

18 Jun


Originally posted by Person454

Penance brand spreads to nearby enemies, are those enemies the only ones affected by the pulses and ending explosion? If not, what's the point of the energy spread?

Also, will the energy from separate brands which have linked to the same enemy stack?

Edit: Also, with Holy conquest, will the brands detach if there are no new enemies in range?

When the brand is removed from the branded enemy, all energy on all enemies that have energy from that brand will explode. Spreading means those lower-energy enemies will also do lower-energy explosions when the brand is removed, alongside the branded enemy doing a (probably) bigger explosion of energy.


Originally posted by FHStats

I'm not sure if I'm understanding this correctly.

Do Mirage warriors get any affect from other warcries "exert" text? (Seems like you're saying that they don't)

If that's the case, how does the Node "War Bringer" affect Mirage Warriors? (Seem's like it wouldn't affect them based on the previous)

If that's the case, what "global bonuses from the tree" are we referring to here? and how do they enable Mirage warriors to perform exerted attacks?

I'm probably just misunderstanding on a massive scale.

Do Mirage warriors get any affect from other warcries "exert" text?

No. Their attacks are not exerted by any specific warcry, so modifiers that warcries apply to attacks they exert do not apply to those attacks.

If that's the case, how does the Node "War Bringer" affect Mirage Warriors?

They are using your stats, and their attacks count as exerted, so if you have the bonus those attacks get that damage bonus.


Originally posted by EsportsWriter

Just to clarify, the brand does no single target damage until 20 energy?

The brand does no damage until either the branded enemy has 20 energy, or it gets removed from the branded enemy (including by its death).


Originally posted by trashywashy

Does 20 energy really equal 3000% more damage or am I missing something?

I've looked into this and it looks like the explosion "per energy" modifiers should actually read "per energy after the first" - a 1-energy explosion has no modifier. So the total achievable value is thus one enegy's worth lower.


Originally posted by lucientherat

Oh thank god. The line on the Balance Manifesto "Brands now drop at their original or recalled location when the enemy they are attached to is slain" confused me.

Both are true. It will return to where it was originally placed/last recalled, and then it will try to attach to any valid enemies in range.


Originally posted by shandsome0

Just to clarify if the thing wintertide is attached to dies and wintertide still has attached duration left does it try to reattach to something else after applying the second debuff or does it just get removed after that?

Any detached brand that has attached duration left will still try to reattach to things.


Originally posted by ieai

Sorry you misunderstand me, all I'm asking is if these effects stack?

Intimidating Cry: exerted attacks deal double damage

Seismic Cry: exerted attacks deal 30% more damage

Yes. That's what this part:

Multiple different warcries can exert the same attack.

was saying. An attack can be exerted by both Seismic Cry and by Intimidating Cry.


Originally posted by insobyr

If target already has two Penance Brands attached on and I cast another brand on it, what would happen? Does the 3rd brand make one of the two attached brand instantly detached and explode? Or the 3rd brand will just sit on the ground until the attached ones expire and explode?

I cast another brand on it

You can't do this. Brands are always cast on the ground in the detached state. If there is an enemy in range they can attach to, they will do that immediately, but an enemy with the maximum number of brands already on it is not one it can attach to. So you would cast the brand on the ground, and it would not attach to that enemy.


Originally posted by setg

Are Static Strike beams snapshotted with exert?

Static strike beams are not snapshotted. They are part of the attack that caused them, so benefit from that attack being exerted.

If you use Static Strike again, that replaces the existing beams with new ones - the beams are always from the most recent attack.


Originally posted by Necro_eso

That seems pretty crazy, I guess that explains the duration changes.

Yeah it turns out the old version where the first attack was responible for all the beams for as long as you kept them refreshed was a little good when you could pop all your warcries to exert that one attack, and then keep it dealing damage over the whole map.


Originally posted by kfijatass

Hi Mark, to piggyback:
Would you mind clarifying how Tawhoa's Chosen interacts with Fist of War and exerted attacks? Does it repeat your last slam 1:1 on 2 second cooldown?

The Mirage Chieftain uses your skill but is not you, just like Mirage Warirors/Saviours. Fist of War and your warcries exerting only apply to attacks you perform yourself.


Originally posted by Rumstein

So the energy is on the enemy, not the brand, and is capped at 20 - 2 brands on one enemy will stack it twice as fast, and removing one will detonate all energy?



Originally posted by Sjunglekitten

Im curious if that is how channeled spells on arcanist brand (Flame blast) works similarly. With it restarting its stages. But also, Would it mean that within the one second activation period it would charge all ten stages? or would it hit after gaining however many stages it could in that 1 second of channel?

Edit: Sorry I should of made a new question not a reply, phone life

Channelled skills cannot be triggered. Arcanist Brand is not an exception to this.


Originally posted by GlueMaker

What if we use seismic cry, attack twice and then use intimidating cry? Do I do double damage on top of the 90% and 120% buff from seismic cries 3rd and 4th exert, or does intimidating cries exert replace seismic cries exert?

The next attack will be the 3rd attack exerted by Seismic Cry, and the first exerted by Intimidating Cry, and will recieve the appropriate bonuses (which are not what you listed, because multiple different more modifeirs do not add together - seismic cry provides 30% more damage and 60% more damage to the third attack, which is not the same as 90% more).


Originally posted by Lorberry

I'm assuming that the triggered attacks from Shockwave Support will count as separate attacks for the purposes of Exerts, correct? Not for Seismic in particular (since it's not a Slam), but for Intimidating Cry for example?

Somewhat related, is the damage/aoe that the spikes from Earthshatter deal when triggered fully snapshotted? I'm assuming it will carry forward things like exerts and Fist of War, but what if you, say, gained/lost frenzy charges since you created the spikes?

Shockwave cannot be exerted, because it is not an attack you perform.

Spike damage is not snapshotted at all.


Originally posted by AjCheeze

do the wintertide stages reset after it unattaches and explodes or does it reattaches it continues the stage count back where it left off?

Wintertide Brand does not explode. It can only have stages while it's attached - when it becomes detached and is on the ground, it loses any stages it previously had, and when it attaches again it will start from 0.


Originally posted by biggreenegg99

am I reading Seismic Cry correctly?????????????????

The 4 exerted slams will be:

Slam 1: 30% more damage, 30% increased AOE

Slam 2: 60% more damage, 60% increased AOE

Slam 3: 90% more damage, 90% increased AOE

Slam 4: 120% more damage, 120% increased AOE

am I reading Seismic Cry correctly?


Separate "more" modifiers do not add together.

Slam 1: 30% more damage, 30% increased AOE

Slam 2: 30% more damage, 30% more damage, 60% increased AOE

Slam 3: 30% more damage, 60% more damage, 90% increased AOE

Slam 4: 30% more damage, 90% more damage, 120% increased AOE


"Brand Duration" is not a thing. If it was, it would probably only affect the attached/detached durations of the brand.

"Brand Skills have x% increased Duration" will affect all durations on those skills.


Originally posted by optimistic_hsa

Do the beams from static strike get the exert bonus the melee hit that started the beam got?

Yes. Of note, the beams are always from the most recent melee hit - they are replaced with each hit.


Originally posted by ieai

Sorry for the clarification, are you saying that warcry exertion buff effects (double damage, 30% more damage, etc) are cumulative?

So if I plan it right I can get double damage on two exerted hits combined with 90% and 120% increased damage?

Sorry for the clarification, are you saying that warcry exertion buff effects

Exertion has nothing to do with buffs.

(double damage, 30% more damage, etc) are cumulative?

Multiple different warcries can exert the same attack. One Warcry exerting the same attack multiple times is not different to exerting it once. It exerts an attack or it doesn't. Thus using the same warcry again "resets" the exerted attacks.