

30 Jan


Originally posted by GlassesBro

What are the odds this could be considered/revisited nowadays? Just curious u/Mod_West

It needs a lot of reworking as the design is quite dated (and some of the concepts are quite OP) but the plan has always been to pair it with a later Kourend quest. We mentioned briefly at RuneFest a quest called ‘A Kingdom Divided’, which is the quest that will tie the 5 house quests together. The new spells would work quite well as a reward while also giving us a chance to condense the ensouled head spells.

Hopefully soonish, but development is still unlikely to start until later in the year, providing plans don’t change. Hoping for time to rework some of the cities too as there are still major issues with the layout of some areas of Kourend.

29 Jan


Originally posted by [deleted]


It's likely due to legal reasons. But I agree, people wouldn't need to speculate if it was more transparent.

Then again, players have been attributing the old gmaul glitch with Reach ever since he went even though Ash has spoken about its cause multiple times. Controlling misinformation is easier said than done unfortunately ):


Originally posted by BioMasterZap

Thanks for your perspective on the subject. "More desperate than malicious" is probably one of the most informative bits yet still so vague. But seeing as he didn't share what it was in this interview, I doubt the community will ever know exactly what it was. It is probably a stretch to consider him a secret hero or such, but given all we know it is hard to still try to simply consider him a villain.

For sure :) It was also kind of stupid, which is how he was caught which Mat touched upon during his interview. Other rogue team members were far sneakier and certainly acted with malice.


Originally posted by BioMasterZap

I remember years back I saw a tweet from him that the update he got fired over was him trying to fix something or something of the sort. Since then, I always suspected it wasn't something malicious.

If I had to guess, I think he might have tried to remove AFK Training; in another tweet, he said before he left he changed his stance and was against it. Now the OSRS Team did eventually decide to do this, but it was delayed for a long time over "data"; they were worried that if they made the change, enough players would quit that it would hurt the game. So if he went and made that change without the company approving it because it could hurt their profit, I could see that playing out as things did. As for the "before it could impact the game's economy" part, after AFK Training was removed, prices did shift for a lot of items because of it...

Or it could have been something completely different. Maybe even a blowpipe nerf... Who knows. But he certainly isn't the villain ...

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I’m not going to say what he did, but it sounds like it was more desperate than malicious - certainly damaging to the game and an incredible abuse of power. Now, does that make him a bad guy? Of course not, people make mistakes and it’s clear he regretted what he did.

He was before my time, so everything I’ve heard is from others (MatK, JohnC and Ash) and from what I saw of him on the Q&As. Now, his work on the other hand - as many have said - was sloppy, but that’s to be expected from someone without a programming education (And, from what I heard from his trainer, a disregard for learning). As many could tell from the interview and countless Q&As, he certainly loved working on the game and was very passionate which is commendable given how abrasive the community can be at times.

Anyway, like him or hate him, just don’t carelessly spread rumours :P

11 Dec


Originally posted by VenusHPS

Please u/mod_west

This design was explicitly asked for and has passed a poll. It’s also part of the lore as to why they’re similar. I’m sorry you’re not a fan of the proposed armour but we can’t expect to please everybody.

29 Nov


Originally posted by SAITAMA_666

hmm well great job on the armor set, I really love this set. I love dark medieval fantasy like Dark Souls, and its nice I can finally replace Bandos with something that looks super badass! Plus bonus points for the Zamorak symbol since that is my favorite god in the game. Maybe the spikes on the helmet can be slightly taller, for more of a Sauron look.

Perhaps Mod RY can make some tweaks to the Mace to make it look more intimidating, it looks slightly like a flower. Maybe close up the spikes a bit to make it look like Saurons mace.

Finally any info to share on Nercromancy Spellbook redesign, and Boss Slayer Helms redesign?

Thanks :D glad you like the armour, I’ve been meaning to find a way of it getting into game for a while now.

Ry is working on a new animation for the mace as the basic mace animation is rather lacking in weight and power. That will go a long way in making the weapon feel better to use for sure.

The necromancy Spellbook and the slayer helms will likely be a thing next year, but no promises. Me and Ed had always said that the Spellbook redesign would work well alongside a Kourend quest, but they’ve all been quite low level to warrant a bunch of new spells.


Originally posted by greetthemind

Hey west, I’ve tried reaching out to the artists on twitter and asking in the qna posts for about a month now - could we get an update to the sire pet? Inferno and Corp got similar treatments and would really love for the sire pet to be big momma sire waddling behind me instead of the orphan.

I think the issue is that the tentacles shrink down to nothing when made that small :/ we’re quite busy with work atm but I could experiment in the new year to see what it’s like :)

26 Nov


Originally posted by SAITAMA_666

Instead of the same old boring book design for offhand mage for Siren's Tome, why not something more creative? Like how about the Nightmares Head, and you hold it by her white hair. That would be sick!


I had an idea for something similar but as a main hand weapon. Gorgons head or something like that but the connected content design is dead. It’s certainly something I’d be up for making in the future.

As for this update, Mod Ry made the weapons while I made the armours but we’re not in a position to start from scratch with these unfortunately :/

13 Nov


Originally posted by Tranan

Wow. That is a fascinating possibility, for sure. I would like to ask some technical questions about what the hold outs in the engine are, but I don't have a reliable or useful logic and coding background to make any sense of it. But, I'll just say that your idea sounds pretty cool.

Always thought it interesting that Temple Trekking as a whole, didn't really have any kind of scaling difficulty similar to Pest Control's level 40->70->100 difference. When I first ran TT I expected the different chosen companions to be a level difference, not just a difference in amount of mobs spawned. Would your rework take into account a possibility of level variance, or would it operate how TT is now, with it being mainly a difference in amount spawned and/or the ability to escape or not? Almost sounds like you could make it into a mini DM type activity, managing resources and supplies and supporting a team.

Just rambling and throwing out things that come to mind, hearing thoughts ...

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I’ve not looked too far into it, but from what I understand NPCs can’t have inventories as their models are hard coded into the config and can’t change at run time. When an NPC changes it’s generally a completely different NPC.

It could be done at a more basic level, say each character has 3 upgrades available - that could work but the customisation is severely reduced. I’m sure I’ll come back to this at some point 😅

As for fixing TT, it definitely needs some proper balancing. From experience trying to actually kill the mobs before your companion dies seems quite difficult without BiS gear and high stats. Which is ridiculous given what the minigame is.

Thanks! It’s always good to share with the community 😁

02 Oct


Originally posted by UrJustKarmaToMe

Way to yoink this from West lol

Muh karma D:


Originally posted by Alexduke

They replied to this post before, if I recall correctly. Something about the slayer helm already being near the polygon limit and not being able to add the others.

That being said, Idk how that works with the twisted helm.

I’ve recently optimised the slayer helmet so it’s about 100 tris fewer now. That being said, I still felt the need to shave a couple more tris off this new helm to accommodate the new horns.

While doing this helm I added that suggestion for the unique slayer helm designs into the backlog as it’s clearly very popular :D


Originally posted by newquestidewa

okay so basically only realistic method to train runecrafting is to use 3rd party client to show where all the books are

great update again

You can ask the Librarian.

01 Oct


Originally posted by PM_me_fridge_pics

Sure do! It’s absolutely hideous so I think it would be perfect for deep wildy pking.

Haha, that is truly hideous! We have cat and unicorn masks so I don't see why we can't have a mammoth mask one day ;P


Originally posted by PM_me_fridge_pics

Can you add that absolutely horrible Mammoth mask that was suggested ages ago?

I must've missed that... Got a link?


Originally posted by bitterbeggar

Add Dragon Spade too plz


Mmmhmm - if we're ever doing another TT update... This is going in.


Originally posted by Esper17

If they coded it where at certain intervals the companion's gear would update, that would be amazing.

Also Temple Trekking update when?

I have a WIP design that took the structure of temple trekking but with character companion customization (and level up). However, instead of the player doing all the fighting and the NPC's being useless... The player could only play as a healer who had to support their group of adventurers and use skilling to clear the path and make food/potions. The idea was to be a Farming/Herblore/Cooking activity.

I stopped work on it though as I'm not convinced we can actually do that level of NPC customization without some heavy engine support (I think). Also, if we are to do anything - as you said - we should probably update Temple Trekking to not be so bad/inconsistent.

30 Sep


Originally posted by Brick1125

Would love to have that as the ingame map.

Also what is the icon at the top, left of attack in the circle of skills?

It looks a lot more like a tree when it has the correct colours 😳 Unsure why I made them all the same colour tbh...

29 Sep