

23 Sep


My biggest regret was not adding a twisted pyromancer

outfit for twisted league :(


Originally posted by ah_12

Ah wasn’t aware honestly. I just don’t like how west is so critical of anyone who doesn’t like the new slayer helms. I see him flame people on Twitter who complain about the Vorkath one which looks like shit in my opinion.

When things pass with 90% approval what am I suppose to do? Agree with the 5 people who message me on twitter? Art is subjective :/


Originally posted by Jajayung

Who did that home tele animation? That's slick as hell

The concept was by Mod Jerv and the implementation was by Ghost (who does contracting work for us nowadays) - they did an awesome job :)


The top one is not a god book, it's... umm... something else...


Originally posted by HiddenGhost1234

What about an ahrims set recolor?

I get the set is kind of iconic tho, so I could see people being against that.

Having an ahrims recolor that makes you look like you're the ghost ahrims or maybe like a tattered version.

We struggled to find a good magic item to freshen up. We try to stay away from items that are too connected with lore and magic items tend to have very direct connections. We didn't want a repeat of the twisted ancestral from leagues 1 and the mystic sets are widely used so seemed like a good option. I agree though, there are a lot of options in the bracket what with robes of darkness and enchanted :/

13 Sep


Originally posted by ProfSethWes

Wandering barber is a great idea. To add some old school charm, maybe make one of the wandering barbers be "evil" and he shaves your head while giving you (male or female) a moustache.

Charlie Choppin' or something like that.

I love it ^.^


Originally posted by Purpose-Top

Is t there also a thing where shoe colour effect the colour of some kind of shield? How did that happen

Ah yes, it was an accident but we left it in as it was a funny way to customise the shield. How it happened... well, the colourspace in OSRS is incredibly small and the least amount of depth is within the lower end of saturation and luminosity, this is why a lot of older items are quite bright and colourful. This means if we're using these darker, more desaturated colours there's a high chance for overlap. In this case the base shield colours just happened to overlap with the boot slot base colour.

The way recolours work in script is they're fed a colour to look for and a colour for replacement, with most things there isn't much chance of finding something you didn't want recoloured to be recoloured. Not the case with player-kit! All the default outfits (think of the tan and green seen in the default character) have a colour which will be recoloured based on whatever the player has chosen. If that colour exists on an item it too will be recoloured.

It has occurred t...

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Originally posted by Viracial

found the jmod whos into feet

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Originally posted by sadmaskpony

the ui change would be good, though i dont think this would be good to just stuff in lumbridge.

I like that you actually have to go out to the hairdresser to change your hair, or the tailor to change clothes. Makes the world feel more like a world. I also think a starter town with everything in it just takes away a lot of the need to explore, which i think is a huge draw to rs.

Hmm, maybe there could be barbers in most towns/cities who offer different hairstyles? It seems strange that there is only a single hairdressers in the entirety of Gielinor. I agree that putting everything in one town is a little flat and reduces the need to explore, hence my hesitation :)


Originally posted by PawnsOp

At the same time, I think there's a bit of charm to having them so spread out. When I was younger, hearing tales of the make over mage, and going off on an adventure to find them, was a fun miniature gameplay experience. Perhaps instead of directly dropping in npcs to do the function, some kind of high class snob npc bragging about where they got their things and mocking you for your own appearance choices would be an interesting compromise. It offers guidance to where the services might be, while also keeping the incentive to explore a little. And it adds some spite, always a good motivator to get people playing.

You have a point although I think the make-over mage might be the exception to the rule. At the very least, allowing f2p to change their boots and bracers should probably be addressed ;)

It could be incorporated into the world in interesting ways too, say there's a travelling barber who offers fewer options than the full shop in falador. Might be worth making them a bit more affordable too and... perhaps a little more pricing consistency between the genders... Kinda feels strange in retrospect that there are so few clothing shops that offer outfit services and how there is only a single barber in the entirety of Gielinor...


Originally posted by Spirited_Advisor1

just wear spiked manacles

I created spiked manacles for that exact reason but I feel an option less edgy might still be a nice thing to have. Makes fashionscaping easier, for instance.


It annoys me how hidden a lot of these features are and it's something we've spoken about recently. Ideally all of these customisation elements would be available in Lumbridge as it is where everyone starts... but I'm not sure that's realistic. At the very least, a redesign of the UIs is needed, especially for the hairstyles as they've been added to without much consideration with how crowded the UI has become. More bracer and feet varieties would be nice too (like a barefoot option!)

Thanks for putting this together, it helps a lot having all this info in one place :)

07 Sep


Originally posted by WeAreOnIyStardust

Someone needs to tell Mod West that he looks good with a beard that's in between 5 o clock shadow and a small beard. Not this Viking impersonation

Looks like someone just did, haha

30 Aug


Originally posted by _Efrelockrel

Barrows was definitely not released in 2003 as that would be before rs2.

Same goes for KQ as the D chain wasn’t in classic either. The D chain was BiS for less than a year, which seems strange… I suppose it stayed as a flex item for a long time so it held its price well.

12 Aug


I knew this when I added them, hence the dialogue you get from Lithil and Strong Ronny when you speak to them about why they are there. I figured the Sanctuary had been sealed off for so long he wouldn't have been able to find them.


Originally posted by Pius_Thicknesse

Why heart and not head though

Also West really do love horns doesn't he

I keep seeing this and feel the need to make a point - the bosses have horns. Also, none of my ideas are original, I steal them from players.

06 Aug


Originally posted by TehSteak

What does the team think of the smart roofs RuneLite added recently?


03 Aug


Originally posted by morasarvinen

I knew that osrs team recycles assets, its fun/interesting to find when/where that happens! I tried searching who designed the actuall boss but only thing i found was that mod husky designed forthos dungeon. I wanted to give my post some depth by adding the mod who created/designed it and give some props 😁

This comes up often but it’s honestly just a coincidence. I sat next to Mod Gee when she made it and I don’t recall chompy birds ever coming up and highly doubt it’s something she would’ve done intentionally.

You are correct that we do re-use a lot of graphics, though usually in - hopefully - more subtle ways. For instance the animations and rig of Sarachnis borrow from the Nylocas from ToB. I also repurposed the base mesh and animations of Tarn Razorlor for the Shaeded Beast. There are also times where we re-colour assets or add to existing wall-kits, the one used in Forthos Dungeon is a combination of a kit created for dragon slayer and another which was made for the mine under myerditch :D

it’s all part of optimising the process as remaking everything from scratch for every update would take too long.

31 Jul


Originally posted by Tangibilitea

What would've happened if warding was released:

People would initially be excited. Then they'd look for the cool rewards - There weren't any.

They would then not train the skill, then the dev time would've been wasted on an item sink that didn't work.

Warding was pitched with rings that lowered your exp/hr, garbage robes that'd be dead on arrival (like swamp/bloodbark), and alternatives routes to rune pouches/imbues (you would've still done NMZ/slayer).

You can't pitch an item sink if the rewards aren't worthwhile. Like, that just fundamentally doesn't work. Warding deserved to fail the poll, not because it was a new skill, but because it was poorly designed.

Tbf there were initially very good rewards and players flipped out that they were too good. Trying to please everyone is a tough balancing act. To claim that the item sink wouldn’t have worked is also quite short sighted as - much like current skills - they weren’t released and then never touched again. Skilling updates happen all the time and they’re based entirely on how the players interact with them.

Warding was an attempt at an old school style skill, most skills are fairly mundane and simple and one of those hadn’t been pitched before. Clearly that isn’t a good direction to go in as while it got majority support, it didn’t get the required super majority. Maybe it was poorly designed, most voters thought it had potential. After all, with skills like firemaking the bar is pretty high.

If a new skill is to be approached again it won’t be a flashy announcement. If anything, running a fairly basic poll - should we work on a new skill? - Before even mentioning a co...

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