

30 May


Originally posted by Fabulous_Web_7130

Are you ok with the fact that theyll look at ur beautiful bow then scrap it and offer us ugly alternatives because jmods cant stroke their egos while making ur stuff instead of theirs?

Wow. Thanks for that...

20 May


Originally posted by ScriptingInJava

Mod West and Archie share a birthday? Wow!

IKR! what are the chances?

18 May


Originally posted by eightbuffalos

i assume you're talking about the fact that the lunar tp spells are represented by spirals that only differ by color and are impossible to tell apart and desperately confusing and annoying

change it with an integrity update lol

They’re a colourblind nightmare so maybe there’s something here 🤔


Originally posted by f2p_Ello

omg, so your the one responsible for the new spell sprites, LOVING them!!!!

Haha thanks :) I also made over 200 13x13 sprites for the up coming clans update! I’ve had quite a pixely time this year :D


Originally posted by slingblade1315

Treasure trail reward, beard extension. Amulet slot. Bam.

That’s the sort of out of the box thinking we need more of :)


Originally posted by needhelpmaxing

Can we please get coloured shoes? They were so lit and made an outfit without any gear back in the Dungeoneering days when you had to have nothing on.

Plus, default boots in colour look so amazing

To match the current colours of standard clothing? Seems reasonable. Wouldn’t mind seeing a bootless version too so we could have actual bare feet without also having manacles :)


Originally posted by ThePharros

Yeah I think a distance-based Ranged weapon could be interesting but am also unsure if that would be fun or annoying haha. Could be reserved for a Special Attack so the condition isn’t often required too.

Interesting, thanks for sharing! That is definitely an unfortunate limitation. Would it be possible to shorten the cloak to be more feasible like the Bandos or Verac’s shoulder piece? And wow that’s a shame with the boots. Is that in terms of the highest verts? I’m guessing you can’t just simply extrude up off from the connecting ones.

Ooh, a distance based spec sounds way more feasible! Definitely stealing that :P

It’s more of a rendering limitation rather than anything else. OSRS lacks a z-buffer so every poly needs an individual number assigned to it so it know which to draw last. Player kit is incredibly strict as it consists of so many customisable elements. Historically most boot models are all 1 so they render first and legs are mostly 2 with some 3 around the hips. This means if we made the boots taller they’d need to be 3 to render over the lower leg but then they’ll also render through the upper leg too... it’s a horrendous balancing act and makes doing interesting stuff quite awkward :P


Originally posted by RandomAsHellPerson

A little less epic? How large is a little to you? The spirit angler set is as amazing as inquisitor to me.

As soon as I am done with my break I am going to get full angler and get spirit angler asap. Hopefully I don't go dry for angler.

Haha, thanks :) I meant less epic in the sense of going to war and fighting gruesome beasts but I suppose taking on the mighty Tempoross is pretty epic too :P


Originally posted by Phantomat0

Hey just wanted to add, no more empty houses like in Shayzien or ruins of camdozaal. Houses that you cant enter or even look inside do not belong in an RPG imo. Appreciate your work with these reworks!

I agree, that was a mistake with Camdozaal and I really wanted to make small little cave like rooms that could be entered. Unfortunately that thought came a little too late into development and the project had already blooned beyond the original scope :/ it’s not the last we’ll see of that area though as it’s rife with possible expansions :)

And you can rest assured, the sea of inaccessible tents have been removed from the Shayzien area! It’s quite the transformation :D


Originally posted by TenoutofTenguy

By “not worked” do you mean the technical aspect of putting it in the game didn’t work? Or like, can you elaborate a bit?

It didn’t read well and were overall fairly messy and awkward. It’s possible from a technical standpoint but just a little annoying to make it look right. Might try again when we do another treasure trails expansion as we have concept artists that could make the process a lot easier :)


These are awesome :D big pixel art fan myself! Reminds me of how much I want to change the lunar teleport spells as they’re so confusing and break every precedent set by the other spell books. I should probably share that at some point... since reworking the Arceuus spellbook I started looking farther afield like you’ve done here and tidying up some of the older spell graphics. Without a toggle though I fear it won’t go down too well :P

15 May


Originally posted by -FourOhFour-

So what you're saying is that we should be expecting to see content that isnt in the forest soon, hmm place devoid of trees where could it be. Oh I know we're going back to the iceberg from cold war, it is after all the perfect spot for raids 3 so it makes sense that it is being worked on at the moment.

Meme aside range does need more design variety, the armor for the most part is dhide, dhide, dhide, dhide, more colorful choices of dhide, arma, with void as a niche alternative. To "negate" the issue of the weapon matter more than the gear only thing I can really think of would be set effects as part of the armor but then you have void 2.0 and would "have to" allow the effect with the slayer helm to make it viable. Having a range str gear would be interesting but itd benefit faster firing weps (ie bp) more heavily while it's already king and to be nerfed, perhaps armor that charges str bonus based on how long since you last fired. It would be more tech based but would be p...

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Penguin mech fight... I’ll write that down 😅


Originally posted by ThePharros

less forest focused

Raids 3 in Desert with Ranged Kalphite gear confirmed?!

jokes aside, i agree. The ranged meta is pretty strong as is, and with the coming rebalances it’s harder to gauge where to introduce new Ranged gear that’s worth obtaining while also balanced.

I wouldn’t mind seeing it introduced as a new BIS for a niche case either. Since it looks defenseless and more meant for prowling, perhaps it could be weaker defenses with slightly more offense, but with DPS scaling with distance from enemy? So it would be stronger at max range, but weaker up close compared to current BIS. Might make for some interesting niche BIS, although this mechanic would probably become the new safespot BIS which may not be preferable. Maybe the DPS can scale with the enemy’s “alertness” so it becomes less accurate the longer the enemy is engaged with the player. (This might make optimal switches tedious however). Just food for thought.


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I neither confirm or deny that :P

Funnily enough I had an idea for a sling type weapon that would have max dps from a specific tile distance from the target. Was unsure if that would just be annoying though 😅 Maybe it’s worth revisiting...

Floating geometry is generally a no-go with arms unfortunately :/ one of many limitations. Tall boots have been a thing we’ve wanted to do for a long time too but the verts that connect between legs and feet need to be in the same place which was why we had to remake the Santa and clue hunter boots a few years back :( I tried something new with the angler outfit but as you can see.. the boots are built over multiple items 😂


Originally posted by RCC822

f**k em west. Inquisitor shit is clean af.

Haha, thanks dude! That’s definitely up there with some of my best outfits :D quite fond of the recent skilling outfits I’ve made too (spirit angler and carpenters) even if they’re a little less epic :P


Originally posted by ThePharros

ha, just saw this right after making the tweet :p. Thanks! Would the team consider a Ranged set, new or cosmetic, done in a similar fashion? I've just always wanted a Rogue/Huntsman/Demon Hunter-looking Ranged set lol

I’ve been meaning to chat with Mod Grub about some future ranged gear but unsure if this would be the theme we’d be heading down as the content is a little... less forest focused. Also, ranged gear is in an awkward spot atm with how powerful the weapons are and how gear compounds that even further. Perhaps as comparable to existing gear or a specific niche this set would be perfect. Interested to know if we could achieve the side cloak as it creates an interesting silhouette. Due to our retro rendering engine things that seem simple can be quite awkward to implement :/ certainly willing to give it a try though :D

You’re totally right, demon Hunter aesthetic is awesome and a nice change to the current armadyl/void sets that most rangers use.


Very cool, feels very Elven :D love the dagger on the boot!


Originally posted by DarmokBuiscuits

Why is the Reddit community always so much better at designing game models than the people employed by Jagex to do just that

We have limitations due to a 17 year old graphics engine that community artists are unaware of and don’t have to abide by. Official art is also subject to far more scrutiny by the players. “So much better” is quite vague and subjective too, personally I’m quite proud of the player outfits I’ve made in my time on the OSRS team. I’d love to make some range gear as it’s probably the one thing I haven’t done yet but we have a bit of an issue with range gear currently...

Anyway, I suppose there’s room for improvement. Sorry for disappointing you :/

14 May


Originally posted by GoreonVHS

what the f**k was the point of this? get back to developing some new content

Much in the same way we can't expect an artist like me to write engine code, expecting our editorial team to make game content is a little silly. We are a large team of various disciplines and we're all working on many things for a wide and diverse community all at once. Try to understand that you're not our only customer.


Might be a clipping nightmare when it comes to wearing amulets but it's certainly something we can look into :D