

29 May

    Kaivax on Forums - Thread - Direct

FYI, Warsong Gulch will be available at level 10 in today’s stress test.

    Kaivax on Forums - Thread - Direct

A new build with new testable content has been published to the Public Test Realms (PTR) for our upcoming content update, Rise of Azshara. This build retains progress made since test characters were deleted on May 14.

Now Available

Over the next few days, we’ll initiate testing of:

  • Season 3 content, including:
    • Mythic Keystone Dungeon updates
    • The new Heroic Battle for Stromgarde Warfront
  • As...
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28 May

    Kaivax on Forums - Thread - Direct

We’re coming together to test the Ashran epic battleground experience in the Rise of Azshara PTR, and would love for you to join us!

On Friday, May 31, beginning at 10:00 a.m. PDT (1:00 p.m. Eastern), we’ll be queueing up for Ashran. Get your PTR character(s) ready at level 120 on the Broxigar server, and then at 10:00 a.m.:

  • Open Group Finder (default hotkey: i)
  • Select the Player vs. Player tab
  • Select Quick Match
  • In the dropdown, choose “Specific Battlegrounds”
  • Select “Ashran” and then hit the Join Battle button

Thank you very much, and we look forward to fighting in Draenor with you!

    Kaivax on Forums - Thread - Direct

Welcome to the World’s End Tavern forum! This forum is here to provide you with a friendly environment where you can engage in World of Warcraft role-play and fan fiction discussion with other players.

Community forums work best when participants treat their fellow posters with respect and courtesy, so we ask that you take the time to read through the forum Code of Conduct and guidelines before posting.

Code of Conduct: http://us.battle.net/en/community/conduct

Terms of Use: ...

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24 May

    Kaivax on Forums - Thread - Direct

I’ve added several items to the list in the OP:

  • Long quest objectives don’t have text wrapping.
  • Fall damage is equivalent to expected and verified values.
  • Broadcast text can be seen multiple times if multiple players interact with the same NPC.
  • WANTED signs do not have “!”, and are also not highlighted.
  • Player characters do not animate when looting/interacting with quest objects (e.g. collecting pumpkins).
  • Gnomes and Taurens are the correct size.

The last one has been carefully verified.

    Kaivax on Forums - Thread - Direct

That thread is reaching limits that we simply cannot work around.

Feel free to start a new one. It doesn’t look like we’re going to be able to keep the big one open.

23 May

    Kaivax on Forums - Thread - Direct

Over in the Items & Classes forum, we’ve opened four new threads for focused feedback on Essences. As you consider your experience with a particular Essence in the Rise of Aszhara PTR, please tell us what you think in the appropriate thread:

Feedback - Tank Essences

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    Kaivax on Forums - Thread - Direct

In this thread, please focus feedback and discussion on the multi-role Essences currently being tested in the Rise of Azshara PTR:

  • Conflict and Strife
  • The Crucible of Flame
  • Memory of Lucid Dreams
  • Ripple in Space
  • Vision of Perfection
  • Worldvein Resonance
    Kaivax on Forums - Thread - Direct

In this thread, please focus feedback and discussion on the damage dealer Essences currently being tested in the Rise of Azshara PTR:

  • Blood of the Enemy
  • Condensed Life-Force
  • Essence of the Focusing Iris
  • Purification Protocol
  • The Unbound Force
    Kaivax on Forums - Thread - Direct

In this thread, please focus feedback and discussion on the healing Essences currently being tested in the Rise of Azshara PTR:

  • Artifice of Time
  • The Ever-Rising Tide
  • Life-Binder’s Invocation
  • The Well of Existence
  • Vitality Conduit
    Kaivax on Forums - Thread - Direct

In this thread, please focus feedback and discussion on the tanking Essences currently being tested in the Rise of Azshara PTR:

  • Aegis of the Deep
  • Anima of Life and Death
  • Azeroth’s Undying Gift
  • Nullification Dynamo
  • Sphere of Suppression
    Kaivax on Forums - Thread - Direct

It’s important to know – this is a preliminary look at this Essence. We’ll have changes to it in future PTR builds.

At this time, not all choices have been replaced or modified as needed to be acceptable in PvE.

22 May

    Kaivax on Forums - Thread - Direct

We applied a hotfix to the PTR a few minutes ago that should allow you to change talents and Essences in the Proving Grounds.

Additionally, Tome of the Quiet Mind & Codex of the Quiet Mind should let you swap Essences around.

    Kaivax on Forums - Thread - Direct

We applied a hotfix to the PTR a few minutes ago that should allow you to change talents and Essences in the Proving Grounds.

Additionally, Tome of the Quiet Mind & Codex of the Quiet Mind should let you swap Essences around.

    Kaivax on Forums - Thread - Direct

With today’s PTR update, you might notice mount size changes for gnome and tauren player characters. For a very long time, we’ve had issues that stem from gnomes and tauren riding on mounts that appear larger than intended. We’re adjusting their sizing down on normal* mounts.

This allows us to correct many art and animation bugs with these specific races when mounted, and they look better. Gnomes and tauren now look more like they should, gnomes can actually reach their reins, and tauren can fit through more doorways when mounted.

Here’s an example of how a gnome character looks when mounted-
Before the change-

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    Kaivax on Forums - Thread - Direct

The Jaina change is now live.

    Kaivax on Forums - Thread - Direct

A new build with new testable content has been published to the Public Test Realms (PTR) for our upcoming content update, Rise of Azshara. This build retains progress made since test characters were deleted on May 14.

Now Available

  • Test characters are now granted access to all Rank 3 Essences within the class Proving Grounds. Players can access the Proving Grounds by speaking to their respective class trainer in a capital city.

Continuing Testing

  • Heart of Azeroth system update-- Essences
  • New Zone-- Mechagon
  • New Zone-- Nazjatar
  • New Raid-- Azshara’s Eternal Palace
  • New Dungeon-- Operation: Mechagon
  • New Arena-- The Robodrome
  • Mount Equipment
  • Crestfall and Snowblossom Island Expeditions
  • Ashran Epic Battleground
  • New Missions
  • Gnome and Tauren Heritage Armors
  • New Profession Recipes
  • Pet Battle Dungeon-- Str...
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    Kaivax on Forums - Thread - Direct

The Grong and Mekkatorque changes are now live. The change to the Jaina encounter is not yet live.

    Kaivax on Forums - Thread - Direct

We’re working on the following adjustments to raid encounters. These changes are not live yet, but will go live later this evening or tomorrow.

Dungeons and Raids

  • Battle of Dazar’alor
    • Grong, the Jungle Lord
      • Death Empowerment (Alliance) and Apetagonize (Horde) cast time increased to 5 seconds on Mythic difficulty (was 4 seconds).
      • Death Specters (Alliance) and Apetagonizers (Horde) health reduced by 20% on Mythic difficulty.
    • High Tinker Mekkatorque
      • Gigavolt Charge’s radiation zone duration reduced to 2 minutes on Mythic difficulty (was 3 minutes).
      • Tampering duration increased to 30 seconds on Mythic difficulty (was 25 seconds).
    • Lady Jaina Proudmoore
      • Jaina now kills all players instantly if the entire raid is frozen solid during an intermission phase.
        • Developers’ note: Pr...
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    Kaivax on Forums - Thread - Direct

Yes we had it inadvertently marked live for a few minutes. It’s not supposed to be until tomorrow, Wednesday, May 22, from 4:00 to 6:00 p.m. PDT.

See you tomorrow!