

19 Nov


Originally posted by mporubca

I recommend using Beans for Sundry Brans rather than Woody. They are slower to farm/gather but the yield is so much higher

In your case it's either:

  • Woody Beans: ~1 700 000 Farming XP
  • Sundry Beans: ~2 400 000 1 740 000 Farming XP and 90M cash

EDIT: fixed Sundry beans XP, didn't take Reeds into account

What patches are getting you those values?

18 Nov


I'm fairly certain what you're referring to is not game content, but something for the website. I'll ask about it tomorrow.

EDIT: Planned to be released this Friday, wherever blogs go (there'll be a news post too, I'm sure).


Dig Site quest was reworked earlier this year. The hand-in point should be the Seth Minas in the large building on the dig site, not the one in Varrock Museum.

12 Nov


Originally posted by AssaultPhase

They only said that to justify the fact they hadn't started work on the next expansion and so they wouldn't be held to their promises.

This is wildly incorrect. Parts of what was going to be the second expansion were peeled off and released as individual updates. Some artwork for it was seen in videos around that time.


We'll be releasing Archaeology journals for Stormguard Citadel (in November) and the Warforge (in December). These are just a bit of narrative to give some idea about what these two dig sites are about. We'll be doing proper road to release content (e.g. livestreams and probably some videos) in the new year.

01 Nov


Originally posted by Blakland

If the issue is annoying, but not utterly destroying the game, then generally we feel waiting until the next update is best bet.

First off, respect for giving a real answer, but please see the customer's perspective here;

There's people that can't do group PvM like raids and AoD cause their bar gets completely screwed. Losing a streak mid telos cause you can't see the damn virus seems like a huge disruption to the game as well.

People don't want to take a break from the content because of something that's out of their control.

I 100% understand that neither you nor any of the other J Mods want bugs to persist ingame, but when bugs are persistently popping up and you have the choice between a cold fix; taking the game offline for a short while or delaying problems by a week, it just makes people not want to play. It's no wonder the player count is dropping every week, RS3 is under 17K concurrent players a day now, and still ...

This is considering the customer's perspective. Most bugs affect a very small percentage of players, so rebooting the servers, which would disrupt every player (kicking them out mid boss-fight, for instance) to fix an issue that is probably not even affecting them, is not desirable. Only if a bug is widespread, serious and not hotfix-able is it prudent to make an unscheduled update to coldfix it. Sure, we have update timers now, but that doesn't catch everyone, and even still disrupts gameplay. You have to weight up all the pros and cons for all players.

24 Oct


Lower case is how it should be in this case. Where you see thing in upper case like that, it tends to be due to the sentence being constructed in script, pulling things like NPC names direct from the configs (capitalisation and all) or from a list, for the sake of efficiency and for ease of adding to larger systems in future. Not really answering you question, just explaining the discrepancy.

17 Oct


Originally posted by SolaVitae

Astral and Nature would come with EW5.

Law and Death with EW6.

Blood and Soul with EW7.

Can we not have 3 more elemental workshops? They have to be some of the most boring quests' storywise there are, with puzzles aren't justified by the reward

The series should be completed.

I'm hoping we can come up with a reward from the series that is worthy, and see that as a necessity to continue/complete the series.

There is a found narrative within the series that is coming to the fore more as the series goes on.

It need not be 3 more quests, per se, but 6 more runes/puzzles. That could be one quest with 6 puzzles or six quests with 1 puzzle each. Which would be your preference?

Players are also, of course, free not to play them if they really don't enjoy puzzles. That is not reason enough to not finish the series for those players who do enjoy them.


Originally posted by RJ815

Jagex barely does quests and is planning three in a row in a series? I'll believe it when I see it.

Not planning to release three in a row. I am simply designing the rest of the series for potential future development by the quest sub-team. If and when they get developed and released is not something to consider at this point, it's just a Game Jam project, not a guaranteed update (like everything in any of our jams).


Originally posted by ATGCool

Why not make the elemental workshop armor the magic masterwork? If you require (not 600 of each, christ) some of all elemental bars to make the magic masterwork and require the soul armor to be made kind of like how Elder rune+5 is required for MW, it would fill in that niche.

I would rather leave that possibility for a potential future rework of other skills in a similar way to how Mining/Smithing was handled.


The RS wiki notes the refresh days for each category of buyer. Log in on the appropriate day to roll a new buyer/contract, based on either what you have asked Granny to advertise, or what is in your pens if you've not asked her to do that.


It looks like tomorrow is when large contracts get refreshed.

However, assuming no issues arise, the dino farm update...

Read more

16 Oct


Originally posted by yuei2

I believe quite a bit of the more modest gamejam stuff tends to get in. I don’t believe we will get THREE elemental workshop quests in two weeks but I could see 1 making it. The arraxor and off-hand skilling sounds very firmly like something they want to release even it doesn’t hit deadline, my guess is only the former will make it.

My aim for the EW quests is at most to prototype the next two puzzles, write the remaining lore books and design everything else. My intent is that the new quest sub-team could pick up EW5 - I would estimate that quest alone would take ~1 dev month to complete with appropriate levels of polish, as it would likely require reworking previous rewards.

Mod Doctor already did work (released ages ago now) to smooth out/improve the experience of EW1-EW4, remove frustrations, but it might also still be a good idea to revisit that and encourage more people to complete the current quests in the series.

Just to manage expectations, though, if it gets scheduled anytime soon I think will depend on coming up with a worthwhile redesign of the elemental armour set. I have a concept for that, but need to run it past Mod Timbo and others.

14 Oct


Nothing to add beyond what Raven already said. The skill is work in progress.

11 Oct


Dig Site quest will have its place in the skill somewhere, don't worry.


As one of the developers working on Archaeology, the skill and elite outfits are planned to be exclusively earned via training the skill (that's how we've designed and already developed them), and accounted for it in the skill's balancing.

Obviously, I can't predict the future (and have even less control over it), but I can't see anyone wanting to add it to TH even at a later date. TH has not broken any previous new skill embargo, so precedent should suggest this one will hold firm and, by the time it is up, a fair proportion of players will already have one, if not both, of the outfits, so any market for it on TH would be severely limited anyway.

10 Oct


Just a quick note to say 60% was just an example figure, not the actual balancing. It will likely be somewhere around that, but it hasn't been completely decided yet.

08 Oct


Originally posted by Myssed

I got confused a bit by a part of the announcement post. Something about earning our certification as an archaeologist. We did that already, in the digsite quest. I’m pretty certain we even got a certificate out of it.

All you do in the quest is pass a few Earth Sciences exams...and make a significant archaeological find. You're effectively a student who got lucky. Qualifications are more the faculty side of things - you become guild staff.

07 Oct


Originally posted by iLLuZiown3d

My monies on Thorny Tribal Quilter

Our anagram clues now also have to connect thematically with the character in question, as part of the hint to find them. Something with ROT or the like in it would be better (given Brother Tranquillity is a brainless zombie monk).

06 Oct


Originally posted by Juyiboi

Chaos tunnels are under the wilderness and it’s not pvp...

None of it is within, nor takes you through, a PvP area. The Wilderness connection is a thematic/narrative and geographical one.


Originally posted by WluttyShore

Wait so the imcando/crystal/space and time mattocks will use a dpick(?)

No, you won't need any dragon pickaxes for them.