

24 Nov


Originally posted by drasko321

/u/JagexSarnie There's a small error in the blog: "Bank space is purchased in sets of 20, with a total of 9 sets available" should be sets of 40

Have fixed this! Sorry about that :D

23 Nov


Could be a typo. Or could be foreshadowing a brand new type of raid boss replacing the duel arena that hits you through triangular 'pizza' shaped ground targets, forcing you to quickly evade its attacks in order to survive...

...Nah I'm kidding it's just a typo lol I'll get that fixed. Thanks for pointing it out!

22 Nov


Originally posted by son_of_tigers

When will GE tax and item sinks be implemented?

Gold sinks is coming this week, (golden sink and bank space purchase) but can't confirm a date yet on the GE tax stuff


Hey everyone! We'll be live on Thursday 25th November on Twitch with our weekly Q&A live stream.

It's going to be another General Q&A which means questions about any topic in-game are welcomed!

The livestream will have a mini focus on the Android Beta to begin with, then we'll get into your questions.

So, I invite you to ask away! What do you want to know from the development team?

External link →

20 Nov


I'll flag this over to the team on Monday - it might be a hacked PMod Account. Thanks for raising it!

17 Nov


Originally posted by Lewufuwi

Just for a bit more info, might be helpful, might not:

This has been an issue since GIM released, if not before.

I had the exact problem the linked posts have when trying to make my GIM account on release day.

I do not use a VPN and have never had trouble with accessing blog posts or my other account's pages.

Super helpful, thanks. I'll talk to our web team and try to see if we can figure out more


Originally posted by pauldeninoandy

Read more

Wow yeah that does seem like an unusual amount. I am guessing it may be something to do with our website so I've passed this on to a Senior Web engineer to find out more. Thanks for making me aware


Originally posted by Chazstic

I made a video recreating the dead clicks on the cox private chest, hope the team sees it and can recreate the issue to fix it

Thanks!! I appreciate this, I'll send it along and see if it helps us identify the issue. Really appreciate this


Originally posted by dsharoni

The Nex Rewards - Updated post still doesn't say what level you need to equip Torva

Hi, it's 80 Defence. I'll update the blog. Thank you for bringing it up to my attention!


Originally posted by FancySkunk

It's in the quest log for Big Chompy Bird Hunting: https://i.imgur.com/9f2ydY5.png

Last line: "they want it seasoning as well"

Should be: "they want it seasoned as well"

I'll get that to the right people - thank you :)


Originally posted by FancySkunk

They didn't fix the typo I reported :<

Where is it? I'll fix it right now :<

16 Nov


Originally posted by BronzeChalk

I think you meant to put Thursday, 18th November instead of October in your post.

Also can a system be implemented to let players re-obtain all of the cosmetic/flavor items from quests? Some examples are the Cattleprod (Sheep Herder), Demonic Sigil (Shadow of the Storm), and Crystal Pendant (Song of the Elves).

I heard that RS3 has this feature.

Oh gosh yeah you're right, serves me right for copy-pasting! I apologise.

In regards to your idea, really like it, I'll make sure it gets passed back to the team as well as the other cool ones here.


Originally posted by pauldeninoandy

For the past few weeks I have been noticing regular posts daily about people being unable to make new accounts, any word on this?

Sounds strange...Can you link me to these posts? I'll make sure it's passed to our team to investigate. :)


Hey everyone! We'll be live on Thursday 18th November at 5PM BST on Twitch with our weekly Q&A live stream. I'm really sorry that the title says October, for some reason I wrote October. I'm a pepega.

We're aware that many of you have concerns around the lack of content within our recent weekly game updates. We've seen your disappointment, and we want to let you know that you have not gone unheard.

We touched on this in our ...

Read more External link →

Originally posted by Jayjay4848

The poll has now gone live, and unless I've missed it, we still have no idea what we are voting on in regards to Ecumenical key shards. Where do we "gather" them from, how many can we stack, any information apart from the one sentence in the blog.

Hey Jay! I've just pinged Mod Arcane, sorry for the late reply. The Ecu Key Shards drop from Nex and there's no limit to how many you can Shards you can stack but there is a cap to the Keys. The Keys are capped at 3, but that goes up to 4 with the Medium Wildy Diary completed, then 5 with the Hard Wildy Diary completed.

50 Shards = 1 Key.

I hope this helps and sorry I couldn't get that info to you sooner.

15 Nov


Originally posted by Zxv975

I actually had to sit someone down and explain that it didn't have a degrade cost and it was a one time repair. They supposedly read the blog but just assumed "repair = degrade" and would not move past that. He was ready to vote no well before the thought crossed his mind that he might've misread something.

Can confirm I've just pinged Mod Arcane and Torva does not degrade, so I'm adjusting the wording of the question before poll is live in game. :)

12 Nov


Originally posted by Blindtofeelings

Alright thank you once again for clarification and hearing where the concern is, being heard.

My biggest concern was seeing the exact same text used to 'hand wave' away the information.

"We understand this is your feedback, but we've already said no."

We really value your feedback and I get that it's frustrating for you to see us hearing what you're saying and seemingly ignore it. Taking player feedback is part of what we do, but we're also balancing the interests of lots of different things, as well as different players' opinions as well. We often see feedback and discuss as a team. In this case I was just trying to say that we did see the feedback relating to this, but we are not planning at present to introduce the changes you asked for. When it was brought up in discussions, it was mentioned we can look at it as part of post-launch stuff if players are still unhappy with it. So that's just what I'm trying to communicate back. I will make sure it gets brought up again though


Originally posted by Merdapura

u/JagexLight Does this mean that items are no longer going to be changed? Godsword, crossbow and essence all need love before being relevant.

Unrelated to nex: Has anyone in the Nex team thought about making Virtus armor letting you autocast ancients with Harmo staff?

Not at present,but I will bring up discussions expressed in this post to the team next week. I can't speak about the Virtus Armour stuff, but would encourage you to ping Mod Arcane on Discord or Twitter - as he's said he's very open to questions relating to Nex


Originally posted by anonumousse

One person could like it and the argument that ‘people have different tastes’ would be valid. The majority isn’t happy with it, I don’t think that should be brushed over.

Not intending to brush over anyone's feedback, just trying to be somewhat helpful :) I'll ensure that this all gets communicated back to the team.