

30 Mar

    Mithril on Forums - Thread - Direct
Hotfix is complete, we are now investigating an error code issue happening to some users on the Emerald server.
    Mithril on Forums - Thread - Direct
We're looking into developing a hotfix for the server disconnections that are happening with this update. We are also looking into issues with the afterburners as well. Stay tuned to our Twitter feed for further updates.
    Mithril on Forums - Thread - Direct
Greetings everyone! The Arsenal Update is now live. Please check the full patch notes here or on our Patch Notes section of the website. We welcome any feedback yo... Read more

23 Mar

    Mithril on Forums - Thread - Direct
Greetings soldier, patch notes will now be displayed for both PC and PS4 on our website. Maintenance notices will also be posted there for better visibility. You can find the patch notes section here: Patch notes / maintenance notices for PC will be hyperlinked on the launcher as well.

17 Mar

    Mithril on Forums - Thread - Direct
Hey there, folks. We've been working on the Arsenal Update, a heavily gameplay-focused update that expands customization options for infantry weapons, uplifts some of the less-used faction weapons, and touches a fair amount of game balance on the infantry and vehicle side at the same time. There's a lot to go through, and you won't see all the details until the patch notes hit later this week, but we'll break down some of the larger beats in this dev note. New Angled Forward Grips, for all factions. Weapon Attachments Let's talk about where the majority of work has gone in for this update: attachments. At the time of writing this, we've added 829 new attachments between 241 weapons with more in progress. You'll see a handful of new mainstays, like an ... Read more

16 Feb

    Mithril on Forums - Thread - Direct
Hey there, folks. We'd like to offer up the main focal points for 2022 in roadmap form. It's rare that we share what we're working on this far out, so roadmap below is divided into a few sections where features and content will land this year. The proper release dates and true scope of each update will be shared as we get closer to those individual releases. The roadmap is meant to act mainly as an overview, and we'll continue doing all the detail work you can expect from update to update in the background. For example: Oshur is going to continue to receive more love, shielded Sunderer garages will come to non-Oshur continents, bugs and general polish will continue to land every update, balance will continue to be tweaked throughout the year, etc., etc... Much of 2022 will be focused on addressing long-standing requests from the community, refining the game's systems further, and polishing the... Read more

21 Jan

    Mithril on Forums - Thread - Direct
Oh, hello again. Last week we hosted the first two playtests of the new Oshur continent. Friday held just under 1,100 players (which is absolutely bonkers for the test server,) and Saturday's playtest ended up with just under 700. It was great to see how the continent functioned at different player counts, and we learned a lot in the process. There are more than a few takeaways from that last playtest, some of which I'd like to detail further below, as well as discuss how this weekend's playtests will go as we move into Test Build 02. Speaking of playtests. Here's the current test schedule: Test Build 02 Reward: "Work in Progress II" Profile Banner (this is one we've never given away.) - Friday, Jan. 21, 2pm PT / 11pm CET - Saturday, J... Read more

13 Jan

    Mithril on Forums - Thread - Direct
It's happening, fOshur. Hey there, folks. With Oshur nearing completion, we're in a spot where we'd like to start running public playtests and gathering feedback! Oshur is the first large-scale continent since the introduction of Hossin waaaaaay back in 2014. It's been a while since we've showed off our progress, so here's a quick rundown of Oshur's concept and features. OWhd10ui268 Timelines This Thursday, we'll be pushing the current Oshur Chapter 02 start date back to give us a couple of weekends to test, and we'll see how things progress from there. We've still got some loose ends to tie up with the builds, so some features and polish will be coming online during the testing process. Test Build 01 ... Read more

13 Dec

    Mithril on Forums - Thread - Direct
Our team is looking into expanding regional support in future contests.

10 Dec

    Mithril on Forums - Thread - Direct
Greetings everyone! Today we have published our Winter Holiday Screenshot Contest. You can read the contest rules and submit your entry on the contest page here. This contest is limited to the United States and you must be 18 years old or older to enter. Please check out the contest page for more information. Good luck and feel free to drop your feedback down below!

09 Nov

    Mithril on Forums - Thread - Direct
Throughout the past year (let alone over the past nine,) there's been no shortage of ambitious projects. Exploring tournament-style competition, raising up a monumental new facility type, overhauling an entire faction, and revamping the new player experience... it's a lot for a single year, and we're not quite done. During the anniversary last year, there was a bullet on our slideshow that I was really looking forward to. It just said... "New continent". Featuring... Andy Sites' suit, Andy Suits, if you will. If you search for "PlanetSide 2 Oshur" on your favorite internet browser, you might stumble across some content from the 2018 time period (with a team size of 6) where we were looking to introduce a new continent then, too. While it was cer... Read more

29 Sep

    Mithril on Forums - Thread - Direct
where are the patch notes?"
They are posted here.

27 Sep

    Mithril on Forums - Thread - Direct
Throughout the halls filled wails and screaming, while in shadows hunters' blades are gleaming. Crossbows, hatchets, and tricks abound, to sting and slice and silence sound. Nanite of the Living Dead (Oct. 01 - Oct. 31) This year's Nanite of the Living Dead event runs through all of October! Spooky sights, sounds, and SpacePumpkins will make their way to Auraxis. Details below! A Shadowy Sanctuary The Sanctuary social hub has received a seasonal makeover. Sights, sounds, and mask-wearing denizens abound. Trick or Treat! Upon entering Sanctuary, you'll receive a mi... Read more

15 Sep

    Mithril on Forums - Thread - Direct
The New Player Experience update is now available on PC! This update contains a massive push toward a better starting experience for new players. Everything from character creation, to the tutorial, to default loadouts, to the player's first "real" combat, to quality of life has been revisited. Character Create The character create and character selection screens have been completely overhauled. New UI, audio, faction introductions, FX and lighting all combine to enrich a player's introduction to the battlefields of Auraxis. New Tutorial When looking at ... Read more

14 Sep

    Mithril on Forums - Thread - Direct
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03 Sep

    Mithril on Forums - Thread - Direct
Oh, hello. Didn't see you there. Public Testing Next Week Toward the end of next week we'll be updating the Public Test Server with the new release for all to play with. We're still in the polish phase for some elements, but the majority of the update is about wrapped up. Below are some additional changes (mostly unrelated to the New Player Experience portion of the update,) that will be coming along as well. I want to emphasize that these are just some of the bigger beats; there are plenty of quality of life improvements and bug fixes going into this update as well. Koltyr as an Off-Hours Continent When populations are low enough (about 350 people or less,) Koltyr will now unlock as a part of the normal continent rotation. If populations are quite low, it'll be the only continent that is open. This should be a rare case for most servers. ... Read more

20 Aug

    Mithril on Forums - Thread - Direct
Hey everyone. Figured it was time to let everyone in on how we'll be approaching the New Player Experience update, and what we've got in progress so far. New Player Experience is a pretty expansive topic that can cover anything from a player's immediate attachment to their character and the world, to the boots-on-the-ground combat experience in their first session. The overarching goal is to do whatever we can to ensure new players stick around for longer than they do currently. For this particular update, we'll be revamping a few main areas while addressing smaller odds and ends along the way. Character Create We'll be introducing a more modern version of the character create screen that better describes the motivations of each faction, showcases their technology, and emphasizes each faction's aesthetic. Character select will also be getting some love, and U... Read more

19 Aug

    Mithril on Forums - Thread - Direct
Heya! Been quite a while since we've talked about our plans for the PS4 version of the game. On August 25th, the _Integration update will make its way to the PlayStation 4, overhauling the Nanite Systems Operatives fourth faction in almost every respect. Here's a brief look at what's in store for NSO in this release (and with all the bug and balance fixes we made after the July release on PC!)
  • 2 New Vehicles
  • 4 New Weapon HUD Overlays
  • 4+ New Vehicle Weapon Reticles
  • 6+ UI Screen Updates
  • 11 New Directive Trees
  • 15 New Vehicle Weapons
  • 36 New Infantry Weapons
  • 40+ New Particle Effects
  • 130+ New Sounds/Voices/Music Tracks
  • NSO becomes Free to Play for all players
... Read more

09 Aug

    Mithril on Forums - Thread - Direct
How do you get the faction skin for the baloon launcher?"
You see the faction soaker weapon depending on the faction you log in with. Just go to the Depot at each log in for each faction side character you have.

03 Aug

    Mithril on Forums - Thread - Direct
The heat is on with a new summer directive, double experience events, item sales, new vehicle cosmetics, and water-based weapons of warfare. The Summer Fun event officially runs from August 04 - August 25. Details below! Double Experience Schedule Looking to turn up the heat? How about double experience for each weekend in August?
  • August 6, 7, 8 - Double Experience FOR ALL
  • August 13, 14, 15 - Double Experience FOR ALL
  • August, 20, 21, 22 - Double Experience FOR ALL
  • August 27, 28, 29 - Double Experience FOR MEMBERS
Sales, too? From Aug. 04 - Aug. 25, get discounts on select Depot items, like the Flamerider Tire Trails, and He... Read more