The description of current behaviour in the manifesto was incorrect - some inaccuracies were introduced while trying to shorten it from the longer description Nick and I worked out for the patch notes.
Previously, projectiles could only move forward through the list of behaviours (with some exceptions for pierce because that's handled a bit differently - it has to intercept before the projectile is stopped, not react to it). If it hit a target and was currently in the "chain" behaviour, and had chains left, it would try to chain. If it failed to chain (due to no valid target), it would move on to return and do that. Because it moved on to the returning, it could no longer chain (the remaining chains were "wasted"). If it hit something while returning, it would already have
Now, it checks the full list of behaviours to see if any are left on each target, so in that situation it would return after failing to chain, and then when hitting something else on the way back,...
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