

16 Dec


Originally posted by lilLocoMan

I had that happen to me too, on Fossil Island.

I believe we've pushed the hotfix out for this right now. Thank you for raising it to us!


Originally posted by JagexLight

Can confirm that we've found the issue with the leprechauns. We're dealing with another bug at the moment, but this something we're keen to fix when we can! Thanks for raising.

Leprechaun issue: We've fixed the bug we were working on so we're investigating the issue now. I expect we'll be preparing a hotfix soon.


Originally posted by lilLocoMan

Confirmed in Jagex comments in this thread, they're dealing with a different bug first.

Can confirm we're aware of this bug - We're fixing a bug with the Mysterious Stranger appearing in the Gauntlet. I will update you guys when a hotfix is out/ready. Thank you for raising and sorry for the inconvenience caused.


Originally posted by Dentstar

There's a glitch where the tool leprechaun won't note any farming products.

We're aware and investigating this, thank you for raising - I'll update when I know more.


Originally posted by ThatBritishGeezah

Not sure if its intentional with this update, but you can no longer note farming products on tool leprechauns?

We're aware and will be looking into this as soon as we can. We're just making sure to deal with another bug first. Thanks for raising! Sorry for the inconvenience caused.


Originally posted by prospectivemillions

Can we get a clue?

A clue you ask? Well, we're dealing with a bug where it shows up in certain instances it shouldn't be. 😂 For example the Gauntlet. Haha.


Originally posted by lilLocoMan

Okay Jagex mods: I can't note cactus spines & potato cactus at the leprechaun anymore since the update. Gonna need a fix!

We're aware - just dealing with a bug to do with the Mysterious Stranger first appearing in some instances. We'll make sure to deal with the leprechaun issue shortly afterwards. Thanks for raising and sorry for impacting your grinds!


Originally posted by JagexLight

We're looking into this - do you have info on which herb and which leprechaun this is happening with?

Can confirm that we've found the issue with the leprechauns. We're dealing with another bug at the moment, but this something we're keen to fix when we can! Thanks for raising.


Originally posted by OnlyMarket8

Cant note herbs on tool leprechaun anymore?

We're looking into this - do you have info on which herb and which leprechaun this is happening with?


Originally posted by LavaReaper420

Mod light it would be a Christmas present for the developers of the Hd client you guys are currently reviewing if you could get back to them soon! Don’t make it a priority you obviously have other things to do at work just want to have you guys say the client is safe so we can finally post of this Reddit without the posts being removed!

Can confirm it's still in review and I've poked the relevant people. I can't say much more as it's not directly in my hands but I'm sorry for any delay experienced!


Originally posted by prospectivemillions

So what’s the nex related content that’s about to get added today?

We've kept it intentionally vague - to allow you the opportunity to find out for yourself in-game. Immersion ooooh!


Originally posted by The_jayminator

Glad to see more items added to the item sink list! Is there a master list that we can see which shows all items that are currently being sunk?

I will add this as feedback, as that is a fab suggestion. Imo, it's likely something that the Wiki might already be doing. I will enquire!


Originally posted by Krtxoe

Another week of reddit drama coming right up lol

I don't know about you but my family always has some kinda drama over Christmas! It's tradition!


Originally posted by Hourglass_

We’ve released some Nex-related content early to make it easier for us to test. Keep your eyes peeled and get ready to face Nex: The Fifth General herself on January 5th!

What kind of content has been released?



Originally posted by NewAccountXYZ

What's the Nex content coming out?

Nex is coming out January 5th! :)


Originally posted by Dahun

Infernal Defender Hilt

new item ?

Thanks for raising this! It's a typo for the Avernic Defender Hilt. Caused some chuckles in the game update monitoring call with the devs!


Originally posted by opop901

on the item list for ge tax it says "Infernal Defender Hilt" instead of Avernic Defender hilt

Thanks for raising this guys! Nice spot!

15 Dec


Originally posted by BigFinn

That's what I thought, and why I was a bit confused seeing it under the bug section. Are there any plans to add official support for portrait mode?

Not currently, because it's a huge undertaking. It's something we'd like to do but hasn't been scoped out yet because of the work involved in such a big project like that. So, I don't have much to share on it: other than we know it's something you guys want and we've let the team know in our feedback meetings.


Originally posted by ItsAUsernameBruh

*Flings poop*

k no sailing for you bad monke