

14 Sep


Oh, sorry, thought you meant staff. Chat mods don’t have a tag.


Why do you say that? Do you have a screenshot of this?


Please keep posts on topic and respectful.

11 Sep


If you are specialized in a skill to grant it a new tag like adding poison, it will grant that skill a +level as though it always had that tag. If you can find an example of this not being the case in game, please create a bug report.

10 Sep


Go with whatever you think is best.


While I agree that arguing on the forums isn’t productive, this is the perfect place to provide feedback.

We have read the suggestions on this thread and have taken it into consideration. We do not plan on removing the abomination at this time. We appreciate that it is not a perfect skill and are open to suggestions to improve it.

09 Sep


Do you also have a node or item which restricts you to a single companion?


We are working on it. We need to make sure that the solution is stable before rolling it out. We are aware that many users are frustrated with seeing chat messages in other languages and are working to solve the issue such that people can experience chat in a positive way.

04 Sep


Added damage can be a decimal. It works just like normal.

03 Sep


We don’t actually release all the item details for new uniques. I’m sure that some third party sites will get populated fairly quickly though.

31 Aug


Thanks, you’ll have to wait for a reply from support.

30 Aug


It looks like you are interested in joining the community tester program. Please submit a request as a General Ticket here: Submit a request – Last Epoch Support


We selectively show buffs that we feel have an impact on gameplay decisions. The situation we are trying to avoid is having a buff icon show up for every single little thing. This would end up causing buff icon overload and would make them less useful. We are adding in several more icons for various abilities each patch and will continue to expand it. I don’t think this one was added as it is deterministic and isn’t overly impactful on gameplay decisions.

26 Aug


The Static Orb update is coming this patch.


Please stop trying to win an argument in the comments. I really don’t want to close this thread.


@Llama8 @Heavy

I’m going to end this. We did remove everything that made lunge good. We also removed everything that made lunge nothing because it was useless. We removed everything. We started over.

It’s way better now because it has a lot of new good things.

Let’s not get hung up on who is right here people.

24 Aug

18 Aug


If you are consistently crashing when entering the same zone over and over, unplug the current audio device right before entering the zone. Alternatively you can alt tab and change your default sound output device right before entering the zone.

15 Aug


Yea, I think discussing the early info changes is useful. The tricky part is realizing that they are in context of many other unrevealed changes. This is the second time this weekend I’ve seen this type of confusion so I think we will be more careful to be clear that these are just some of the changes coming.

We like to show off the things we are most confident in early if we can. Partially to get early reactions but also to build up the hype for stuff we are proud of.

Lots of the other nodes that are around these have lots of changes too but we are still testing and balancing them. We also like having that big patch note drop and spoiling everything early kinda takes away from that.

So, have no fear, we have many many more awesome changes in store :grin:

14 Aug


An understandable assumption. These are however very very far from the only changes.