

16 Mar


Thank you for reporting this. We really apologise for the inconvenience. We rebooted the game worlds to fix an issue with collecting Leagues Trophies (which required a coldfix) and we've noticed a number of errors with launching the client afterwards. The devs are working on this, we're in a call currently investigating and seeing what we can do to fix. I'll update you once I know more.


Hey guys, we really apologise for the inconvenience caused. We rebooted the game worlds to fix an issue with collecting Leagues Trophies, everything seemed very normal, but we have noticed an issue with launching the client. The team are investigating this with the highest priority and we hope to update you soon. Currently just letting the devs do their work at the moment to resolve this.


We apologise for the inconvenience caused! The game worlds were rebooted to fix an issue with the Leagues Trophy collections, everything looked normal our end but we've seen a number of issues reported from players about launching the client afterwards. The team is investigating, I'll update you when I hear more from them. Currently just letting the devs work things out at the moment.


Hey guys, apologies for the inconvenience caused here. We were performing a coldfix on the game and we've noticed players are having issues on client launch. This is being investigated by the team with the highest priority and I'll update you once I know more.


Thanks for reporting this to us, everyone. We rebooted the worlds to fix an issue with the Leagues Trophies and claiming them properly. Looked like a normal reboot but we are noticing issues with the game worlds and players having errors logging in. I'll update you once I know more from the team.


Working on fixing this. We're on a call with the developers working out why the game hasn't rebooted as normal. We apologise for any inconvenience caused and I'll update you as soon as I hear more from the team.


We're aware and we apologise for the inconvenience caused. The game was coldfixed to resolve some errors but we can see people are having issues logging in.

The team is investigating this issue with the highest priority & I'll keep you updated if this takes a longer period of time than usual to get the worlds back up.


Originally posted by Kyloman

u/JagexLight thanks for being cool and making a fun event, hope you had fun!

Thank you and it was so nice seeing you!

15 Mar

08 Mar


We'll be live on Thursday 10th March on Twitch with a General Q&A!

It's time to get your questions in so reply with them in this post! :)

For this week:

  • Mod Bruno is best suited to answer your PvM/skilling questions as well anything you want to know about our processes in QA
  • Mod Kieren is best suited to answer questions about any bigger topics (content-side) and more discussion-oriented stuff. But we know he'll be able to talk about really anything. Try to avoid suggestions as questions.
  • Mod Kirby can answer questions about day-to-day topics and suggestions. He's very knowledgeable abo...
Read more External link →

07 Mar

04 Mar


Originally posted by TinytheHuman

Is there any word on fixing the incorrect group size bug on the Group Ironman Hiscores? For example, my 2 person group shows up on the 3 player Hiscores.

It was acknowledged here on October 13th. I understand these issues can take time to fix, I just want to be sure that it wasn't forgotten. Thank you!

Hey, we wanted to fix this with an automated tool but this presented technical difficulties. We're resolving issues manually in the meantime, can you @ me with your group name and the size it's supposed to be?

02 Mar


Originally posted by simoncgbn

Is there any info on how the new drop mechanics will influence clue juggling? Since items are now stored to the player, does that mean obtaining multiple clues won't be possible anymore?

Juggling will still be possible - the only difference is now clues left on the ground will have their despawn timer paused while you're offline. - Mod Nin


Originally posted by JonSnowDies5x10

Why are you polling UIM update??? And allowing everyone to vote? Can't believe you let us get our hopes up, just to watch them get crushed. @jagexlight

Friend it’s not being polled 🥺 read the blog

28 Feb


Originally posted by i-ug

A Nokia 5

Can you try uninstalling and reinstalling? Your device meets the specs however there may have been a problem from when you updated the app.


Originally posted by i-ug

I installed the beta, but I'm now struggling to open the app. Crashes before load screen every time.

What device are you using?


Originally posted by ImNotFromFlorida

PLEASE include an idle notifier that is atleast compatible with skilling 😀

Put it in the survey! I'll make sure the devs hear that too. :)


Originally posted by coolgwip

Is there an expected date for which the beta opt in option will become available in Europe (Netherlands)? In Google Play store, this is not yet available to me.

It should be aIt should be available to everyone in the world atm. Your google play store might need some time.

- Try opening this link: (https://osrs.game/Android-Beta-Page) from your device (or while signed into the same Google account elsewhere).


Originally posted by Saanbeux

Please please please add ground loot tags and tag tabs. These are what I most miss when I play on Mobile. Bursting tasks and trying to sort out loot on the floor becomes a nightmare

Noted. Make sure this is reflected in your survey answers though for the best chance of this reaching the right people. https://osrs.game/AOB-Survey


Originally posted by Murder-I-Wrote

Any rough estimate when it may come to iOS?

We originally thought it'd be a month after the Android Open Beta, however, some changes have happened within the team so we can't guarantee a date just yet. Hoping to give you a date as soon as we have one