

23 Jul


Originally posted by masaro67

They are LITERALLY just the camel staff and khopesh from Runescape 3??

Camel staff has a big hole through the middle and a khopesh is an Egyptian sword design… I’d say the staff is closer in design to the staff Jafar has in Aladdin which is a really cool design. Also, just because RS3 has done something it doesn’t diminish someone else doing art in a similar theme.

22 Jul


Woah! Incredible, that snake staff is next level. I’m showing these to Mod Grub ASAP :D

18 Jul


Originally posted by Box_Cop

I think the spirals around the base are a little too much. Simplicity is key with this sort of thing.

Unsure of them myself. Made them smaller which made them blend more with the beam. Might work if they are only on the higher tiers so they’re easier to tell apart if colour-blind.


Originally posted by DefactoAtheist

So the best way to get Jagex to actually do stuff in a timely manner is to get RuneLite to beat them to it?

Gonna need a group Ironman plugin stat, thanks RuneLite.

Edit: Couldn't buy a Jmod response on something I actually cared about, but I get one for my snarky bullshit 🤷‍♂️

tbf me and Flippy were all for this a few weeks back for... another project. Some were skeptical on whether players would want it though. As the reddit thread on friday got popular I started putting something together. Was a little too hungover yesterday to do anything and was sad to see RL beat me to it :P

14 Jul


I made these for Warding back in 2018 and the consensus from the players at the time was that they looked bad and were lazy. A player came up with a better design and it gained traction. When it came to adding these last year we leaned on the design the players preferred. We're never going to please everyone and sometimes we just have to accept that.

09 Jul


Originally posted by futureruler

Didnt the head of esports take out EVScape? their job titles dont mean shit when it comes to spite banning.

I can assure you I’m entirely out of the loop as it has nothing to do with my day job. I hardly know who rendi is and I also don’t particularly care.


Originally posted by SinceBecausePickles

What do you mean when you say not possible? Were there things mod Reach wasn’t considering when he made that post on Reddit 7 years ago (linked by the other commenter)?

Reach had great ideas but limited understanding on the limitations of OSRS.


Originally posted by Frogman_hell

You saw this but not a post with 6.6k upvotes?

I’m an environment artist, not CM.


Originally posted by fuzzb0y

Please provide an explanation why Rendi was banned



Originally posted by battistePK

Hum. I would say it looks good. Definitely not strange. A step up.

Seems strange, looks accurate. That was my point :P


Seems so strange seeing an accurate representation of rivers in the OSRS style. Especially love the delta in the north-east :D Great job as usual!


Originally posted by cryptic4012

Zeah was designed to be large because they were considering introducing mounts. But that never happened and we just ended up with a big map.

Nope, just really poor planning and misguided use of resources. Mounts are not technically possible now and they certainly weren't 6 years ago.

29 Jun


Originally posted by darkblade273

Nice :) Some final feedback, I seriously love the detail and originality in the new Shayzien, like how it's got smaller wild redwood trees along with the giant native ones because it's a temperate rainforest like the Pacific Northwest(which both keeps the swamp motif while also naturalizing the Redwood's presence in the region), and how it's got eastern influences with graves in the Graveyard of Heroes being written vertically in a Chinese-like script and there being paper lanterns for lighting. And with there being new music tracks added like Military Life and Beneath the Kingdom, the music of Zeah is really starting to feel more natural with multiple songs per province, not to mention new content like the Arceuus Spellbook and Forthos Dungeon and the superb writing in A Kingdom Divided. Pass along my praise to Ed and the other mods who worked on this too, I was surprised to absolutely love Shayzien and am really excited to see what the next 3 houses will be like!

With Xer...

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Glad you're enjoying the remapping :) Your Arc and pisc maps will go a long way in shaping the future of those houses - as I've said in the past... your Arceuus map made me start my old one all over again, haha. Come to think of it, my second Arceuus map is probably quite out-dated now too.

The blending of cultures is the best way to create a unique feel while also grounded and realistic. A little something I picked up from the WoT series as the Aiel are such a cool and unique concept with highly clashing influences. It'll be a shame to run out of Zeah stuff, but considering it's taken us 5 years to get to this point I don't think we'll be hitting that moment any time soon :P


Originally posted by FabledMelon

You're a fantastic artist too :) love the work you've done on osrs



Originally posted by AvMose

So I’m the OP and made this small post on a whim, totally didn’t expect it to blow up like it has lol. I wasn’t playing much around the time Fossil Island first came out so I wasn’t aware it was seen as unsuccessful on launch. That’s a shame but I think you’re right, it doesn’t have the instant gratification that PvM content has, and the quality of the update is I guess more nuanced?

All I know is that now, Fossil island is always buzzing with players doing different things. If you walk around the island, you’ll see noobs training on ammonite crabs and literally two steps away, maxed accounts hunting herbivore. Birdhouse runs, sulliuscep woodcutting, ultra compost and giant kelp farming, hardwood seeds, there’s just so much diversity to the area that brings players close together. I think kourend is awesome too but something about the close quarters of Fossil Island makes it feel buzzing with activity.

I’d loooove to see more usages for the fossils, if this post pr...

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A lot of credit for the diversity goes to ex-Jmods Maz and Wolf. They spent a lot of time making sure content like seaweed, sulliusceps and birdhouses had their niches well after the initial release.

As for the layout, I’ll take the credit :P it was something we wanted to make sure we’d learnt from the initial Zeah release and all the feedback we got. We probably spent more time working on Fossil island than Zeah and it has a fraction of the land. Also still quite pleased with my suggestion of a hunter creature that gave herbs. Initially the idea was that it would roam around randomly and slowly grow herbs but in the end it got fused with tracking instead, which was a great call.

Thanks and I’m glad you like it :D


Yann is a fantastic artist! He’s the guy that made the concept artwork for Vorkath :)

27 Jun





Originally posted by HiddenGhost1234

Yeah from what I've heard there's no jmod with any plans to pick it up.

I see jagex just making them have a lame "use" in the future and that'll be the end of it :/

I believe somebody was looking into it recently but unsure if it has gone anywhere yet. There’s definitely a desire to make use of the rare fossils.

The issue I suppose was that on release fossil island was very much seen as unsuccessful. Looking back I think it’s how skilling contents use cases aren’t instantly apparent when compared to PvM content which has flashy BiS items alongside a real challenge. Glad it’s getting the recognition it deserves though as it was a fun project to work on.


Originally posted by LOOOOPS

Zeah is like a case study on vast empty video game maps - they could have fitted all of Zeah content onto an island no larger than the Isle Of Souls. On that note, I don't like the trend they have of islanding all of the new content. It just makes everything feel disconnected and DLCish. One of the things I like about the original map is being able to walk from the Al Kharid desert, through Camelot and Ardougne all the way to Feldip Hills, uninterrupted. It gave this grounded sense of adventure, of journey. On that note, grounded medieval realism; yes there is fantasy, but the really fantastical stuff was always hidden away from the overworld; you had to go looking for it, as seen with Zanaris and Lunar Isle. With Zeah you do one quest and suddenly you're flying a dragon into a giant purple butthole in the sky and murdering god. It's too much and feel out of place.

“suddenly you're flying a dragon into a giant purple butthole in the sky and murdering god. It's too much and feel out of place.”


20 Jun


Originally posted by darkblade273

Oh sweet, I wasn't expecting southern Kebos to get updated even though I really think it'd need it in comparison with the new Kourend and Varlamore, love the level of detail. Do you plan on also tweaking the Northern Tundras at any point like with some of the Kourend Woodland was with Shayzien?

Never thought of it before Shayzien but looking back Kebos and northern tundras were some of the first areas I mapped and I could certainly do a better job. At the very least a consistent western continent would be a great thing to achieve :)