

12 Nov


Originally posted by James-ec

The mod selection is bizarre, I’ve been a player since classic and have no offensives on account and report and moderate several high end chats to help the game and never been selected such a weird selection as I see newish to game ponds and it makes no sense lol and then you get abusive pmods lol

Doesn't mean you have not been checked, you could have failed for any number of reasons. It could also be that you are just not in the game bias /time zone that is needed - or of course you could just not have ben selected - there are about 3k P Mods so the odds active players vs P Mod invites is naturally quite low.


Originally posted by ConstantStatistician

What benefits, if any, does the game receive from having player moderators?

Generally speaking they are involved in social and event type activities, or lead clans and other activities - not always but it is a common trait.

They also tend to be knowledgeable people with a willingness to help (although that is voluntary) - they can also issue short term mutes, which is helpful to deal with high volume rule breaking like gambling bots, RWT advertising, phishing and item scamming.


I've got the info needed, you submitted one report about the P Mod.

The P Mod advises you that something is against the rules, their advice is incorrect. The P Mod does not report or mute you. You both have a bit of a minor disagreement over this point, there is no bad language, threats or similar. The conversation ends, the P Mod does not message you again.

The P Mods interpretation of the rule is incorrect, so we'll put them right on that - but the actual conversation doesn't contain any elements that would make me think you were being bullied or harassed.

I've also checked all reports from and against the P Mod back to September 2020 and there are no indications of bullying or harassment with other players.

As always, you can report any incidents of concern, but from the single report you have submitted and other reviews I have carried out I feel there is no further action to take here (aside from the rule context feedback).


DM me your RSN and I'll check the reports you have submitted - ty

15 Oct


Originally posted by myuftii

i call bs on that 98.3% like cmon u gonna make up a random f**king number like this and push it as factual

They have submitted 172 abuse reports and 3 of them are incorrect


The mute was applied by a P Mod and was in place for 1 hour, there was no offence added to the account. The mute wasn't actually for the conversation you have shared, however in the interest of complete transparency I can say the actual evidence supplied for the mute was also incorrect.

My guess is you were doing something not chat related that caused some frustration or annoyance, and the P Mod saw 'red mist' and applied a mute. Just a guess of course, but does fit with what I can see.

In fairness the P Mod involved has a reporting accuracy of 98.3%, so that is a strong indicator that this was a one off reaction error.

I have reached out to the P Mod to seek their side of this, and depending how that goes I'll decide if any further steps are needed.

27 Jul


Originally posted by Remote_Drink8793

Mod Stevew you saved my account froma false ban on the community forums a few months ago I just want to remind you how grateful I am for you. Love you ❤️❤️❤️

OK - glad things worked out :)


Originally posted by Prilosac

After being in this community for a few years, it's pretty obvious that almost all support tickets/recovery requests/etc. are auto denied until someone makes a stink on social media. Seeing a Jagex employee trying to dispute what we see happen time and time again is a frustrating attempt at gaslighting.

I think that is confirmation bias. We receive about 500,000 contacts a year. It might feel automated in some situations because we do use template replies (can you imagine how inefficient it would be for J Mods to manually type a response to every account recovery request they deal with) - but in the vast majority of cases a human has dealt with the enquiry and then choses an automated response to send.

In terms of Player Support processes that are fully automated there are very few - denying recovery requests where the info is so poor that it would never be granted anyway, is one of them, and is often caused by people recovering the wrong account. A quick reply allows the player to check they have the details right, or if that have 100% got it right, strengthen up the info they have provided.


Originally posted by jreed12

Well I just send another request in and it got accepted and I never got some immediate auto reply from a bot either so it looks like things have improved. Kudos and thanks.

Cool - thanks for letting us know.


Originally posted by Osrs-Deep-Squat

Please help me recover my account RSN - Deep Squat , I’ve sent numerous requests the account was hacked and is literally being sold on player auctions I reached out on Twitter and email with multiple screenshots and proof to no avail. Please look in to it. Please help!! I don’t care that my bank was most likely wiped I just want all my hard work back! Even when I made a Reddit post about it was taken down. Please help!

The account is secured, we are waiting for a recovery request from the person who created it.

26 Jul


Originally posted by jreed12

Well I'm unable to recover the email, it was lost over a decade ago and I have tried to recover it multiple times, the recovery emails had even been changed on that email account when it was first hacked in the early 2000's.

So I clicked this link at the bottom on that page -

Its tells me to login to see my email, which I already know what it is, or it tells me to click this link to change it, which I do -

Head over to Change email and log in

Hit 'Change Email' to send a confirmation email to your current registered email address

Click the link in that email and follow the instructions

well I don't h...

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yep but that is how to set a new email to the account, just like the OP of this thread did. If the request is being denied, it means the info isn't strong enough - but regardless you should get some suggestions back on the info you need to improve.


Originally posted by jreed12

I've got an account which I've had since around 2006, the email address was hijacked over a decade ago and I can't recreate it, I can't change the password as it sends an email and the email address can't be changed, and I have an authenticator on there that I can't remove if I wanted or needed to, which means if I ever have an issue where I can't access the authenticator my account is lost. I have gone through the "support options we provide." and it has never been helpful, always ignored or I get a bot reply saying "sorry we can't help" that looks a lot like "f**k off" to me.

The customer service has always been a joke, and the idea that being upvoted on reddit gets you help is less of an opinion and more of re-accruing reality.

I'm sorta just waiting for the day when I lose access to it forever.

Maybe you can help me out?


Originally posted by kontulangangsta

of course its an auto deny yet it proudly declares


A member of our Player Support staff has carefully reviewed your appeal and unfortunately, your appeal has been denied.''

the account name is correct it is soon a 20year old account, its not any sort of life or death situation for me if i can acces it again but im fairly certain i can provide enough info

care to suggest the ''support options we provide'' that i should follow to continue?

I accept that message is misleading, my guess is still that you are trying to recover the wrong account but if you let me know the rsn I can tell you why it is auto deny


Originally posted by kontulangangsta

i mean i just tried to recover my childhood account writing in the full amount of characters thats allowed into the info section, 30seconds i get email that my appeal has been carefully reviewed and denied.

following the links of the email pressing link ''SUBMIT ANOTHER APPEL'' comes to a dead end to

so idk about the ''support options u provide''

30 seconds sounds like an auto deny, check you are trying to recover the correct account


Originally posted by [deleted]


If they denied your request you should have been given a steer on how to improve future requests, that isn't incompetent it is simply seeking enough information to confidently grant access to the account.


Originally posted by ImOneLetter

So why is his appeal being auto denied? Clearly not the wrong account, and if he can prove what he claims he can prove any human would side with him.

I would say his situation is the exact type of situation a human needs to read and determine. The system doesn’t work.

The appeal I looked at (and provided advice on) was reviewed by staff, not auto denied.


Originally posted by i_h_s_o_y

I got 2 appeals denied within 30 minutes after appealing them on a sunday.

There is absolute no way how somehow jagex support lacks on every level but is able to respond on sundays in under a hour.

They do, auto denys are within seconds, 1 minute tops - if it takes longer than that it has been manually reviewed


Originally posted by xN00dzx

Thank you so much for your reply. The RSN is NoodleLoMein. I'm happy to give any other information you need via email or DM. I don't expect you to conduct account recovery via reddit but I feel like there has got to be a way I can send you the information I have. Transaction IDs, photos of my CC statements, things like that?

There is no way to send photos through your existing account recovery methods and I don't even think that my account recovery attempts are being reviewed by a real person which is really frustrating.

Edit: I haven't moved countries, but I moved states (in the US). The thing is I moved to my current location years ago and have been continuing to use the account for all that time with no issue besides never being able to change out the email. I understand under normal circumstances using a different IP/location would be suspicious, but we're talking an IP I used when I was a child and lived with my parents, vs consistently using t...

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Feel free to edit out your RSN now - OK general advice having looked at your most recent attempt - it's not just one of these things, but in combination they are providing an overall 'deny' - any you can strengthen would be useful, I've put them in rough priority order for you:

  • There are more than 10 passwords on the account but you are only matching 1, the pass you know was set from a different geo location than the appeal
  • The IP of your appeal is vastly different to the last good IP on Auth check
  • There are a significant number of card payments linked to the account but you are nor providing any of these billing details in your recovery request
  • We have a number full names and real world address on file and you have not referenced them at all
  • The IP of your appeal only appears on one game login, and that was from many months ago
  • You have provided a billing contact email but it is not the oldest contact email on the account ...
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Originally posted by Mageofpie

Hey mate, I know it doesn't fall on your shoulders, but can you recommend to the higher ups to stop blatantly lying about appeals and such being checked by actual people since it is well beyond proven that they aren't. I have a feeling there's a good chance if that system was improved a real person reading the appeals may have accepted them instead of your bot saying no because it doesn't meet certain criteria.

Most are read by staff, auto denys are only in situations where the appeal would not be granted by a human anyway - typically when people appeal for the wrong account


Originally posted by dogkcits

I think that’s fair, but you could reference against years of credit card transactions that match ID cards. Proof that is used often at many stores to authenticate someone before they can even swipe a credit card.

Indeed - billing details is the route I am hoping to take here ... doesn't help people who do not use credit cards but might be the save here :)