

19 Aug


Hell yeah

17 Aug


Originally posted by shornz

Just cause you're here....

You're doing a phenomenal job—at like everything. Great analysis, really funny in your bits. Huge fan. Keep it up.

Appreciate that! Thanks for the kind words


Originally posted by non_NSFW_acc

Vedius called it a bronze game LUL

Wait, when did I say that O.o You know I wasn't casting right? xd

16 Aug


Every Monday at 6pm CEST on my twitch :)


Originally posted by CaideWasTaken

Honestly, great game but I want to take a second to appreciate the cast this game. Vedius did a great f**king job explaining the gamestate. Felt like he was predicting the future. One of my favourite casts this split; if not the favourite.

Thanks a lot! Appreciate the kind words

15 Aug


Originally posted by daishi55

Does anyone know if there's a schedule for when he does these VOD reviews, or is it just whenever he gets to it?

Every Monday, 6pm cest on my twitch vediusofficial

13 Aug


Originally posted by MadElf1337

While I agree with that statement, I honestly think that it's always Fnatic that get this kind of treatment.

Nobody ever criticized Jankos for missing point blank q's on Lee Sin, or Caps for running it down, or Perkz for dying 2v2 in lane, or Wunder getting smacked hard by Bwipo's Aatrox in lane in a matchup he's supposed to win.

Whenever this kind of stuff happens with G2, they just pull out the "We were trolling" card, which I think works since obviously they won MSI, but they don't get called out by any LEC analyst for running it.

They do, it's just hard to do when it's only a single game. In my initial VOD review, I talked a lot about how poorly G2 played and the mistakes that they made. Last week in their games vs OG and SK, I also criticized them for how often they greeded and tried to force poor plays. The problem is they aren't consistent problems. These aren't issues that occur in every game or even on a regular basis, they're one offs.

Fnatic's issues have been occurring for the last 3-4 weeks. There are multiple VODs of the same issues reoccurring and it's easy to spot out these tendencies. In the specific case of G2, the same can't be said.

It CAN be said for the likes of Splyce though. We've been criticizing their mid game for weeks, and there's so much footage of them throwing leads and making poor decisions the moment they leave the laning phase. Week 8 they showcased some very clean games, but even then I need to see them do the same thing against the likes of Fnatic for me to be...

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Originally posted by nusskn4cker

Good video as always, but I'd love it even more if you analyzed games from other regions. It's always enjoyable to hear Papa's thoughts about the play of EU or NA, just because he brings an outside perspective. Still, thanks for the vid!

The plan is to do playoffs for the major regions starting with NA next week! Not sure if I do every game, but definitely want to do some reviews for TL.


Originally posted by Dr-spidd

Ok, Vedius, since you do seem to answer to this thread on occasion: Why do you think Fnatic is a top 3 team (and very clearly so) at the moment? Why do they win? You point out a lot of their flaws and I can definitely follow your points, but they have to do something right to win so often.

So, what is it? You said in the review the "individual players are very good", but what does that even mean? Between Broxah's pathing, Hyli's inting and Bwipos thoughtless aggression and the champ puddle what is left that makes them good in your opinion? Pure mechanics? I'm honestly curious and I'm very willing to learn.

The skill ceiling of their players are high. In terms of their laning an teamfighting, they are easily top 3 in every role domestically. One thing that often goes unnoticed is how effective Bwipo is at using his windows. Something to watch is how he spends his time after he pushes a lane and how he often works with Broxah to set up plays on the map.

I personally think they're mid game is actually really solid too. They know what to do with a lead and are effective at utilizing pressure. They're also very good at playing harder to play pick comps and are actually willing to take a lot of risks unlike other teams. A lot of their drafts this split have focused on attacking side lanes, and they've often executed it very well.

Fnatic do a lot of very good things, that's why they sit at the top of the standings. The problem is they have to be compared to the likes of our other top teams and there are areas that can easily be fixed but they still seem to struggle with. T...

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Originally posted by MadElf1337

Honestly, I don't understand why Vedius is so biased against FNC

Even on the broadcast, he said that FNC can't fix their problems in time for playoffs, when in reality the whole team is trying to develop by expanding their playstyle and playing through top side, since they already can play through bot very effectively.

Also, Broxah has said multiple times that he changed his jg style to be more about ganking, since the meta rn kinda revolves around solo lanes.

I really suggest everyone here to watch Nemesis' stream from 4-5 days ago, where he explained some stuff about the so called one dimensional playstyle of FNC.

It has absolutely nothing to do with bias. It's more to do with expectations of the team.

Fnatic has a long history, mainly of success. Therefore, I naturally hold them to a higher standard because that's the benchmark they play in. Constantly, I have to compare them to the top teams that surround them because that's the ball game they play in. I don't put the same criticisms onto XL because expectations are that this team might just barely make playoffs but then don't, so sitting there and talking about what they lack compared to a top team in Europe isn't super valuable when they need to reach a base level.

Fnatic have excellent players, they also understand how to play league at a high level. They're proficient on their champions and while I do believe the number of ways that they play league is limited, they're very good at it. However, they have big problems that can be exploited and have been exploited by the other top teams around them, and if they want to ...

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Originally posted by Kaladred

1- If we're talking about the best play on paper, i'll have to give Cabo the benefit of the doubt and assume he wouldn't just get caught overextending (Which he did a couple times later i know, but hey this is theoretical) and in that case I simply don't see how a sub six Lee sin can ever force a Karma away from her tower to trade plating as she possesses very good wave clear with her R>Q and diving her with her shield + root is sheer madness (again no Lee kick at this point in time), so in this scenario the FNC botlane would retreat to their turret (missing the xp they were greeding for) and then be forced to concede plates when an angry Olaf shows up for a dive. I don't see this as beneficial in any way shape or form, in my view, Broxah did the right thing.

2- This one is trickier, you need to note that Cabo was retreating before Nemesis (and a few seconds later Broxah if he had followed) could engage on him, he only turned back to meet the wave when Broxah was spotted a...

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  1. It's because it's all about pressure. Even if Broxah doesn't have kick, it's 2v1 top and it's a jayce. They have the damage to kill a flashless Karma. So she should be forced to back away, allowing Fnatic to trade plates. The problem fnatic has is by sending broxah bot, it allows the duo to play slightly further up because they have jungle support, but because they lose the 3v3 regardless, they end up losing their farm + their flashes bot and gain nothing for it. In this situation, Fnatic COULD have made it a 'trade' of resources, instead it's simply a loss. Does that make sense?

  2. I'm not really sure I follow your logic on point 2. As I said in the VOD review, the game should've been slowing down at this point. Fnatic had the push in mid giving them priority to the river, allowing them to move to top lane first. This means that Fnatic can generate a numbers advantage top lane before Vitality can, allowing them to get damage or in best case scenario secure t...

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Originally posted by Gwernaroth

Vedius I love you man but don't start arguing with people on reddit. Or rather, answer people who come to you with constructive criticism and not just shitting on random excerpts from what is a great review.

Keep putting those vids out !

I think it's important though! Sometimes people interpret things in a different way, and providing more context is always valuable in my opinion. People are allowed to disagree with me, they can think that Broxah's decisions are fine. I just wanted to explain that I don't hate Broxah :)


Originally posted by Kaladred

When in doubt, Broxah's wrong. Right ? ...

"They maybe could have survived without him, so did he really need to be there ?" Hindsight 10/10, let alone the threat of a dive on a 200hp target.

"Vitality wants to start a teamfight around their strong top side", Broxah moves bot to shadow his strong solo laner/threaten a gank, ensuring a trade and trusting the rest to hold the fort as they easily could have, in the meantime Nemesis sees an opportunity for a quick kill and goes for it, it backfires. "Why isn't Broxah here ? Why would he even go bot ?" smh ....

I feel like you're taking a lot of what I say out of context. Whenever I criticize Broxah, it's because when I look at the map state there's something else he could've been doing.

With regards to the first play bot, I talk about how the expectation is that Vitality will look to make a play bot in the next few minutes. In a 3v3, Fnatic should lose. Therefore, the better play would be for Broxah to clear out his top side camps that have just respawned and look for a play towards the flashless Karma top lane so that Fnatic can trade plates for the infernal drake that they shouldn't be able to contest. The duo of Rekkles and Hyli can then clear out the Krugs that haven't been killed yet this game to set them up for Broxah later. On paper, this is the play that, to me, makes the most sense. He doesn't do it, so I question what he was doing it and if I agreed with it, which in the end I didn't.

With regards to the second time, objectively he just doesn't do anything. The...

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12 Aug


This yearly advert bet is by far my favourite thing about Rift Rivals

05 Aug


Originally posted by pajausk

so what anime is the best?

Hunter x Hunter


Originally posted by SomeRandomGuy125

Mr. Vedius, what are the posters in the background? Asking for myself.

They're from anime expo. They're from a variety of anime and games

04 Aug


Holy sh*t that was cool

02 Aug