

10 Sep


Originally posted by Helpful-Valuable-439

isnt neon mark 2?

Correct. But under the new rules we can only have one Mark. So I'm pretty sure we'll have to duel to the death on the morning of the patch release.


Originally posted by Crackerzz13

u/Bex_GGG Do marks and hexes apply to the curse limit equally (i.e. do you only get to choose between 1 hex OR 1 mark) with the base curse limit of 1?

Yes. The normal curse limit still applies to all curses. The restriction of only a having a single Mark curse applied at a time is in addition to that.


Originally posted by moreON

Big patch for u/mark_ggg sneaking himself into the game even more

For real though: with Marks, will Death Mark be modifed to become a Mark now? Or renamed to be clearly not a Mark?

will Death Mark be modifed to become a Mark now? Or renamed to be clearly not a Mark?


08 Sep


Originally posted by MisterKaos

Totems gain the same number of charges as the skill, and I think it can support totems, so you could theoretically multiply your uses by adding Second Wind and Multiple Totems. You'd be able to spawn the totems twice, each spawn would create two totems, and each totem would cast two Void Spheres, for a total of eight.

That is not how cooldowns work with totems. Totems get the cooldowns (and Val souls) you consumed when using the skill to make the totem.

If you summon one totem, you consume one cooldown use to do so, and the totem has one cooldown use to use the skill with (it can gain more over time like with any cooldown).

Summoning multiple totems conusmes multiple cooldown uses, one per totem, and each totem gets one - the one you used to create it. If you don't have that many cooldown uses, you can't make that many Totems.


Originally posted by Flavahbeast

Written and posted within four minutes of the comment, clearly GGG expected this reaction to the flavor text and wanted to nip it in the bud

edit: this was a joke not an actual complaint about the flavor text lol

No, I actually hadn't read the text until I saw it here. I just happened to check reddit shortly after it was posted.


Originally posted by jwfiredragon

Three by three is nine though??? Why have we been cheated out of the last three abyssal sockets? /s

Three by three could also mean "in sets/groups of three". When the animals are described getting onto Noah's ark "two by two", that doesn't mean there were 4 total animals, it means they were in pairs.


Originally posted by trashywashy

How does it work for quality that affects an existing stat on the gem?

While holding alt, the base stats of the gem, and the additional effects from quality, are separated, so the gem part will show the amount of each stat it would have without quality, and the quality part will show the stat modifications from quality.


Originally posted by Raspry

Liking the tooltip but is the quality effect visible on gems with no quality?

While holding alt to see it like this, yes. That's part of why it shows the range, rather than just what is currently granted by quality.

07 Sep


Originally posted by sirgog

Capping quality at 20% are we?

Quality stacking was looking very dangerous on some skills (cough, alt-quality Kinetic Bolt) so that might not be a bad idea.

The range shows the values from 0% to 20% quality because those are the usual limits. This doesn't exclude individual gems being outside those limits (just like in some cases mods can have values outside their current range).

06 Sep


Originally posted by Kaelran

It probably wouldn't because of the precedent with Iron Reflexes and Armor & Evasion nodes.

Basically it doesn't check your attack speed and cast speed values separately and add them together. It checks all applicable mods and adds them together for your attack speed. This just makes cast speed mods part of the pool of mods that applies to attack speed, but "Attack and Cast Speed" is still 1 mod with a value of 2% so it would only be applied once and count as 2%.


You have:

  • 50% increased attack speed
  • 50% increased attack & cast speed
  • 50% increased cast speed

To check attack speed it takes all attack speed mods and adds them together. You have 2 applicable mods that add up to 100%.

If you make increases and reductions to cast speed apply to attack speed, you now have 3 mods that add up to 150%, not 4 mods that add to 200%. The attack & cast speed mod is still 1 mod with a value of 50%.

This is correct. A modifier that affects "Attack and Cast Speed" already applies to attack speed. So telling that modifier to apply to attack speed does nothing new.


Originally posted by Andromansis

Why not just make the text for the quality affix a different color and in cases where its a direct numerical buff just change that color too?

Because that would be much harder to do and be less informative that what we're already working on.

05 Sep


Originally posted by Vet_Leeber

Does that mean the alt/advanced view for the quality will work on normal gems to display what quality does as well?

I don't really see why it wouldn't, but every single comment by a dev so far has specifically referenced the alternate ones, so some clarification there would be awesome.

Gemcutter Prisms are interesting because unlike most currency there's no in-game way to tell what they're supposed to do before using them...

I mean, that's technically the case with all quality currency, but at least the others, once you use one you'll always know what it does (quantity for maps, phys damage for weapons, etc). For skill gems there's 300+ different versions already for what the GCP does, with no in-game way to find out that information.

Does that mean the alt/advanced view for the quality will work on normal gems to display what quality does as well?

Yes. This was already a planned feature for exactly that reason, but was pushed forward in priority once we settled on doing the Alternate Quality mechanic.


Originally posted by GGGCommentBot

GGG Comments in this Thread:

[MarkGGG - link, old] - *This isn't an exception at all - the quality _is not a separate stat...*

[Mark_GGG - link, old] - This is one of the big reasons why the standard view needs to stay...

[Mark_GGG - link, ...

Read more

Looks like the bot needs to learn to handle formatting in the quoted section of posts a little better :P


Originally posted by piterisonfire

Is there a way to display (or maybe highlight) the bonus that the quality on the gem gives without messing up the syntax? The lack of visual clarity regarding the quality bonus was an issue before, but it seems kinda exacerbated with the release of up to 900 gem variants with different quality bonuses.

This is a thing we are working on (and have been in some capacity since we decided on doing alternate quality gems this patch). In order to avoid confusion and not make the default view of gems be walls of sometimes uneceessary and duplciate text, it will only be shown while holding alt.


Originally posted by iste11ar

Good idea but with problems. Look at Less Duration support: quality is additive with baseline effect. In this case if you write quality bonus separately according to POE wording rules both bonuses will multiply with each other:

  • 20/20 now: 59% less duration

  • 20/20 after: 54,1% less duration (49% less and 10% less)

This is one of the big reasons why the standard view needs to stay the same (and is one of the less bad ones compared to some cases of alternate quality - it's worse when quality is subtracting some of the value of the stat). Particularly since having to add so many new qualities there are a bunch of cases where quality isn't (and in many cases can't be) a separate stat, the quality just changes the value of a stat the gem already has. This is why, as noted in the recent FAQ post, the stats from quality will only be separated in-game while holding alt.

The proposed display here is broadly similar to what we've already got working locally when holding alt, but not exactly - it has to handle some extra cases, and is also intended to solve a different problem at the same time. There are still some edge cases to work out with the system, and there are some extra issues for more nicely handling more/less stats like the afformentioned less duration case when one modifier is split...

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Originally posted by xqwzets

This gem seems to be some kind of exception. I didn't know there exists place in poe where "less" keyword is added.
GGG would need to fix this exception by separating it into two separate mods. 49% less from base gem and 20% less from quality would be equal to one mod "59,2% less duration". This is very similar result to current value of 59% less.

This isn't an exception at all - the quality is not a separate stat - the gem only has one less modifier, and quality on the gem changes the value of that modifier.

The solution of forcing quality to be a separate stat might work for this quality, but would not work for several of the others.

01 Sep


Originally posted by DukeLukeivi

Can we please get a detailed Mechanics Interaction description for Emperor's Vigilance with Divine Flesh Timeless Keystone?

Emperor's Vigilance

Damage from Blocked Hits cannot bypass Energy Shield


Divine Flesh

All Damage taken bypasses Energy Shield

From a description about Divine Favor E:Flesh by Mark_GGG Here.

"X damage bypasses/does not bypass ES", it's more like "ES can/cannot intercept X damage." So effects that make damage bypass ES are the "cannot" case (ES can't intercept that damage and prote...

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This was brought to my attention a while back, the shield's behaviour is indeed a bug and is fixed in 3.12

15 Jul


This is because of a weird combination of factors. The up-to-date value ranges of that mod are (31-40) for % increased Damage with Bleeding, and 25 (with no range) for chance to cause Bleeding on hit with Attacks.

You have an item generated with an older version of the mod, which had a lower value of the first stat (hence why that item's current value of 29 is outside the range), and a value of 0 in the second stat (chance to inflict bleeding), because the mod didn't originally have that stat, so had no value for it.

So it should be showing that line as "Attacks have 0(25)% chance to cause Bleeding", showing the current value (0) and the valid range (25) of values - what it would re-roll to if you used a divine orb.

However, the chance to inflict bleeding stat is described as "Attacks have x% chance to cause Bleeding" only for cases where x is in the range 1-99, and described as "Attacks cause Bleeding" otherwise - because in general use the "otherwise" case...

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23 Jun


Originally posted by PorukuFrodo

I see. I wish that was written somewhere on the gem or something. It makes sense that you can't exert the other ones since they have a duration but I thought it made sense that VGS could be exerted since it's just a big slam. Thank you though, at least I know I'm not doing something wrong

It is on the reminder text for Exert on all the warcries which Exert attacks, along with the other inherent restrictions. You can see this if you hold Alt while hovering the gem.


This support applying is a bug and will be fixed. It does not actually do anything for the skill.