

21 Dec


Originally posted by Pidjesus

Any plans for more PVP community events? Maybe a Clan Wars tournament or a new Dead Man Mode style event ? They are insanely popular on youtube and twitch and I feel like there could be much more put on

It would be great, but the reason why deadman reborn is being re-run is because of server lag, which impacted competitive play. We need to be assured that our servers can run these kinds of tournaments first before comitting to this in future. I think we'll be in a better place to know the answer to that once we've done the DMM re-run. :)


Originally posted by ZezimasCumStain

We've intentionally split our development team into smaller teams so that we can have more smaller and medium sized releases at once.

What falls into the category of small and medium sized releases?

I'd assume that small would be regular QoL fixes; medium would be something like a new Skilling Update or perhaps a new Quest. Large would then be something like a new Boss or something that involves a complete overhaul of systems like Clans or GIM.


Originally posted by elvarg92

Hello 2nd.



Hey Reddit! I've been seeing some Q&A Summaries posted here after our streams, and thought they were great to help increase information sharing and accessibility, especially for those who can't tune in live.
Let us know if you find these blogs useful, or if there's anything else you'd like to see in these types of blogs! :)

17 Dec


Originally posted by JagexLight

I will add this as feedback, as that is a fab suggestion. Imo, it's likely something that the Wiki might already be doing. I will enquire!

I brought this up, and if time permits, the devs are happy to add an NPC with the list of items being sunk. However it would not have additional data about how many items are being sunk etc. because we think this could change players behaviours a bit too much. So, could be a possibility if time allows but no promises!


Originally posted by NoCurrencies

The transparency on items like potions, butterfly net, etc is still busted on Steam client, is this being looked into?

I think this is a known issue on Steam, but not sure of when the fix is likely to be out.


Originally posted by mayhemmelvin

Are you guys going to reboot the game servers next week in place of a game update? Every time there isn’t an update and the servers aren’t rebooted for two weeks the game becomes unbearably laggy on the tail end. Not sure what is the root cause but it happens almost every time they are up for over a week. Please consider just a reboot next week.

The reboot is happening next on the 29th.


Originally posted by 20DefMan

Updated and all is good, 392 (AUS) is also active however isn't in the newspost

I think that has always been open so not needed. Thank you for raising it though


Originally posted by RoaringDragonSword

u/JagexLight Hello,

So, this is not concering the actual update but the result of it. Exactly since the restart of the servers for the GE tax update, all USA eastern servers have been acting very poor. I have been playing HCIM for over 2 years and have never experience lag. After this server restart, I d/c two times on the initial day, and ever since this, in the morning, the servers act normal but in the afternoon every single USA eastern server has over 60+ ping with massive delay. I cannot PVM ever since this update. I know it is not my internet because my internet averaged 2-10 ping for 2 years and multiple people had said the exact same issue in these posts. Can you please ask your team to look at this? Most of the content creators are not on Eastern servers in the USA so no one is complaining. I don't know what else to do...

This is the post with the exact same issue: ...

Read more

We addressed this somewhat on our livestream yesterday, but the biggest issue we are having is identifying when and where the lag is happening. There is no commonality between the reports so far. We are still investigating but need more accurate information about where and when it occurs


Originally posted by jameslee95

PLEASE add clue scroll items to the item sinks list!!!!

We are keeping an eye on requests but still being intentionally modest with the items being added. The devs want to see how things pan out over January before making any changes but we definitely hear you on that!


Originally posted by Synli

Happy Holidays u/JagexLight and the rest of the Jagex team!

(That's it, I don't have any bugs/things to report ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ )

Thank you! You too ❤️


Originally posted by jimmy193

Please bring back bounty Hunter.

We are planning to in the second half of 2022!


Originally posted by Miguedeth

Although you still have some days before holiday break, i hope you and the team have a great time with your loved ones. You do a good job, thanks for everything. Happy holidays

Thank you 😊 you too!


Originally posted by -Ddraigtanto-

Not to look a gift horse in the mouth, but I was kinda diassapointed I didn't get to wear the pink knight armour. That would've been a riot. X3 Ah well, a lovely Christmas event overall, and love what you guys did to Falador.

I let the devs know! Maybe one day lol


Originally posted by yugo685

Is it just me or is there no snow piles this year from where we can gather snowballs easier than having to use the snow globe? Is it possible to add this?

We discussed this point today. Sorry that it was overlooked. It is possible to hotfix some snow piles in but I can’t guarantee it, it will depend on if the devs get some time. In the meantime I think you can spawn some snow with a reindeer hat?


Originally posted by Life_Is_A_Challenge

/u/JagexLight What about the infinite snow piles we normally get during Christmas events to make snow balls? I can't find them :(

I brought this up today with the team. Looks like it was missed :( There’s a potential that we could hotfix in a few snow piles but the devs are really busy prepping for next year, so they may get round to it if time permits but we aren’t sure on it. Sorry about that!

16 Dec


Originally posted by Spooodie

thanks guys :D

Could have been a real duck up if we didn’t fix it so thank you for spotting it!


Originally posted by CEDFTW

The hairdresser is scamming me, he offered a free haircut but then claimed I didn't have enough money.

This is the second time I’ve seen this pop up but when we tried to replicate it, it works on our end. So weird. Do you have more info? Bizarre


Originally posted by Spooodie

Hey love the event so far! I can't attack the ducks for my easy falador diary? is this because they have santa hats on now?

The hotfix for the duck issue should be out now :)