

20 Jun

    Kaivax on Forums - Thread - Direct

This is correct. You can use your main character to finish the Campaign questline, and then switch over to your Tauren and start the Heritage Armor questline.

    Kaivax on Forums - Thread - Direct

We’re updating this note. It will now read:

• Fixed a bug that could cause players who were actively participating in PvP combat to unintentionally drop combat.

    Kaivax on Forums - Thread - Direct

Here are the BFA Season 2 ratings cutoffs for the Sinister Hero and Gladiator ranks.

As always, these ratings are not final, and they will change between now and the end of Season 2. This is a snapshot of what would have been if the season ended at:
10:15 a.m. PDT Monday, June 24

Hero of the Horde: Sinister
Rating: 2377

Hero of the Alliance: Sinister
Rating: 2322

Horde Sinister Gladiator: Battle for Azeroth Season 2
Rating: 2904

Alliance Sinister Gladiator: Battle for Azeroth Season 2
Rating: 2956

    Kaivax on Forums - Thread - Direct

The Summer Season of the 2019 Arena World Championship (AWC) continues on!

The world’s best PvPers in World of Warcraft will clash again this weekend, qualifying for the second LAN of the year: the AWC Summer Finals. At the Summer Finals, teams will compete for $100,000 and two qualification spots to BlizzCon. The first Cup concluded and the top 8 teams of Cup 2 have already been decided in NA & EU.

If you’re interested in catching some of the Open Bracket games, make sure to following GCDTV on twitch. GCDTV is an organization we’re partnering with to administrate and broadcast all these Arena Tournaments, they will be broadcasting the early rounds every Wednesday.

All Top 8 series will be broadcast on ...

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    Kaivax on Forums - Thread - Direct

I’m definitely holding onto it on my main.

19 Jun

    Kaivax on Forums - Thread - Direct

We’d love to hear your feedback on your experience from level 1-15 on whichever realm you chose to test. Please answer the following questions, and make sure to tell us what time it was and indicate which realm you were on.

  • Was it too crowded, even for a launch day experience?

  • Did it feel too empty or too crowded after you moved to the second zone?

Thank you!

    Kaivax on Forums - Thread - Direct

Some additional information for PvP over the next few weeks:

When Season 2 ends with the content update next week, players will no longer be able to turn in their Quartermaster’s Coins to receive Battleborn Sigils. Quartermaster’s Coins can be sold for 50 gold.

When Season 3 begins the week of July 9, players will begin receiving Quartermaster’s Prize items from their Conquest schedule rewards, Call to Arms quests, and the Nazjatar world PvP event.

In Season 3, a missed Bonus Roll in PvP will award Azerite Power, but a missed Bonus Roll will not award a Quartermaster’s Prize. Completing the weekly “Quartermaster’s Bounty” quest by trading in Quartermaster’s Prize items will award a Warlord’s Trophy (not a Battleborn Sigil).

    Kaivax on Forums - Thread - Direct

In the Rise of Azshara content update, we’ve developed several user interface changes that we’d like to call your attention to.

Accessibility Features
First, we’ve added several slash commands intended to provide more options for vision-impaired players. Some of these commands will allow the player to enter and leave voice channels without having to physically click the voice button in the channels list:

  • Enter voice channel for your guild: /voice guild
  • Enter voice channel for the officer channel for your guild: /voice officer
  • Enter general channel for the given community: /voice
  • Enter a particular channel for the given community: /voice
  • Leave the current voice channel: /voice leave

We’ve also added some other new commands are intended to facilitate creating and joining communities and Battlenet clubs:

  • Open the Add Community Dialog with the invitation link edit box selected. Jus...
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    Kaivax on Forums - Thread - Direct

Thanks to everyone who reported this bug. Because of your helpful reports, we were able to figure out what went wrong and fix it in time for Rise of Azshara.

The updated voice lines are now in the Rise of Azshara PTR and you’ll hear them when you go to Nazjatar next week.

Thanks again!

    Kaivax on Forums - Thread - Direct

Our next WoW Classic stress test is getting underway tomorrow at 2:00 p.m. PDT. Here’s some additional information to help you make the most of it.

Launcher Update

Earlier today, we updated the Blizzard Battlenet Launcher on the World of Warcraft game screen. It’s now easier to select the version of the game you want to play. Now, when you look in the Live section of the Version dropdown, you should now see an additional option for World of...

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    Kaivax on Forums - Thread - Direct

Simply put – there will not be a way to redeem TCG codes in WoW Classic.

    Kaivax on Forums - Thread - Direct

In the Launcher, the final state of game versions will be what you see under Live.

The stress test tomorrow is a test of our final, live setup, so you’re going to access the stress test via the Live / World of Warcraft Classic selection.

The WoW Classic Beta will remain for the time being in the same spot you’ve previously accessed it: the In Development section.

18 Jun

17 Jun

    Kaivax on Forums - Thread - Direct

Thank you to everyone who logged in over the weekend and fought all up and down the Valley. Thanks to your efforts, we got a substantial amount of data and bug reports from the test.

The PvE and PvP Beta realms are back up and running for testers, and we’re working through everything we learned. If you haven’t yet, please leave your feedback in our dedicated AV feedback thread.

Thank you!

    Kaivax on Forums - Thread - Direct

You do not have to have BFA to participate in this stress test. It’s available to everyone in the region with an active WoW subscription.

    Kaivax on Forums - Thread - Direct

This won’t happen.

The change only affects groups that manually invite player characters who have XP off. There is no impact on players who find themselves automatically grouped by the matchmaker while doing PvP or Group Finder dungeons.

This change also doesn’t affect anyone who has turned off XP for their own benefit, such as plundering old raids while keeping their level low enough to use their Aggramar’s Stride boots.

    Kaivax on Forums - Thread - Direct

We’ll have our next stress test for WoW Classic on 2019-06-19T21:00:00Z. This stress test will be accessible to anyone with an active World of Warcraft game account in the Americas & Oceania region. For players who have not yet tested World of Warcraft Classic, the game will become available for download late tomorrow, June 18. We’ve posted some additional info here.

For this stress test, all races and classes will be available for creation, and the maximum character level will be capped at 15. In addition to the open world, there will be instanced content available at that level. This will include Warsong Gulch for PvP as well as Ragefire Chasm, Wailing Caverns, and Deadmines. Of course, Deadmines will be a challenge for players to complete at this level.

Please focus as much play as possible during the first three hours of the stress test...

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15 Jun

    Kaivax on Forums - Thread - Direct

Earlier today, we made the stress test install appear on the game screen of the launcher for all players who have installed it. This is to make it possible to uninstall easily.