

03 Dec


Originally posted by will555556

This is like my best friend coping my homework but only puts about 10% of the effort into it. Good try OSRS team but rune lite did the whole world cept caves.

Swapping out terrain and textures is great and all but it does lead to a lot of issues… like snow inside buildings and snow where sand should be. I’ll see if I can release any visuals from in-game but I promise you we’ve done a pretty decent job making the area not just wintery, but also quite festive! We also started this several weeks ago before we were aware 117 was doing anything so claiming we’re copying is a little unfair :(


Originally posted by GenitalKenobi

so cool that we can guess it won't happen

Unfortunately not really viable with the way our map works :( It would be pretty cool tho

02 Dec


Originally posted by martinos1999

They really don't make Christmas events like they used to for osrs. Where once all of Falador or Lumbridge was covered in snow and decorations, it's now often just a square with a tree and a bit of snow but you can always see the green in the distance. I often felt there was no heart or warmth in it the last couple of years.

30 Nov


Originally posted by FrancisRossitano

By looking at their names and faces during streams and then matching said names with who is credited with the aforementioned content on the OSRS wiki. I'm aware that there are both genders working on probably every project, but many projects that Gee, Zuko, and Nancy J were/are in charge of are rather controversial in terms of how much they fit in with OSRS.

Right, but you're also aware that Zuko and Nancy J are not artists and that essentially nullifies your entire sexist point. I understand you have literally no idea how game development works but I'm glad you're here to give us your honest and uninformed opinion on the matter.

29 Nov


Originally posted by FrancisRossitano

Perhaps it's just a coincidence, but the majority of content that doesn't fit with the true old school aesthetic has been made by women: Priffidinas and almost every NPC in the elf-questline, Leagues cannon, Enlightened Journey, 2021 Easter event, and those are just the ones off the top of my head.

How could you possibly know the gender of the artists behind all those projects?


Originally posted by iDreamOfMyDeath

I remember the poll but for some reason I thought one of the three options passed. My apologies for the inaccurate statement.

Side note: I also apologize for shitting on something you worked on in this comment thread. I hope you don’t take it personally. I (and I’m sure the community as well) love a lot of what you’ve done. The Kourend rework, for instance, was phenomenal.

This one very specific thing in thIs huge game just didn’t appeal to me personally, but I recognize it also has to be near impossible to appease every single person in this outspoken community. So thank you for even taking the time to try.

If I took things personally I'd be a terrible artist :P Art is subjective and one mans trash is anothers' prized painting. I hate what I made of the dstone armour, so you really shouldn't feel bad for hating it too :) maybe one day I can change it ;D

11 Nov


Originally posted by Ihatefallout

A developer probably didn’t want to animate the attack

I made an attack anim for it. We just felt like a scythe was more fitting.


Originally posted by iDreamOfMyDeath

And that’s after they “fixed” it!

ACTUALLY... I was forced to have the fixes polled and they failed

06 Nov


No one likes an incomplete data set! Mod Stone started in April 2017 :)

02 Nov


Originally posted by CrucioA7X

Tell whoever decided to delay Leagues that their mom's a ho



Originally posted by adam1210

If you can get the assets added to the live game we'd love to use them



Originally posted by uKakron

I’m confused? How would the runelite devs have been able to plug your loot beams in? And how does leagues delay affect it?

I made the beams initially for them to be used in leagues. That feature never ended up making it in, however the assets persist within that branch of the game. Once that branch was merged with the main branch and pushed live, the assets would then be accessible by RL in the same way the access the assets they use currently.

The leagues delay effects it because that’s where the files are currently stored. If I moved them to another branch that goes out sooner, then RL could then use the files once that got pushed live. If you’ve never seen the back-end of a live game then I imagine that could be confusing to wrap your head around.


Originally posted by rturke

When an asset is forced to do something is wasn’t designed for it generally ends up looking a little cheap

so, the whole of rooftop agility

Exactly :D in the teams defence though, they had no artists at the time.


Originally posted by UniqueAwareness691

The RL loot beams are disgusting tbh, looks like a 3rd grader drew them.

They’re just recoloured existing assets which were used to portray light peaking through a hole in the roof of a cave. When an asset is forced to do something is wasn’t designed for it generally ends up looking a little cheap.


Funnily enough I had made them in the league dev stream which would’ve meant the RuneLite guys could’ve plugged them in tomorrow… if the date wasn’t changed… I could maybe find a way to put them into a different dev stream so they can get used a bit sooner.

I wish it was something we could add ourselves but while the art is done the scripting to make them work like RuneLites is unlikely to be priority any time soon :/

03 Oct


Originally posted by BoulderFalcon

My current favorite is the current BIS boot for F2P being the gold CastleWars boots which are the only F2P item to provide a str bonus. They cost 400 tickets, which is 133-400 hours games of Castle Wars (depending on win-lose-tie rates), not counting the waiting between matches.

I hate it :( A grind for BiS makes sense but that is just insane. Especially with a team game as all it ends up doing is creating a demand for boosting ruining the minigame.

25 Sep


Originally posted by Makalash

You and the rest of the art team have done a seriously great job here with all of these rewards. I want all of them, they're all very cool. I can't wait for a new look to my slayer tasks with the cannon and whip kit combo.


I’m so glad I saved my points from Trailblazer 8)


I recently pitched an ice giant boss for ideation and I named them Eldric the King of Frost :D No guarantee it’ll be coming any time soon but the suggestion is in the back-log :)

23 Sep


Originally posted by Skizot_Bizot

What was the drama on the twisted ancestral again?

Not so much drama, but it failed the poll as the consensus seemed to want it from more thematic/relevant content hence the later addition to challenge mode chambers.


Originally posted by Treblosity

I think itd look good on infinity, the current infinity color sets are essentially impossible to get on an iron as only 21 people in the game have hit the drop rate for 3 color kits

Hmm, Infinity is a good shout - hard to think why we didn't consider that already...