Here you go mate
Here you go mate
I'd genuinely love to know if you're looking for more depth than the below example
from what I could tell skipping around a bit that seems very much like what (imo) should be the level of analysis on broadcast. Going more in-depth is not realistic and not something very many people would watch lol
It's hard to say what I miss but I definitely think Deficio/Krepo added another layer to the broadcast, same goes for Amazing more recently, I think he had a lot of opposing view points to the rest of the analysts which made it very enjoyable to watch
I think it's absolutely fine to miss Deficio and Krepo. They were amazing on air personalities and offered so much outside of just their analysis. You shouldn't feel bad for missing them, I guess on my end I just hope missing them doesn't bring others down. Thanks for the feedback. It's much appreciated!
just high level game knowledge and being able to go very in depth on everything, mostly referring to deficio/krepo/amazing etc, all of whom had the benefit of being pro players at one point
why did x team do y, why did x happen, what should team 1 have done to win, etc..
fwiw you're by far the best caster/analyst on broadcast
So again, out of curiosity, would the example I've linked below be the level of depth you're looking for? I don't expect you to listen to the whole thing but find a random timestamp and give it a listen. I'd genuinely love to know if you're looking for more depth than the below example, so please don't interpret this as me being condescending or rude.
Unpopular opinion : i really miss having a real analyst on the lec like krepo or deficio that could bring a lot of clarity to whats really happening on top lvl games . I mean the lec team is fun and stuff , but sometimes i really wish deficio didnt sign with origen
Hi there, out of curiosity, what do you define as a real analyst? What exactly is missing from current casting that you wish you had back?
Naturally I take some offense to this when my job is to be an analyst and I was trained by the guy many people love. So I'd really like to know where I'm going wrong.
the broadcast is sorely missing a top tier analyst
getting Veteran would be amazing, guy knows EU very well
Out of genuine curiosity, what do you define as a top tier analyst? What is it in your eyes that differentiates them for other analysts?
Or maybe you just don't understand comedy /s
You don't understand how happy this comment made us.
Sjokz is an honorary weeb. She watches Titan Attack!
How dare you. You don't have that power!
That was some macro heavy game. I really like it. Also well done from vedius who described really well whats happening on the map and why which team has map control and so on. I enjoyed that game! Ggwp both teams
Thank you, I appreciate it!
Hi there! LEC caster here and also a big fan of the LCK casters! While I am often open to criticism and feedback, I feel like you base your opinion on old information that hasn't been the case for quite some time! I'll try to answer each point individually and I'll use examples where I can.
1. Give fans analysis they wouldn't know on their own - This is, unfortunately, an extremely subjective subject matter. The vast majority of viewers are Silver players. What they do and do not know varies pretty wildly. This means we do our best to cater as much as possible while also adding extra depth where appropriate. I feel like you exaggerate how much things like "CSD" and "Gold lead" is used in a single cast. It's consistently discussed in every cast, but that's because it's a good tool to check the state of the game. Every caster on the planet uses this. Other analysis also includes matchup discussions, potential item paths, use of rune choices, win conditions, ...
Read moreBig Brain Shaka reading Big Brain plays. What's not to love.
That was definitely a game.
Wow I'm such a great dancer holy moly
Just to be clear, I don't put either Fnatic or Splyce above Vit, I just don't think the solo lanes of Vit warrant them being a tier above either Splyce or Fnatic. Personally I'd drop all 3 teams somewhere between A and B tier, as all of them have very glaring issues they need to fix. Vitality need to clean up their macro game, Fnatic need to start playing around solo lanes more (when they started their run in the 2nd part of the spring, they started great, but with each game they were shifting towards bot lane more and more, and at one point you'd see Nemesis roaming bot like 3 times pre 10), and Splyce need to be more confident in themselves, and stop relying so much on 90-10 plays, because those are becoming mythical creatures in the current meta, especially since they are GREAT early game team (Xerxe is a monster), something that not a lot of people pay attention to, because of how slow Splyce tend to play their games.
This is fair, I agree with this :)
vitality isn't above fnatic and splyce even on a good day
that team only exists to hard smash early games at the start of the split and then struggle heavily against any opponent that's either not going to play like a monkey against them or any team that will just choke them to submission past 20 minutes
i am willing to fight about this and i'm not even a fnatic fan
They were above them for most of the regular season last split, so objectively speaking that's not true. I'll agree that there's a lot of evidence to suggest that in a bo5, Vitality would lose to these teams, but we're not talking about bo5, we're talking about beginning of the split bo1, so I'm pretty confident in Vitality.
Read moreSo Vedius, would you not agree that it isn't only about having strong solo laners but also about understanding of where you are strong on the map and playing towards that? And isn't Vitality a team that is notoriously stubborn and usually has a very liniar "win condition" (namely having pressure around top lane). I can name you a few crucial mistakes that Vitality has that would prevent them from entering my top 4.
1: They are a terible baron team (I think you understand what I am revering to)
2: Vitality has strong players, play on the same page with each other, but have very poor macro (mostly revering to playing towards the win condition their comp was drafted for and playing out a teamcomp properly).
3: The other good teams (like Origen and Fnatic) have a stronger understanding of their win conditions and what to do with leads or how where to use their strong side when behind.
Those are some (very generic and not to detailed) reasons I think Vita...
Not sure I'm bought into the linear win conditions argument when Fnatic drafted teamfight comps literally every game. They'd have a pushing bot, they'd save counter pick for top to try and get Bwipo a winning matchup and then they would play to teamfight. They had one style that got heavily exposed by Origen and is largely why they lost so hard at Rotterdam.
I think based on last split Vitality have a lot of flaws, but during the regular season the team was actually very good, sitting in the top spots for multiple weeks before crashing and burning towards the end and getting washed in playoffs. I think the meta will really suit them coming into the split, we've seen creativity be rewarded and a team that can play hard and fast around their solo laners will find success early in the split, which is something I believe Vitality will be good at.
Based on your rankings and your reasoning, I assume that you think playing through solo lanes is the way to go and I agree. But do you not think that it is possible to play through bot and have top/mid go even, considering (in MSF case) that the botlane is the strongest side for a team?
Yeah I think it's possible, just predictable. I think we saw at MSI multiple ways that you can deal with a bot lane focused team. Good vision control and pressure in mid mean it's easier to control the bot side of the map than just having a strong duo bot lane.
To your point about playing through mid and top being the best way to play the game, that was known since last Worlds. And while Jiizuke and Cabo are beasts when on form, Nemesis and Humanoid are coming off a very promising rookie split, and I expect them to be even better. And while on that, you seem to be forgetting, that the best way to get your solo lanes ahead is through the jungle. Both Broxah and Xerxe are 2 tiers above Mowgli, so I'd say the difference evens up in this case. Moreover Vitality has yet to show they know what to do consistently, when not having a huge lead going into mid game. They are all over the map looking for skirmishes for most of the game, often throwing leads because of that. Fnatic and Splyce have much better macro. I just can't see Vit being a tier above Fnatic or even Splyce, unless the game ends at 15 minutes and we're checking stats of solo lanes to determine which team has won. And even then the only clear advantage for Vit is on the top side.
All of your points are great ones and good reasons for why FNC and SPY could be above VIT coming into the split. I wouldn't be surprised if that was the case, that's just not my current expectation. I will say though that I think it's important to remember that Vitality sat at the top of the EU standings for like 7 weeks of the split. As you mentioned, consistency was their biggest issue and they explained that a lot of that was due to their internal health issues. Maybe I'm giving them too much benefit of the doubt, maybe I'm not. We'll find out I guess!
I can agree with about most of what you said on misfits, but how high do you think they can get if they find this "alignement and agreement" ?
On paper, they could go really far, but honestly I don't know. I think Hans Sama has the most potential on the roster but it's difficult for me to believe in this team right now
How high of a ceiling do you think rogue has? I'm assuming C tier is their starting point and with all those rookies they could improve massively ovee the course of the split.
I agree! Larssen and Inspired have a lot of potential, but they're a very new roster coming into an experienced league so we'll see how much growth they can make in their first split. The players I'm expecting a lot from though, I think Larssen could fight for top mid spots by the end of the split.