90%: Vedius' tweets will be meme'd
50%: EU will win worlds
10%: MediVedi get to skydive into an arena
90%: Vedius' tweets will be meme'd
50%: EU will win worlds
10%: MediVedi get to skydive into an arena
Hey u/Ovedius I dont know if you check your username mentions, but I have some criticism for you. I noticed that in a lot of your recent casts you say "the likes of". Like at the end of the game you questioned if schalke can "beat the likes of Fnatic tomorrow". I really dont think you need to say the "likes of", after all they arent playing someone similar to FNC they are actually playing FNC. So yeah just think you can drop that saying, it doesn't make much sense except for comparisons, but you use it often for direct references.
Other than that, love you man, and love listening to your casts.
Yeah I know it's a crutch word, problem is I don't actually notice that I say it. It's the same thing with umm, it's just something I'll say to fill time while I think. I do what I can to try and not use it but the first step is identifying when I use it so I can cut down on it.
Appreciate you reaching out! I will do everything in my.power to fix it but it will take some time hehe
Read moreStarted watching from ~52:00 to see how he breaks down the turning point of the game.
Two things immediately:
Wasn't a mistake from Fnatic, just poorly executed. Broxah and Bwipo shouldn't have been behind G2's turret. Why is FNC positioned like this when their only goal should be to pressure the turret and dance back to Baron? Rekless moving towards G2 even before the charm hit was also horrible.
Flash from Perkz wasn't blind. He's reacting to the auto + q from Nemesis, dodging ult was lucky.
I hate how doing VOD reviews are the thing to do now even though most of them know hardly any more than the average person. I think they take themselves a little too seriously. Yes, Papa included. It sucks that these are the people voting for MVP.
LCS / LEC "analysts": basically anybody with a youtube channel d4+
LCK analysts:
Madlife (retired pro - lege...
So you decided to listen to a tiny part of what was a 6 hour VOD review, decided that you didn't agree with 2 things that I said and are now using this as evidence to say I don't know what I'm talking about.
For the most part, you are right. Calling it a mistake was probably the wrong choice of words and execution could have been better. I still, however, believe going for the baron was the safer and better play. They already had all of the vision set up and given G2 were starved of vision, they would have been forced into an extremely unfavourable fight. Instead, they chose a path that gave G2 the best opportunity to come back into the game because they could attack from the flank. At the end of the day, this is why I call it a mistake, but as I mentioned maybe that was the wrong word, it's pretty open to interpretation.
I'm extremely confident he was planning on flashing the ult, however neither you or I can say for sure. I thought the flash was ...
Decided to post game 3 first as I felt this was the game most fans were interested in being reviewed. One mistake from Fnatic led to another and G2 could mount the comeback. Pretty great game imo!
How come G2 is being hyped up so much? Is it because they're doing really well in LEC? Yeah, they won MSI, but they went 5-5 in groups and could've lost semis. Aren't they analogous to TL the past year where theres just clearly a team a cut above the rest - and wouldn't that hinder their growth?
Analysis shouldn't be based on results, it should be performance. The way G2 currently play is unlike any other team in the world. The thing people need to appreciate is they've gotten better since MSI. They're more efficient with their time, they don't skip steps when setting up for objectives and they know how to use a lead very well. They have their own weaknesses but I don't think they're so severe that they are easy to punish.
@Vedius: A couple of weeeks ago, I was at the studio, and I asked for pictures. You very kindly said yes, and your mother (who was there along with your sister I assume) offered to take the pics. After she took some shots, you jokingly (?) said that I might have a lot of pics on my phone.
I just wanted to report that I deleted 91 blurry ones, and I was still left with 4 good ones. You know your mom well.
Thanks to EVERYONE for being so nice to us at the venue, talking and taking pics for a bit. It made for an amazing experience!
hahahahahaha what a legend
Nope, definitely in groups stages in MSI.
You remember it because it was such a big deal to be able to take one game of SKT1 in group stages at the time.
In the BO5, no particular problem occured. It was just super close until the Bengi nunu special :(
Just wanted to wish good luck to /u/ovedius in case both series go to five games and e has to be there for all of them.
I've cast 4 EU finals and the MSI final. Only 1 of them went 3-1. Every other final was a 3-0. I'm not optimistic xD
Funnily enough every semi-final or third place match I've cast usually goes to 4 or 5 games, more often than not being 5 xD
Vedi , I just went to YT to rewatch that painful moment , and I found out it was in the group stage match.
If you're talking about the Fnatic series, I'm convinced it was game 4 or 5 of their best of five. Because I remember staying up late to watch the whole series. I'm super convinced it was the bo5.
Wow what a story, did you consider quitting your job at any point while he was yelling?
If he was getting frustrated years and years ago, does it mean you made him softer over the years?
No haha, he apologised like a day later because he realized how harsh he was, but it was valuable feedback and whenever you see something new in draft, know that because of this story I will always talk about it!
I think he's definitely gotten softer over the years. Having the always happy and wonderful wife that he does, it doesn't surprise me that some of it rubbed off on him eventually ;)
I believe that over time every caster since S1 have grown into EU LCS and now LEC and is irreplaceable. It's up to every new person to do the same. Watching LEC, LPL, LCS and LCK, in my eyes, you are doing this right and you are the best colour caster. I love not only your casting, but also your personality AND YOUR LAUGH(seriously). It's amazing how much you understand game now, and believe me, there are viewers that notice your hard work and it's paying off. Thank you <3
Thank you!! Messages like this mean so much to us! Thank you again and again :)))
I bet 10 bucks we'll get a Nocturne Mid this Worlds. What say you, u/Ovedius, don't you think it's high time Nocturne mid becomes meta?
It's about damn time imo
I actually really appreciate your Twitch streams where you break down pro games. It feels like you have more time to digest what's happening and give a thoughtful analysis. So, thank you for doing what you do
Thank you so much for watching! I appreciate it a lot
/u/Laure-Bulii-V How would you feel if MikyX whips out the Zyra in the Worlds finals in Paris for you?
/u/Ovedius You refused to pick Nocturne mid when I was in your team in your Diamond promo? Were you sick? If yes, are you better now?
/u/thateuropeanfangirl Favorite narrative at the moment (regardless of region)?
Sometimes a different path calls to me. One cannot always rely on the path of Darkness my friend.
Will Flexius make another appareance? I'd love to see him go to worlds, the world needs to see Flexius in all his glory!
We can make it happen.
I have a trick question for everyone, but mostly the shoutcasters
/u/RiotDrakos /u/Mediccasts /u/Ovedius /u/Endercasts /u/thateuropeanfangirl
You guys seems to sometimes know fringe picks that are going to happen that most people would never think about. Am I just terrible at the game or do you guys have some kind of inside info from backstage or from scrims?
I guess my question is also for the writters. How much backstage info gets into the scripts? Is it info that you can't share that you transform into something that could be said on air like special team comps teams have been talking about? Or is the technical stuff like narrative around picks and bans made mostly by the casters on the fly?
Honestly, a lot of it just comes from studying soloq picks. We watch pros streams, we check their soloq accounts and we make educated guesses.
Sometimes pros will share some secret picks with us, to give us more time to prep for them incase they show up, however we try to avoid talking about them in any capacity unless there is a way for the public to see it or the champ has already been played somewhere.
@ /u/Ovedius you had a lot of transformations! When will we see your final form?
The world isn't ready. Yet.
Question for Vedius. Can you explain more your recent tweet about SKT not being punished?
Question for Quickshot. Which quickstat surprises you the most?
Sure, so there are two points here.
The sentiment I garnered form my own social media was that fans believed SKT were back in peak form and were on track to win the whole tournament. After watching their play, I strongly disagreed with this sentiment, which is why I used strong language. I've come to now realize that sentiment is not widely spread among all fans, therefore it comes across as me calling them a weak team, which I ultimately don't think they are.
However, I do think they have mid game issues which occur in many of their games. Namely, their reluctance to play on the offensive when in a gold advantage, they often skip steps in their set ups for objectives and they have a strange obsession with contesting every baron. These were mistakes that Damwon even recently punished. In week 10, Damwon 2-0d SKT because of a number of things that I mentioned above, and even agaisnt Sandbox we saw similar issues, yet Sandbox seemed to just collapse i...
Question for everyone about my favorite caster, Trevor Quickshot Henry.
Is he that fun in real life as he is in front of cameras and on Twitter? Was he ever really mad at any of you for doing something unprofessional or just wrong on air?
I will never forget the day Trevor yelled at me about Urgot.
It was my first split at the EULCS. I was casting a game with Pira. Urgot top lane was locked in. Coming into the cast, however, I had a goal with Pira that I wanted to focus on mid lane and how the matchup dynamics worked. As a result, we tunneled super hard on the mid matchup and barely talked about the Urgot matchup. This frustrated Trevor because he believed that anytime there's something new and exciting, that should always be the primary talking point because it's what the fans wanted to hear. After the cast, he was very frustrated, even more so that I knew he was going to get a kill at level 2 and didn't set it up.
It was the most disappointed he's ever been in me.