

28 Oct


Originally posted by Cat_Marshal

Does it remember all forms of teleports, or just spell book teleports?

All teleports :D Including the new league area teleports (slow like home tele) and fairy rings, jewelry etc.

30 Sep


Damn, me and Mod Brow had this exact discussion - the medieval style beekeeper outfit is so cool and creepy! As the job is to make the specific one worn by the Beekeeper an outfit we ended up going with that, unfortunately. Totally down for a version like this from a future treasure trail expansion (if there is to be one, or something else fitting if not) as it's peak fasionscape.

It seems to be a trend with OSRS graphics where a lot of items and gear are based off of modern day objects which is odd but kinda quirky. The angler outfit is also an offender and the plague suit with a modern gas mask is hilarious.

04 Sep


Originally posted by Krixusssss

Basically said "works on my machine" the perfect dev response

Not quite what I was getting at. More so that it's an issue with the OSRS engine, not this specific asset :P


Originally posted by ChiSox1906

Geez all these players treating this like a 2020 graphics level game. It's built on 2007! Good on you for responding to the community when it wasn't necessary. You're a rock star and I feel like you deserve to hear that once in a while.

Thanks :D

03 Sep


Originally posted by reShady

Stolen from an App Store Story

That's fake, but I quite like the layout.

28 Aug


Originally posted by PermanenceRadiance

Just throwing in my feedback, it feels inconsistent to have an indicator for some stuff but not others. It's not a huge deal but it'd be a nice QoL thing if it all had indicators if some of it is going to.

Otherwise I feel like the content hits the mark pretty well, pretty much exactly what I expected. Keep up the great work.

I thought this may come up. The reasoning here was the furniture that needs removing had no visual hint while the broken stuff is quite literally broken. After a few runs it becomes quite clear what needs fixing.

I've been running a few contracts on my personal account and I can see a few of the broken mirrors are a little dark due to their orientation and may be less obvious, so I'll make a job to fix those ones next week.

27 Aug


Looks fine to me. It's just the way the animation deforms. Not much I can do about that as OSRS has a super low resolution vertices grid ¯\_(ツ)\_/¯

22 Aug


This ones my new favorite <3 Amazing as always ^.^

17 Aug


Originally posted by green_bin_coon

Runescape has a minimum drinking age?

hmm... I suppose it's unlikely :P


They look a little young to be drinking :P Lovin' these pieces though, keep 'em coming ^.^

10 Aug


Yes! We've discussed this in the past before but it never really went anywhere. Glad to see there's a lot of community support behind it :D

28 Jun


Originally posted by Springstof

I think they fit better on the fremmy helms, because they are less complex designs. On these helmets they seem a bit too much. The helmets are already quite spiky by themselves. "There is a limit to how many spikes a helm should have," as the wise and famous Benjamin Franklin once said.

I did take that into consideration - the helmets with horns have considerably smaller central spikes. Either way, I'm going to play around with the size of the horns to make them less extreme. The consensus seems to be that the KQ helm's antennae don't have the same issue as the horns do so if I make them subtler it'll probably have a similar effect.

26 Jun


Originally posted by BIG_MEATY_SHIT

Honestly I love the big ass horns. Reminds me back to the days when berserker helm was bis

Thought I'd compare them

and I'm surprised how large those fremmy helm horns are! It's weird considering the most recurring complaint is the size of the horns :/


Originally posted by Subtle_Tact

mod west loves monster hunter and keeps trying to push that art style in osrs.

I've played a bit of Monster Hunter, sure... like 9 years ago, so I wouldn't say it's a favorite of mine at all. The idea was from a popular player suggestion from last year that was influenced by the release of the Hydra slayer helm with the Kebos Lowlands (which was also a player suggestion, come to think of it)

I'll be making changes based on feedback, so if there are elements you don't like, please share :D

25 Jun


Originally posted by SAITAMA_666

Hey West could we please get an update on the Boss Slayer Helm redesigns? And any movements on the Necromancy spellbook redesign?

I have an update for the slayer helms coming soon :D The spellbook is still planned for a future Kourend quest but there's been no movement on that project and I suspect there won't be until after the next League.

19 Jun


Originally posted by just-another-scaper

Can we possibly get a Beaver Re-skin? Potentially a platypus :)

YES! I've been scratching my head thinking what we could do for the beaver pet - a platypus is perfect!

18 Jun


Originally posted by Drekil

Maybe forms themed to the rooftop course cities? A Prif squirrel could be cool, but it would be tough to design a squirrel in that many different ways

I was thinking along the lines of a single variant themed around rooftops (default graceful colours) and another for Prif as that's a very prestigious course to unlock.


Originally posted by Zxv975

The title of this post is a little misleading as this isn't really an art inconsistency but rather a mechanical one.

I think I interpreted the post as OP intended, and it's fine. It's saying "Jagex are worried about art inconsistency but throw blatant price inconsistency at us, 2 weeks apart".

Even then, it's a strange thing to point out considering these are generally split disciplines. Some mods are focused on mechanical consistency while others are thinking about artistic consistency. Anyway, I feel like I'm just explaining the joke away at this point and that wasn't my intention ;P


Originally posted by YourMomYo

Is he redesigning all of the slayer helms?

Got bored last night and made the kq variant. Messing around with abyssal and kbd tonight but will hold off showing them for now. I want to wait until they're all done and lined up for a poll first :D