

02 Nov


Originally posted by deathsoverture

Piggybacking on this question. If I had Sanctum of Thought and two kikzaru rings for a total of 100% reduced effect of curses, is that additive with an enemy's increased curse effect? And what about map mod curse effect, such as "Players are cursed with Vulnerability with x% increased effect"

Yes. All increases and reductions to the same value are additive with each other.

01 Nov


Curses are debuffs and do not have levels. Curse skills do. Part of what was changed in redoing curses was making the disinction more clear and removing stuff like this that blurred the two and caused confusion.

Curse debuffs have default values. If applied by a skill, the skill can override those values. You can see the default values for a curse in the reminder text of stats which apply the curse.

In general, the skills are balanced such that a level 1 curse skill applies the curse with the default values, and higher levels override them with higher values, but this may not always be the case for all curses.

30 Oct


Originally posted by ExcessiveSlaanesh

Is projectile damage calculated at the time you shoot it or at the time the projectile hits?

In general, when it hits. Damage calculation can't happen without knowing what you're calculating against, and projectiles can't predict which things they'll hit before they do because stuff's moving around.


Originally posted by SingleInfinity

NZ doesn't care about election season.

We just had/are finishing our election season, which we definitely care about. It was arguably more important to the future of the country than most elections, due to us voting on two referendums about controvertial legeslation as well as our next government.

19 Oct


Originally posted by Samsenggwy

Just want to confirm..... how long is this bug in game already?

Is it since league start or just due to recent patch ?

Never. It is not bugged, and is applying to bleeding. It has not changed. The per-repeat modifiers have always applied to all damage dealt by that repeat of the skill.


Originally posted by Mark_GGG

PVP scaling depends on attack time, so the attack speed bonus could have a significant effect on how much PVP hits with multistrike are scaled compared to non-multistrike hits, separate from the damage modifier? Might depend on a bunch of other factors how much that affects results. I'll try to do some quick testing.

I can see the numbers in-game right now and it definitely applies correctly. I can breakpoint the bleeding damage roll and see that the values are different on each hit, and look at the stat values applied to the monster by the debuffs, and see they match those rolls. My first hit rolls bleeding in the range (806-1465), resulting in 1125. The second rolls in (984-1788), resulting in 1636. The third rolls in (1161-2110), resulting in 1767. All three bleeding debuffs are then on the target, with those values, and only the last one is affecting the enemy, because it's the strongest.

Certainly the difference in attack time has a notable effect. PVP scaling is based both on the time taken to deal the damage and the amount, so how much exactly will vary from hit to hit, let alone build to build.

In my testing, bleeding without multistrike was PVP scaled to about 29%-32% of pre-scaling damage, while bleeding with multistrike was PVP scaled to 22%-27% (repeats dealing more damage makes this more variable) of pre-scaling damage - this in combination with the bleed roll was enough that some final-repeat bleeding was lower than some non-multistrike bleeding due to being scaled more.


Originally posted by Rezins

This is where the testing happens, a little bit into the muted section.

Tested with Multistrike as well as woke Multistrike. The damage from 3 hits compared to Multistrike is almost the same. 4 hits normal vs woke Multistrike with Crimson Dance is almost the same. Regular attacks do a little more.

The testing setup might be bad because of armour or stuff like that, but it really doesn't look like it's working.

PVP scaling depends on attack time, so the attack speed bonus could have a significant effect on how much PVP hits with multistrike are scaled compared to non-multistrike hits, separate from the damage modifier? Might depend on a bunch of other factors how much that affects results. I'll try to do some quick testing.

I can see the numbers in-game right now and it definitely applies correctly. I can breakpoint the bleeding damage roll and see that the values are different on each hit, and look at the stat values applied to the monster by the debuffs, and see they match those rolls. My first hit rolls bleeding in the range (806-1465), resulting in 1125. The second rolls in (984-1788), resulting in 1636. The third rolls in (1161-2110), resulting in 1767. All three bleeding debuffs are then on the target, with those values, and only the last one is affecting the enemy, because it's the strongest.


I have just tested this, and the multistrike modifiers are definitely applying correctly to damage with bleeding.

The linked twitch clip isn't working for me, so I can't actually see what that shows, but the per-repeat modifiers on multistrike apply to all damage dealt with that repeat of the skill. I can see it working in-game, and there have not been any recent changes to the relevant code that I can find.

08 Oct


Both Arctic Armour's inherent chilling when hit and the alternate quality freezing when hit specifically apply when an enemy hits you, and apply the ailment to that enemy. I will be updating the descriptions on both those stats in future to make that more clear.

Storm Secret is not an enemy hitting you (it's technically you hitting yourself), and thus should not interact with either of those stats in any way. Unfortunately the way it's currently implemented actually causes the enemy that Herald of Thunder hits to be the source of that damage, which is incorrect.

We will be fixing this bug in 3.13, because a bunch of people have built around this interaction now so we don't want to fix it mid-league.

07 Oct


The default values of the curse debuff should be shown on reminder text for that stat if you hold alt.

06 Oct


Originally posted by Reashu

Doesn't it get disabled when you use / equip another flask?

Yes. Any change to any of the other flasks would remove the stats (and changes to that flask would then reapply them).

Flasks passively granting stats just fundamentally doesn't work.

24 Sep


Originally posted by Torqqed

I understood that part from other comments however I am meaning the actual size/area of the explosion. Increasing AOE does not appear to increase the size

Defintiely working for me. The visuals change to match the expaneded AoE when I add area modifiers.


Originally posted by Kalanarr

Thank you for replying. After the recent patch it seems that it is still not scaling with Area Damage. In the patch preview post there was this line:

"Fixed a bug where Splitting Steel and Blazing Salvo weren't affected by Area modifiers."

But then in the actual patch notes the line read:

"Fixed a bug where Splitting Steel wasn't affected by Area Damage modifiers."

What happened?


Seems like the patch preview post was edited after it was initially posted and that line was changed. Is there a reason for that? Should Blazing Salvo be scaling with Area Damage?

I already answered this elsewhere in the thread. The explosions from Blazing Salvo are aera damage and scale with area damage modifiers. That has always been the case and never changed. The tooltip does not show those changes for the same reason Fireball tooltip doesn't - because not all damage the skill deals is area damage - if the projectile hits something and doesn't explode, it deals non-area damage.

21 Sep


Originally posted by Torqqed

I noticed in the patch notes for today that it is being corrected with projectile modifiers. I am not sure if it is taking into account Area modifiers

It is. They do not display on the popup for the same reason they don't on Fireball - because not all the damage the skill does is area damage - the projectiles only do area damage when they explode.


Hexproof both makes the monster unaffected by Hexes and prevents them gaining Doom. The stats for having your hexes affect hexproof enemies turn off both those aspects.


Originally posted by -Yazilliclick-

This is true for AoE it seems as well. Is this a case of just the AoE damage modifiers not applying or was this also affecting AoE size increases/decreases?

AoE modifiers do not modify the damage values in the skill popup for the same reason as Fireball - not all the damage the skill does is AoE.


Originally posted by XghosT7

How exactly was it bugged? were the projectiles not forking AT ALL or some other issue(s)? Good job and thanks for the incoming fix!.

Projectiles were forking, but projectile damage modifers were not applying.


Originally posted by Kalanarr

Fork is working for me, however the % projectile damage increase is not shown on the tool tip. The same goes for Intensify and Pinpoint Support. My tool tip is the same whether I have 0 or 4 Intensity. Is this just a tool tip bug or are the modifiers not applying?

This was apparently bugged, but has already been fixed locally. The fix should be deployed to the live realm in an upcoming patch. I'm also looking into ways to automatically detect this going forward so this bug doesn't get repeated on future skills.


Originally posted by Harest

And it's working similarly to Fireball right? In the sense that on-hit area damage effects occur only when a projectile ceases to exist. So when it hits an enemy for the first time and will still travel, it'll not explode and fork, it'll just hit from the projectile and fork without explosion on 1st hit.

Correct. It only does area damage when the projectile explodes.

19 Sep


It's definitely working for me. The support is applying to the skill, and the projectiles are forking when they hit enemies. It's easier to see if you target far away from the character and the enemies are close, because then the forked projectiles end up further to the side due to changing direction earlier.