

09 Nov


Originally posted by Annakarl

Its one of those thing where nobody really cared to notice or even had a problem with the old one. They're completely fine.

Makes you wonder why bother spending art time on something nobody asked for, nobody complained about, nobody noticed.

New outfit looks good though, so ye.

You didn’t notice and you didn’t complain, but that doesn’t mean others didn’t. We don’t do things unless there is feedback from the community and we spend a lot of time looking at the feedback. It also only took a couple of hours and to the art team, that’s worth it for more consistency when it comes to the in-game human assets, especially ones that are seen so frequently.

26 Oct


Originally posted by DrApology

I really like the art of the tackle-box

Thanks! It turned out better than expected, inventory models are always quite fun to make :D

11 Sep


Originally posted by _V4-Group_

Remember the bootleg website that came before OSRS, basically where this subreddit got its name from? is what it was and they did such a decent job it basically made jagex release OSRS. They did shut that site down but that’s when they held the poll and released OSRS after player interest.

IIRC it was 2006scape, 2007 was chosen as that was the earliest backup available when Jagex decided to put it to a vote

09 Sep


Originally posted by penguinator22

We still love you, don't be hard on yourself

haha, it's fine :P most artists likely cringe a little looking back at their early pieces


Originally posted by rRMTmjrppnj78hFH

lava staff orn kit could use some love tho tbf

steam kit is already sick

yeah, not my best work >.<


The inconsistency annoys me a bit but the ornament kits pretty much solve that issue. Lava battlestaff if pretty iconic so I can't see that asset ever being drastically changed :)


Originally posted by nostalgicx3

I remember this being a huge issue with fire max cape release. I think mod ghost was around during that time. They had to make changes to it in order for it to look brighter. Anyways, I think the way the cape is currently is fine. It doesn’t need to be changed, it’s perfect with Masori. If it’s made brighter, it won’t match..

Similar issue but made worse by being a texture :D there's something we can do with textures to make them slightly brighter but it doesn't quite work with untextured polygons :/


Originally posted by boofandjuice

dude its not about that. why are you showcasing rangers gloves LOL

They should be as useful as the boots >:(

08 Sep


It's an issue with a lot of capes as the player model is lit from the front when in-game and I wanted an even lighting when showing off the asset to the players :D

29 Aug


Beautiful renders :D Love how you’ve posed the bosses!


Originally posted by TJ-CountSudooku

Oh damn, you guys work fast! I don't suppose this is one of those "free membership for a year" ideas ;)

I see a good idea, I get to work :D

20 Aug


The attack animation also makes it stand out from other weapons. It’s vicious. As well as that, if you’re good at the raid you might find yourself in possession of something else ;)

18 Aug


Originally posted by hypoXrite

reminder what we never got

Mod Wolf dared me to make it as edgy as possible and damn did it pop off. Perhaps one day we’ll get the flail in 😅


Originally posted by Misairuzame

Does that imply they had the same affects as the place holder assets? No need to answer if it's a big spoiler. I'm perfectly happy finding out on release. Thanks for coming around the sub to answer questions / concerns.

Not necessarily, I think the Zuk projectile was plugged in most places as it’s one of the better assets we have. I think the Fire ball might be close to what you expect, but it’s not really a spoiler to say you should avoid tile targeted attacks :P


Originally posted by AustinIsGamingYT

Honestly just make it random drop 1/whatever when using eggs on the shrine in the woodcutting guild. Once you unlock it, maybe you can transmog the color or you could use the other two eggs on it like with sarachnis to unlock the colors. Not sure how the community would feel about it but I think that would make it an interesting way to obtain it.

I believe there was discussions around the time the shrine was added to do roughly that! Adding pets has historically been quite challenging due to players concerns, perhaps that line of thinking is less of an issue these days :)


Originally posted by ScramblingHam

lmao thats so canon for runescape, just reuse an old asset

The original wilderness rework was done in 2014 before there was a graphics team working on old school so they worked with what they had 😅


Originally posted by FlameanatorX

Is it because art requires the finished product (or close enough) before it can even be polled?

Certainly an element! Nowadays we have concept artists so we can cut back on wasted asset creation quite early on.

It’s mostly down to getting 75%+ to agree on a visual direction as it’s very subjective and nostalgia goggles get in the way while content proposals don’t have quite the same issues. I don’t believe democracy is the answer to art direction 😅 it’s a classic case of too many cooks!


Originally posted by untapped-bEnergy

I'd love to be able to use 1000 red, green or blue bird eggs to unlock Zamorak Hawk, Guthix Raptor or Saradomin Owl, respectively, as pets. Providing no bonus of course. Always loved them

Edit: Also change Raptor to Eagle or something as Raptor is an extremely generic term which includes Hawk. Pedantic I know, but also bothered me

I managed to repurpose the owl with the sepulchre! That was always my favourite back in the day. I’d love to find an official way to make them pets again but not sure what content it would be attached to that the player base would accept