

06 Oct


Originally posted by Taurenkey

Obligatory "Are you my mummy?" puns coming.

What do you think his examine text is? :P


I don't know what the exact plan is from this point, but I do know we will be clarifying a lot of questions in the run up to launch. I am going to suggest that on a near-future livestream we run through the gameplay slice that we had on show at Runefest as part of that (no guarantees; I don't decide this), but regardless we'll explain the core mechanics and other things now we're allowed to talk about it. I am looking forward to doing so too. :)


Originally posted by Devout_Bison

It's meant to be confusing. It's a new skill and was only announced a few hours ago. It's called "creating hype".

I wouldn't say it is meant to be confusing, so much as that there's a lot of information to convey so that obviously leads to confusion, especially when you only have second-hand evidence. We'll clear it up over time.


The source would be my section of the Lore Q+A. Movario is one of our dig site managers, though he is more of a pothunter than an archaeologist, more interested in the magical relic powers for his own benefit than advancing understanding.


Originally posted by Katawa_Shounen

Also it should be "indie" not "indy", right?

Indy is the typically accepted short form of Indiana.


You have to factor in that the survey was only completed relatively recently, and the results need(ed) time to be combed through and then for change to come from that, coupled with the fact that content takes time to develop and everything shown is something we've been working on already (or planning) for a long time - e.g. the Archaeology team has been working on it since last September. Remasters will come in due time.


Originally posted by icclebeccy

Most of this dig site was above ground - but when I spoke to Ramen he said most of them are underground.

Not sure on the island. I definitely walked to the island with the acropolis on - but not sure about the other one. Not knowing where I was with a bunch of agility shortcuts was a bit disorienting!

I intend to add plenty of examines. :)


To add to the other comments, it's related to a Da Vinci-esque character - a genius inventor with the creativity to come up with the ideas, but not always the capability or technology to see those ideas come to life (then coupled with your own invention experience and knowledge to make workable pieces of technology).

It also plays on things like Damascus steel, which was far superior to other steels of its time, but which we even now do not fully understand exactly how it was created (even though people have sort of replicated it, and developed far superior steels).

It explores the concept of lost knowledge. Also in the mix is how war fuels innovation.

So, I understand how on the surface it could seem odd, but it's well considered and makes sense in context.

Edit: Oh, and yes, the concept of technologically advanced precursor civilisations is rife throughout fantasy and science-fiction - Mass Effect's protheans, Halo's forerunners, Assassins Creed'...

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24 Sep


Originally posted by Sebastiaan_RS

Personal opinion:

Unsure myself. I want to know more about what it is and what it will do before overly judging the skill itself.

However, I do think it's peculiar since they previously said there won't be a new skill for 5 years in their previous 2 runefests and they also said that they will be making two skills 120 (also revealed which ones at runefest, might be a new elite skill that uses those two skills) and prefer reworking existing skills.

I am going to go on a limb and say that the big update for 2020 that is being worked on by one of the current teams is the new skill.

Purely to correct one point (and not to sway anyone's opinions), but if you were you referring to this Runefest 2017 skilling talk, a new skill was mentioned as part of the five-year plan:

(At that timestamp.)

If other things were said afterwards that contradict this, however, I'm unaware of it.


You need to have all four of the aggro'd and attacking you before killing any of them, while replaying the quest fight (so not just in the post-quest room with nihil spawns).

23 Sep


Originally posted by WasV3

Titles vs titties

Well, vs "Tities" to be accurate. :\

20 Sep


You might want to look into the Armour of Trials, from the Quest Point Shop/May's Quest Caravan south of Varrock:

18 Sep


You can use medicinal and/or delicious honeycombs to bring up animal health and/or happiness at the point you need it. Can't be sure what their prices will settle at now, but that's an alternative. You can make your own honey on the farm with woad leaves and marigolds.

06 Sep


Originally posted by ToGloryRS

Did you miss my flair, by any chance? Nothing in this game is optional for me.

Everything in any game is optional. To believe otherwise is just not being conscious of the decisions you are making.


Originally posted by JagexOsborne

Just wanted to reply on the Player Owned point you make. It’s a combination of things, but both Farm and Ports are extremely well played, and people who play it like to for a long time. Small updates for them do well, injecting life in. Sure, they are rewarding, but our survey work tells us that their popularity is not just because of that.

I also don’t agree that everyone dislikes them, as you state. As with most content, it’s not for everyone, but they have quite a few fans, from looking on social, chatting at Runefest, checking survey work, etc

I would also like to add that "player owned farm" was (in hindsight) little more than branding. Mechanically, it was just an update to the Farming skill.

Plant animals, wait for them to grow, harvest them for rewards. Sure, there was extra stuff around the periphery, but that is the core of POF. The player owned part is more fluff than mechanics.

04 Sep


Originally posted by Necromaner_101

Raven, Stu, and Jack have been the lore dudes so far. Stu and Raven have been doing great, but Jack's said numerous times on Discord that he doesn't want to branch out with writing or world-build too much, because he thinks stuff will just get retconned.

I'm glad they're actually hiring writers, because that's a crap excuse.

Edit: Plus it would be nice to have someone who actually works full time in storytelling and writing. Passion is great, but professional experience and passion is even better.

All of us here who champion quests and lore have both professional experience and passion. What Osborne was suggesting was a full-time writer, I believe, rather than what we currently have, which is developers and designers who also write.

28 Aug


Originally posted by holydamned

Thanks for taking the time to respond.

The wiki probably only puts a "series" in the finished category if there was either jmod confirmation or a very obvious conclusion. I'm curious though if you or another developer feels strongly about what constitutes a "series" and if any of the listed quests Jagex feels is definitively concluded.

Happy to update the wiki accordingly.

robably only puts a "series" in the finished category if there was either jmod confirmation or a very obvious conclusion. I'm curious though if you or another developer feels strongly about what constitutes a "series" and if any of the listed quests Jagex feels is

I'm sure there's not a complete consensus here either. I think we'll just tackle things as we go and it's one of those things you just know when you see. If players are still clamouring for more from a particular character, series or string of quests, I imagine we'd look to add more, though if we felt a particular storyline had concluded, we could always just make a standalone continuation or start or new series, or combine it with another one.

27 Aug


Originally posted by holydamned


The wiki actually lists the unfinished ones and the completed ones. Completed ones are near the bottom of the page. (Not all of these are "old" but some are)

Unfinished Quest Lines:

5th age:

  • Desert series
  • Dragon kin series
  • Druid Circles series
  • Elemental Workshop series
  • Gnome series
  • Enchanted Key series
  • Monkey series
  • Penguin series
  • Signature hero series: Sir Owen, Ozan, Ariane, Xenia, Linza, The Raptor

Sixth Age:

  • Elder Gods series
  • God series
  • Temple Knight series

Finished Quest lines:

  • Camelot
  • Dorgeshuun
  • Elf
  • Fairy
  • Fremmenik
  • Mahjarrat
  • Myreque
  • Pirate
  • The Return of Zaros
  • Rise of the Red Axe
  • Sea Slug
  • Sli...
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It's safe to say that this wiki list is not necessarily how we see it. Not all of these are necessarily series. It's useful for us to see what the player perception/expectation is, though. Some discussion around these would be helpful to help us manage that.

It is slow going in general, but we're tying things up when we can - Pirates finale last year, Menaphos continuation the year before. We'll catch up with past developers' plans eventually. Since the Lore Council was established, we're a lot better at planning things out as a group and being more concise (though still have room for improvement).


Originally posted by 5-x

Fun fact, the backstory of the Black Ibis was supposed to be elaborated upon in Menaphos, unfortunately Jagex ran out of time/money or whatever and it was cut. /u/jagexrowley or /u/jagexorion probably know more.

Was it? That's news to me. I'm sure ideas were floating around, but none we ever committed to. :)

08 Aug


Originally posted by leyesvo_ripitstaken

I agree that as you level, success chance for things below your level are better. But let's be real. We aren't going to hunt cobalt chinchompas (require level 27 hunter) and level 73 where we can hunt other chinchompas for better xp. Those better chinchompas aren't as easy to catch and the catching rate an hour is less. So higher hunter level doesn't increase chance of pof chinchompa unless i want to sacrifice hunter xp (which i don't). Ty

Right, but that's why they are tradeable. It adds value to lower-level Hunter for players at that level catching them, and selling them to higher-level Hunters/players who don't want to waste time hunting well below their level. But even then, the value of obtaining all breeds is relatively small. You can get the majority of value out of POF with just one breeding pair of any colour chinchompas (something the Trapper can help to achieve in time, even for Ironmen, and with not overly awful RNG).