I've made this post to update you quickly on the status of our investigation into untradeable items being bugged following the engine changes due to this week's game update.

This is really unfortunate and I want to make sure we're communicating as clearly as possible with you as we work to resolve this issue. Please check back here for any further updates. The team is working as quickly as possible.

  • (12.30) We've shut down the game after seeing reports of untradeable items being bugged.
  • (12.55) We can confirm a rollback is necessary and the team are now starting the process. The rollback will take us back to the time of the game update at 11.30AM. We apologise for the inconvenience caused.
  • (13.05) Previous rollbacks have taken us a couple of hours to perform. We will keep you updated and provide you with an ETA when we have one. There were a few minor issues ...
Read more External link →

Originally posted by jibzking

This quest is unplayable on mobile, it literally crashes everytime you speak with an npc during quest and now when I do the wizard traiborn riddle and i give him the answer im stuck in an endless loop where it crashes and i gotta talk to him again to give him the answer and it keeps repeating, please hotfix jagex

This is under investigation - apologies for this. We will get this sorted out, however, we're also looking into a bug with untradeables which we've shut the game down to resolve. I've updated the newspost with the status that I know of.


Originally posted by ProjectInvisible

How long will game be down for? Standard roll back time?

I'll keep you posted here and elsewhere (keep checking official comms & the update newspost). I'll let you know when I know any progress or any updates. It's a serious issue with untradeables so we need to treat this very seriously.

It goes without saying but we're extremely sorry for the inconvenience caused.


Originally posted by Paulcog

You f**ked up again. Untradables are tradable

Official comms are going out about this via Twitter and other official platforms. We will resolve this as soon as possible.


Originally posted by ISpelRong

where is the lantern, how do you obtain it?

It's from the rewards shop!


Originally posted by PM_me_fridge_pics

/u/JagexLight game keeps crashing at the point where you have to answer the riddle on mobile. Is this known/being fixed?

We're investigating this now, will update as soon as I know more

Update - We're using a new animation for this it looks like, which is why you may be crashing. Still investigating.


Originally posted by Alex2179

How long does it usually take runelite to update after these big updates?

Runelite has a discord that will usually ping you when they've updated the client to work as intended. :) It's super helpful.



Originally posted by SnoopTiger

When will RuneLite be updated does anyone have any information about this?

Hi Snoop! Runelite actually has a fantastic discord which will ping you when it's been updated. https://discord.gg/8aYQvzBw


Originally posted by Zombiek077

When are the elite clue 3rd age drop rates being changed?

As soon as we can get this out! We know that this, along with KC changes and the pet changes are really important to you guys. I can't give you a date until I have one but I'll let you know as soon as it's coming.


Originally posted by LordBrontes

Totally off topic but do you know when the chess minigame was being added to the games room? It was shown to be in progress a couple years back and I’m still hype for it.

I think this was always a love project from the developers, if it's the same one I'm thinking about. I'm genuinely not sure if this is getting released or not. Seemed really popular though so I wouldn't say never ever.


Originally posted by Trogadorr

Classic (how it current is in live)

I guess it should be "Classic (how it currently is in live)"?

Appreciate you! This has been fixed.


Originally posted by gurganos

So the 3rd age droprate from elite clues poll is still being worked on? Want to open my elite clues man!

Yes, it's still being worked on! Sorry about the wait.


Originally posted by HailZamorak

seems like android apps busted since the update

(it won't launch)

Hi guys!
An update went out at 11.30am which may have borked your client for a minute, sorry about that. I'm told that it should be working fine for players now, but if not please check you've updated steam/your app to the latest version.
If you're still experiencing issues on Steam, I've been advised you try this: Right-click game in Library -> Properties -> Local files -> Verify integrity of game files


Originally posted by Previous-Answer3284

Cool, still nothing good from poll 76 and more info to come "soon".

Sorry I can't give you dates just yet. I'm really happy that you're looking forward to Poll 76 stuff though, it was a pleasure working on that poll with you guys. I'll be able to share dates as soon as I have them


Originally posted by EaglesPvM

Thank you for the update, I hope I didn’t come across like an asshole. It’s just something I’ve been looking forward to for many months, maybe over a year or so now, since SayBay first brought it up.

Now that we’re so close to the change I get excited every Wednesday that it may finally be time to open the stack. Thanks for your work here and enjoy your day

It's a huge change for the community, so we'll likely do a social post at the very latest on the Monday before the game update to let you know when it's coming. Next week is pretty much going to be GOTR Feedback Changes, the following week is game jam which means no updates going out that week, I'm hopeful we get it across to you as soon as possible. Sorry for the wait!


Originally posted by Herpeshektor

Kind of off-topic, but any idea when the elite clue 3rd age buff that was voted in poll 76 will be implemented?

I don't have one yet but we know this is a huge priority for the community. They'll be out as soon as we can get it to you. This update was pretty huge QA-wise. I know this is something you guys are anticipating.


Originally posted by dr-dongstrong

Unrelated, but any idea when we'll see the pet reclaim changes from poll 76 implemented? I'm super excited for GotR, but after 6 years of waiting for my rift guardian to come back, I'll wait to do it together

I can't give you a date just yet but I really want you to get your pet back ASAP. The poll 76 changes are coming out in chunks with content releases. This release was huge with changes. The pet one will probably take longer than the others if I'm honest to dev.

We know the big priority poll 76 changes - KC changes & elite clue changes, and of course the pet changes. They will be out as soon as we can get it to you. I'll let you know the dates when I have one